My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and seventy-eight, the right is more helpful, the unjust is less helpful (2 in 1)

"According to China's national customs statistics, in the first half of this year, mainland China's integrated circuit import trade continued to maintain rapid growth, with the total import volume and total import value being 36.19 billion pieces and 38.215 billion US dollars respectively.

These two figures have increased by 34.5% and 19.2% year-on-year in the first half of last year, which is even more exaggerated than China's GDP growth rate, which is the fastest growing in the world! "

In the headquarters office of Zhongguancun Fuxing Industrial Group, the founder of Walden International, Chen Liwu, looked at Xia Jingxing sitting opposite him with a smile on his face, and quickly and accurately reported various data about the development of the chip industry.

Speaking a little dry, Chen Liwu took a sip from the teacup on the table, moistened his throat, and said: "For the whole year of this year, the total import of chips is expected to be close to 80 billion US dollars.

Combining the growth rate of chip imports in recent years and the development speed of the domestic chip industry, we made a prediction internally at Walden.

In another ten years or so, the number of chip imports will increase by five times to 400 billion U.S. dollars, completely replacing oil as China's largest import commodity! "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, this estimate is still not accurate!

He remembered that in his previous life, by 2020, the total import of chips had almost reached 400 billion US dollars, but it had indeed exceeded the total import of oil, and it was twice as much as the latter, accounting for 18% of the total import of domestic goods. .

The importance of chips can be seen.

Importing so many chips was not entirely for the domestic market, because at that time China had become the world's most important production base for electronic products such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers. sold all over the world.

"Mr. Xia, do you think these data are normal? I believe that the national government will not ignore them. Sooner or later, they will help the entire industry and raise it to a strategic level of national security."

Speaking of this, Chen Liwu sighed, "Speaking of which, the Chinese government has actually paid attention to the development strategy of chips many years ago, but it has never been so meaningful, lacking money, lacking people, and lacking a supporting business environment."

Xia Jingxing said, "So, this is a good opportunity for us to plan ahead!"

"Be prepared to fight hard for at least twenty years!"

Chen Liwu did not become optimistic because of Xia Jingxing's words, but his expression became more serious.

He looked into Xia Jingxing's eyes, and said in a solemn tone: "This industry is no different from the Internet. It can be listed in three to five years after its establishment. According to Walden's internal statistics, it takes most semiconductor companies 10-20 years from establishment to listing!

To make a good investment in the semiconductor industry, investors must have a strong and tenacious heart. "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, and he could feel that the guy opposite him still had some distrust of himself, or he still had doubts about the big chip industry investment plan that Fuxing Industrial Group and Envision Capital were about to make.

It's normal for the other party to have such worries.

Walden International has been investing in the chip industry for 20 years. It has stepped through countless pitfalls. It also knows how torturous and difficult the industry is. .

Compared with the experienced Walden, Renaissance Industries and Vision Capital were established in just two or three years.

Whether you can hold on to your loneliness and stick to long-termism is a big question mark.

If everyone didn't reconcile, and the hostile relationship remained as before, Chen Liwu wouldn't bother to care about what Fuxing Industry and Envision Capital would do to the industry.

But it was different now. Xia Jingxing splashed ink and showed him a beautiful and shocking map of the semiconductor industry, and invited them to Walden International to participate in the "drawing".

If he really wants to work together and bet countless capital, then he also has to inspect his teammates.

If the other party only invests in the semiconductor industry with the simple idea of ​​making quick money, then he would not dare to discuss cooperation anymore, because this kind of organization will lose a lot of money sooner or later.

"There is no need to worry about financial matters. I have already planned to bet all my personal wealth on the semiconductor industry, leaving no room for myself."

Looking at Chen Liwu's half-believing eyes, Xia Jingxing knew that the other party might not be fully convinced, so he explained: "The chip industry can't be done, and a bunch of Fuxing Industry's products are dead stuff!

Painting a dragon requires finishing touches, without finishing touches, it can only be a dead thing.

Mr. Chen, what do you think? "

Chen Liwu nodded. From this point of view, Fuxing Industrial Group, as a large consumer of chips, really needs to ensure the security of its own supply chain.

As far as he knows, the revival FX1 still uses Samsung's chips, so there are great hidden dangers!

"Let's talk about patience, we have already made up our minds, as long as Fuxing Industrial Group does not collapse for a day, and Vision Capital is still operating, no matter how hard it is, we must persist in doing industrial investment.

Financial return is not our first goal, you should know what we really want. "

Chen Liwu smiled and said: "Mr. Xia, I understand! If you want me to say, you are really open-minded, and you are worthy of being the light of the Chinese!

