My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and eighty six, model company

After the Penguin Shares matter was settled, China Digital's tender offer also officially ended.

In this comprehensive tender offer process, only 262,500 shares chose to accept the offer and sold the shares to Vision Capital at a price lower than the market price. This part of the stock accounted for approximately 0.03% of the total share capital.

After the transaction is completed, Envision Capital holds a total of 50.8% of China Digital's equity, ranking as the largest shareholder;

Fuxing Industrial holds 10% of the shares, ranking as the second largest shareholder;

Another 0.2% of the shares are in the hands of the company's directors, supervisors and senior executives, and the remaining 39% of the shares are all in the hands of public shareholders.

This complies with the minimum public shareholding requirements of the Stock Exchange. Therefore, China Digital is still a Hong Kong listed company and has not been privatized.

After Xia Jingxing returned to the mainland, he immediately began to deal with the matter of splitting and selling Huaxia Digital's IT services business.

This was how China Digital was split up in the previous life, and a new listed company called China Information was also spun off.

However, Huaxia Information will definitely not be able to exist alone in this life. Xia Jingxing wants a newly registered company called Fuxing Cloud Computing Services to buy this part of the business and use this part of R\u0026D engineers as the basis to officially start the cloud computing project. R\u0026D work.

After the split, China Digital's three main businesses remain IT distribution and system business.

These two businesses are of little significance in the short term and can be developed according to the original ideas.

After the cloud computing project is successfully developed, Huaxia Digital can transform into a high-end service agent and help Fuxing Cloud sell cloud computing services everywhere.

However, before these matters can be formally dealt with, the board of directors of China Digital must be reorganized to eliminate some disobedient and incompetent people.

In the office building of the headquarters of Zhongguancun Fuxing Industrial Group, group CFO Deng Yuanyun and Chen Hong were reporting to Xia Jingxing on the business situation of China Digital.

"China Digital currently has nearly 10,000 employees, about 50% of whom are R\u0026D personnel. Last month, it also opened the 19th regional center in the country in Harbin. So far, the service network has basically covered the first and second tier cities in China..."

"Just at the beginning of this month, Huaxia Digital also released the industry's first overall banking solution based on SOA architecture ModelB @nk2.0, the taxpayer-oriented "Enterprise Comprehensive Tax Platform" Sm @rt IEDP and other 5 The best industry solutions and China’s first financial data model monograph..."

After listening to Chen Hong's introduction, Xia Jingxing also gently put down the documents in his hands. He now had a clear understanding of China Digital's current technical level.

Although it claims to have nearly 10,000 employees and 5,000 R\u0026D engineers, most of them are actually cheap labor, mainly engaged in some software outsourcing work. The more high-end business is to help banks develop credit card review and risk control systems, and to help local governments develop research and development. tax system and so on.

"How many high-level R\u0026D engineers are there? How many people are suitable to "buy" to do cloud computing?"

Chen Hong replied: "There is no cloud computing major in universities now, but Huaxia Digital's engineers are basically graduates of computer science and other majors. After joining Huaxia Digital, they have also been exposed to the configuration and management of servers, databases and other network equipment. work.

It is relatively suitable to be sent to do the basic research and development work of cloud computing, but for high-end research and development work, it is definitely not possible to rely on these people.

If you screen them carefully and get two to three hundred people to come over, it shouldn't be a big problem. "

Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "That's fine. I didn't expect them to become generals at first. It would be nice if they could be good soldiers."

Chen Hong asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Do you really need to spend money to buy people? Vision Capital and Fuxing Industries are the major shareholders. After cleaning up the company, they will directly arrange HR to talk to these people and just change jobs. There is no need to buy them." ah?"

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly. Chen Hong's move understood the essence of how major shareholders of listed companies can invade the interests of small shareholders.

But he is a well-known technology tycoon after all, so there is no need to ruin his reputation by saving a little money.

“It doesn’t cost much, just buy it for 100 million or 200 million.

Fuxing Industrial and Vision Capital together hold more than 60% of the shares. Even if they spend 100 million, more than 60 million will come back. The actual cost is not high. "

Chen Hong nodded slightly, "That's okay, you want people to be able to make no mistakes in the procedure, so it's right to be more thorough.

But in this case, you cannot trade in the name of buying an IT services subsidiary.

Although the IT service subsidiary is currently losing money, it is one of the three main businesses after all, and it is independently developed.

If you divest this business from a listed company, if the listed company performs poorly in the future, it will be very unpleasant for shareholders, who may accuse you of hollowing out the listed company. "

Deng Yuanjun nodded in agreement: "Yes, we don't want business, we just want people. Let's just select two to three hundred people from China Digital 5000 engineers, reorganize a subsidiary with no business, and then make up a name like a software outsourcing company and sell it to us. "

Xia Jingxing thought for a while and said, "It's okay. Just discuss it and deal with it."