I believe that the collective take-off of China's semiconductor industry is what countless scientists, engineers, and even 1.3 billion people hope to see.

If this step can be achieved, Fuxing Industrial Group will no longer have to worry about getting stuck, then the real dragon will enter the sea and gallop freely in the world. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "I'm serious, I'm not a saint, I'm not that selfless.

The investment around the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, one is to relieve the worries of Fuxing Industrial Group, and the other is to obtain a certain financial return to feed back the parent company.

Didn't you introduce so much data just now? There are many opportunities in the semiconductor industry. It doesn’t even need to catch up with the international leading level. It only needs to make a little progress to achieve a commercial return of hundreds of billions or trillions. "

Chen Liwu laughed loudly, "That's true! The localization rate of chips is only a few percent now. If it can reach 50 percent, it will be a sales of 100 to 200 billion U.S. dollars, and then multiplied by PS and PE multiples, That’s an equity asset worth several trillion dollars.”

Xia Jingxing smiled faintly, "That's why I always thought that you, Walden International, have a good vision. The Internet, medical care, consumption, education and other tracks do not have as good a prospect as the semiconductor track.

If you have worked in this industry for 20 years, you will not fall behind.

And if we enter the market now, we can take the first-mover advantage, seize the future industry leaders, and eat the biggest piece of semiconductor dividend cake. "

Chen Liwu smiled, and said very modestly: "With the strength of Walden International alone, we can at most focus on investing and cultivating a few enterprises, but cannot support the entire industry.

But if we join forces with Renaissance Industries, Vision Capital and other industry peers, the situation will be different, and the development of the entire industry can be accelerated.

Only when China's semiconductor industry is really started, can each market participant enjoy the most dividends and returns. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. There is nothing wrong with this statement. Even if individual chip companies do well, they will be restricted by the level and technology of the upstream and downstream industrial chains, such as HiSilicon.

Still the same sentence, a single flower is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom together and spring is full of gardens.

After chatting with Xia Jingxing for a while, Chen Liwu was almost certain that the young man sitting across from him was definitely not a whim, but really determined to upgrade the entire chip industry in mainland China.

His courage, determination, and vision all deeply admired him.

To be able to sit on hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth in his twenties is definitely not a mediocre person.

Thinking of this, Chen Liwu said: "Mr. Xia, after the official establishment of the integrated circuit industry fund jointly initiated by Fuxing Industrial Group and Envision Capital, Walden International will respond to you as soon as possible.

On the matter of investing in the chip industry, the two of us have a lot in common.

As long as everyone works together and unites as one, the rise of China's chip industry will not be far away. "

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, stood up and held out his hand, "Okay, then let's stop talking today! Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Chen Liwu stood up and shook hands with Xia Jingxing, and after he withdrew his hand, he couldn't help but said, "That...President's a matter of course..."

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "Let's let the past pass! This page has completely turned the page! The big guy's goal now is the trillion-dollar market."

Chen Liwu nodded with a smile and said no more.

In fact, it wasn't that he was a little hypocritical, but he deliberately took this matter out to test Xia Jingxing, wanting to see if there was any grudge in the other party's heart.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing's expression and tone didn't seem to be fake, he immediately felt relieved.

Those who can achieve great things will never be small.

Not long after Chen Liwu left, Xia Jingxing suddenly received a call from Tong Shijie.

Listening to Tong Shijie's vivid narration on the other end of the phone, the expression on Xia Jingxing's face became very exciting.

Duan Yongping wants to be a peacemaker to resolve the grievances between himself and his conscience?

At the critical moment, the old horse actually kept the bottom line, unwilling to follow the trend?

Yang Daqing said that he would not join the Android Alliance if he was killed?


After listening, Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work, Shijie, your information this time is very useful, I owe you a great credit."

Tong Shijie on the other end of the phone said cheerfully: "Mr. Xia, you haven't seen the complacency of those people. The matter has not yet been settled. It seems that the victory is sure, and the celebration banquet was held in advance!"

"It's normal! It's not the first time for them to have a happy funeral."

After praising Tong Shijie, Xia Jingxing hung up the phone.

2.4 billion!

Xia Jingxing spat out this number, as long as he grasped the other party's psychological price, then this matter would be easy to handle.

Then, Xia Jingxing asked Liu Xiaoduo to contact Chen Hong, Li Yaozu, and Deng Yuanjun for a meeting, and together they finalized the final acquisition plan.



After a few days.

Huake Holdings and Pan-Atlantic Investment Group jointly held an equity bidding auction.