"The stock price of China Digital has risen very high now. Investors are optimistic about Envision Capital's entry. Don't chill the hearts of investors."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Chen Hong, "If you have any ideas, just tell me. I spent more than 10 million to hire you as a financial consultant, but you must create a value of 100 million for me."

Chen Hong laughed loudly, "My idea is worth not just 100 million, but one billion!"

Glancing at the two people with suspicious faces, Chen Hong said slowly: "China Digital is negotiating with Zhihuiguo for cooperation and wants to build a retail store in Zhongguancun."

Deng Yuanyun was surprised and said: "Really?"

"It must be true, but before success was reached, China Digital was acquired by us to revive the relationship between industry and Wisdom Fruit. This matter must have gone awry!"

Having said this, Chen Hong turned to look at Xia Jingxing with a serious expression, "You need to draw attention to the fact that Wisdom Fruit has not completely given up on the Chinese market and is looking for opportunities to re-enter."

Deng Yuanjun sneered: "The wisdom fruit still owes the Chinese people an apology. Who dares to let it in?"

Chen Hong shook his head gently, "Old people are forgetful, and as long as the higher-ups agree, the Wisdom Fruit can definitely come in.

The reason why Zhizhiguo chose to talk to China Digital was that, firstly, this company is a listed company and its size is not small; secondly, because China Digital is indirectly owned by state-owned assets, and its industry customers include banks, local governments, telecommunications, etc. He has a wide network of contacts and can help Wisdom Fruit to smoothen relationships.

With the first store in Zhongguancun, Wisdom Fruit has opened up a hole in China. After seeing the benefits, more leading parties will definitely appear in the future. "

Deng Yuanjun was very indignant, "Damn, these people are all traitors, do they have any backbone?"

Chen Hong sighed, "You can't eat your backbone. The same rice can feed all kinds of people!"

Xia Jingxing acted very calmly. He already knew that Zhizhiguo wanted to enter China, and maybe he was stimulated by the sales of Fuxing mobile phones.

Lao Qiao looks down on the Chinese. He has been to China's neighboring countries, Japan and India, in his life, but has never been to China to see with his own eyes. He is as arrogant as some Western media.

Ku Ke is not like Lao Qiao. He has stronger businessman attributes and is more pragmatic.

As far as Xia Jingxing knows, Ku Ke is already contacting some Chinese universities and is planning to come and give lectures, donate money to support students, and pave the way for wisdom fruit to enter China.

China has already joined the WTO. On the surface, it cannot prevent foreign investment from entering China. As long as Wisdom Fruit shows a corresponding apology, there is no way to set up obstacles. Moreover, Fuxing mobile phones are still sold in the US market and need to be reciprocal and open.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. We are mentally prepared. We are not afraid of it entering the Chinese market, but we are afraid that it will not enter."

Chen Hong looked at Xia Jingxing in surprise, and the latter explained: "Mutual entry, fair trade!"

Chen Hong understood immediately, nodded and said: "That's true, otherwise the Americans would have to conduct various inspections and prosecutions again."

"You mean to let Fuxing Mobile cooperate with China Digital?" Deng Yuanjun asked.

"Yes, China Digital has an IT distribution business with annual revenue of nearly HK$20 billion. It is one of the largest IT distributors in the country and can compete with Unisplendour and Founder.

I think Fuxing Mobile can open up authorization outside of direct stores, allowing China Digital to represent and sell Fuxing Mobile, and also provide some after-sales services for Fuxing Mobile.

It can be sold online to e-commerce platforms such as Ali and Jingxi, and offline to store channels such as Gome and Suning. There is no reason why we should not support some of our own people, right? "

"Your information is out of date!"

Xia Jingxing interrupted with a smile, "Boss Huang is a little confused. Since he did not agree to integrate the sales data into Fuxing Mobile's supply chain system in real time, we have kicked him out. Now we are exclusively cooperating with Boss Zhang from Suning."

Speaking of this matter, Xia Jingxing was also filled with regret. Boss Huang acted too domineeringly and was recently involved in a dispute over a certain plot of land in the capital. He would soon follow in the footsteps of Boss Huang of Skyworth.

Chen Hong said with a smile: "Fuxing Industrial has not invested in Suning, China Digital is one of our own.

Haven’t you always wanted to build a large number of offline stores of Fuxing Home? A large amount of Fuxing Mobile's funds have been spent on technology research and development. In the short term, it may be difficult to quickly build a large number of stores.

China Digital is different. It is a listed company. As long as the Fuxing mobile phones it represents sell well and its financial reports are good, it can raise funds from the secondary market if it is short of money.

Pushing up financial data and stock prices will make shareholders happy, and it will also help revive mobile phone control sales channels.

There are great benefits for you too. "

"Me?" Xia Jingxing pointed at himself.

Chen Hong smiled and said: "Through your hands, the stock price of a listed company has doubled several times. Is there any more convincing case of excellent capital operation than this?

As a second rich man, it is definitely not okay to bear a lot of infamy. You must maintain a good image as an entrepreneur. "

Xia Jingxing thought for a moment, nodded and said, "More than ten million is not in vain. Your idea is indeed worth one billion, maybe more."

Chen Hong continued: "This is a win-win solution. China Digital, Fuxing Industrial and Vision Capital, and you personally can all reap benefits."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and the other party was right. China Digital's stock price has now risen to more than 7 Hong Kong dollars, which is twice as much as before the acquisition. This is actually because he is providing credit endorsement.

If there is no limit to overdraft of this kind of credit, investors will no longer be willing to be leeks in the future.


After discussing with Chen Hong and Deng Yuanyun, Xia Jingxing gained a lot and decided to overturn some of his previous plans.

For example, China Digital no longer acquires its IT business. It only selects two to three hundred people with higher technical skills among China Digital's five thousand engineers in the form of acquiring outsourcing companies, and packages them to Fuxing Cloud Computing Company.

Most of these people are R\u0026D engineers in Huaxia Digital's IT business and system business. After being "bought" away, Huaxia Digital's two main businesses may fall into some chaos in the short term, but they can recruit and train more people. The problem Not big.

In addition, while continuing to retain the existing three main businesses, they have also found a way to make money for China Digital, acting as an agent to distribute Fuxing mobile phones.

This product is a hot commodity on the market, and it has no worries about sales, which is equivalent to giving money to China Digital.

However, because Fuxing Industrial and Vision Capital held more than 60% of the equity of China Digital, the money was transferred to other hands, and most of it flowed back.

It is foreseeable that the entry of Vision Capital and Fuxing Industrial has brought more resources and a more far-sighted business layout to China Digital.

In the short term, Huaxia Digital has not changed much. At most, the resurgence of mobile phone distribution has made the financial report look better.

After the development of Fuxing Cloud is successful, Huaxia Digital can rely on the established business network and customer base to transform into a distributor of Fuxing Cloud, which is better known as a core ecological partner.

Fuxing Cloud provides the underlying technology, and the expansion of specific business scenarios, such as cloud banking systems, building smart cities for local governments, etc., requires Huaxia Digital to carry out specific delivery and implementation.

When cloud computing was first launched, everyone thought it could eliminate middlemen like China Digital.

In fact, individual consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises can directly use cloud computing services or SaaS software launched by giants, such as DingTalk and Enterprise WeChat.

However, it is impossible for large enterprise customers with orders of millions or tens of millions to provide simple and standardized solutions, and it is impossible for giant companies to provide private customization for these large enterprises. This requires an intermediary like China Digital Businessmen came forward, connecting the technology of big manufacturers with one end and customers with the other.

This is equivalent to the cloud computing giant opening a steel factory and selling steel ingots. China Digital is equivalent to a processing plant. It buys steel ingots, processes them into hoes, and sells them to agricultural practitioners; it processes them into gun barrels and sells them to arms dealers.

It’s not that cloud computing giants can’t do these processing tasks, but the added value is too low, requiring a lot of manpower and making management a headache.

More importantly, a company has limited manpower after all, and the vast market needs partners to explore.

After a cloud computing project is created, the larger the market it opens up, the lower the marginal effect will be.

In the previous life, Penguin Cloud won the bid for a government cloud project of a local government for one penny. What was behind it was the crazy involution of the industry and the Internet's style of play. It first snatched the project for one penny, and then provided value-added services for a fee, or started charging in the second year.

When everyone is picking up Pinduoduo's wool and it's really fragrant, they don't know that the wool of big companies is thicker, and cloud computing projects worth millions or tens of millions are done for free.

Competition in the cloud computing industry is fierce, and just one partner from China Digital is far from enough.

However, what Xia Jingxing considers is to first cooperate with China Digital to create a model, and then attract other software companies with certain IT and system integration capabilities to join the ecological alliance of revitalizing cloud computing, quickly gaining a large amount of market share, and not fighting with domestic peers. Too long.

If there is an opportunity, we still need to enter overseas markets and become an international cloud computing company.

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