The two groups of people sitting in the audience were clearly separated. Mu Zhixin sat on the left with a group of entrepreneurs and investors, and Xia Jingxing sat on the right with Chen Hong, the financial advisor, and executives from Fuxing Industry and Envision Capital.

Compared with Mu Zhixin's dark crowd of dozens of people, Xia Jingxing's side only had a few people, and their momentum was much weaker than the opponent's.

The two parties are hostile to each other.

Yang Daqing and Guo Wei were guarding Mu Zhixin as the second General Hem Ha. The three of them were talking with smiles on their faces, and it seemed that they didn't take Xia Jingxing seriously at all.

"Keep your voice down, hold a bidding auction, it's noisy, like a vegetable market, this is the quality of national entrepreneurs? I'm afraid you can't represent the nation."

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone turned their attention to the instigator.

Xia Jingxing didn't even look at these people, and continued on his own, "Don't be too happy, it's easy to be overjoyed and sad! It's not a joke to be stimulated by something when you're old."

Too domineering!

Seeing Xia Jingxing's lazy look, Guo Wei was a little annoyed and stood up angrily.

He was about to fire.

Mu Zhixin pulled his arm and looked at the master's stern eyes, Guo Wei lost his temper in an instant.

"Mr. Xia, it's useless to show quick words! When we stand here today, you have already lost."

With a faint smile on Mu Zhixin's face, he turned his head and pointed behind him, "You can see for yourself, how many people are sitting behind me? Half of the entire private economy in China!"

Then he pointed to the empty seat behind Xia Jingxing, and said, "Look behind you again! This is called more help than justice, and little help if you are wrong!"

There is still time to rein in the precipice, or lose later, and the face of China's second richest man will not be good. "

Xia Jingxing sneered, "In the 1980s and 1990s, the private economy was still weak, and the open policy was repeated. It was reasonable for the bosses of private enterprises to hold together for warmth.

Now that we have entered a new era, we are still engaging in clique formation, monopolizing domestic commercial resources, and curbing innovation. This is the way to die! "

This stabbed a hornet's nest!

Shi Dazhu, who was wearing a white suit and black sunglasses, quickly took off his sunglasses and stood up in a jerk, "Who are you cursing to death?"

Xia Jingxing turned his head, glanced at Shi Dazhu, and said with a smile, "The technology entrepreneur who was most admired by the Chinese youth more than ten years ago has degenerated into a complete businessman. It's sad and deplorable."

"A joke? Are you not a businessman?" Shi Dazhu looked at Xia Jingxing with displeasure, and the latter's words almost broke his defenses, poking at his most unbearable past.

"I'm an upright entrepreneur, and you're just a businessman."

Xia Jingxing stopped laughing, and said loudly: "Fuxing mobile phone is conquering cities and territories overseas, and it is competing with Zhizhiguo in the global smart phone market;

Next, we will do cloud computing to catch up with Amazon and Google.

And you? Stop selling melatonin, it is not easy for ordinary people to earn some money. "

Shi Dazhu wanted to refute, but he didn't have enough confidence. In the end, he could only speak harshly: "You don't pretend to be a good person here. There are many domestic games that harm young people. If you have the ability, don't play games!"

"We have our own discretion in the matter of game supervision, so we don't need to worry about it. If you are in a hurry, take care of your game. I heard that the decline in active users is a bit serious, and it will not be beautiful if it affects the listing."

Shi Dazhu was trembling with anger, because the opponent hit him again. Affected by the popularity of DNF, the number of active users of "Zhengtu" has dropped a lot recently.

If this continues, even if the company goes public, the follow-up stock price will become ugly.

This is a poorly made game, and it all depends on marketing. Once you encounter a phenomenon-level game on the market, you will immediately return to its original shape.

Seeing Xia Jingxing's fierce firepower, even Shi Dazhu, who had a big mouth, was stabbed to the point with a knife.

They also wanted to find out Xia Jingxing's original sin, but this guy studied in the United States, started a business to exploit capitalism, and in terms of his innocence, he was comparable to Zhu Yuanzhang, who had won the country's righteousness.

Soon, several dignified leaders and a group of high-nosed, deep-eyed foreigners walked into the auction house.

The auctioneer, who was wearing a suit, white gloves, and a small wooden hammer in his hand, also stepped onto the auction stage.

Seeing this, the two parties who had been at war with each other were honest, and quietly waited for the auction to start.

Shi Dazhu glared at Xia Jingxing fiercely. He was humiliated so much by the other party today. This account was recorded, and sooner or later he would pay back twice as much.


The auctioneer hit the stage with a hammer, and the auction officially started.

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