My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and eighty-seven. Stabilize the morale of the army (The Little Bear Leader Who Eats Rab

In Xuzhou Street, in the office on the 18th floor of China Digital Building, Xia Jingxing was holding a cup of coffee and looking at the scenery outside the window.

When he bought China Digital Group, he also got an 18-story building with a total construction area of ​​35,500 square meters as a gift. Who the hell can he ask to explain this?

I believe that in a few years, the value of this building alone should be able to offset the acquisition cost of China Digital.

The location of this building is actually not bad. It is next to the Yinfeng Building where Jingxi is located. However, the architectural style is a bit old-fashioned, so he does not plan to move the headquarters of Fuxing Industrial Group here.

"Bang bang~"

Knocking on the door, a man in a suit in his forties with thick hair walked in. He was all smiles as soon as he entered the room, "Mr. Xia, are you looking for me?"

Xia Jingxing smiled at him and pointed to the sofa next to him, "Sit down!"

The man did not sit down immediately, but after seeing Xia Jingxing sit down first, he sat down with peace of mind.

Xia Jingxing picked up a book from the coffee table, ""Cultivation - My Ten Years in the Workplace". This book is well written. I have read a few chapters but haven't finished it yet. I feel it is quite inspiring."

Xie Yun smiled, "I just wrote it casually to make you laugh, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jingxing said, "You have a PhD in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University. You went to develop military radars after graduation. How come you ended up in a conscience company?"

Xie Yun felt a little uneasy. Now people all over the country knew that Mr. Xia was very dissatisfied with Conscience Company. He wondered if he would have any opinions on people who had worked in Conscience Company?

Without thinking for too long, Xie Yun had no choice but to honestly introduce his career experience.

He didn't dare to beautify it because he wasn't sure what Xia Jingxing's attitude was.

After listening, Xia Jingxing secretly nodded in his mind. He had secretly arranged for someone to investigate Xie Yun.

If there are any untruths in the other person's self-introduction, it won't be serious and they won't be demoted or fired. They will just miss a valuable life opportunity.

"While working at Conscience Company, you led the development of the country's first TV digital scrambling system, the country's first Windows Mobile-based handheld computer and other products, and also won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award?"

Seeing that Xia Jingxing knew so much about his resume, Xie Yun felt less anxious and calmer.

He had a premonition that something good might happen to him, which made him very enthusiastic.

Next, Xia Jingxing continued to ask questions, and Xie Yunzhi kept talking, trying his best to win the favor and appreciation of the new boss.

"Mr. Li Guanfu admires you very much and recommended you to me."

Hearing this, Xie Yun understood everything instantly, and his mood became a little complicated. He thought it was his own talent that caught Xia Jingxing's eye, but he didn't expect that the boss recommended him.

After work, he is also a part-time consultant on the Guanfu Student Network founded by Li Guanfu, which is free. He communicates with students on this website every day and answers their questions.

Guanfu Student Network is a Chinese college student community website founded by Li Guanfu in 2004. Every day, a large number of students discuss topics such as study, work, growth, emotions, going abroad, business, technology, etc. on the website to help each other and grow together.

It can be regarded as a website like Zhihu.

With the help of this website, Li Guanfu became very famous among Chinese college students and won the favor of many students, which laid a good foundation for him to work as a business incubator in the future.

When Li Guanfu was mentioned, Xia Jingxing felt a little entangled. He was considering whether to go to Google to recruit people?

He started swinging his hoe, but Li Guanfu gave him a hand. He suddenly remembered to recommend talents to him, and looked enthusiastic.

At this time, he swung the hoe down again, which was somewhat unnatural.

How about persuading Li Guanfu to stop being the president of Google China? Not much future!

Invest some money in him, encourage him to take the right path, start a business incubator early, and maybe catch a few more unicorns.

Xia Jingxing thinks this idea is okay, but Li Guanfu may not think so anymore.

"I want to hear your views on the next development of China Digital?"

Although Li Guanfu strongly recommended Xie Yun, and Xia Jingxing himself had someone investigate Xie Yun, and even read the other person's book, he still wanted to investigate again.

Digital China is a bit complicated. It is a direct descendant of the Conscience Company. Not to mention the top management, even the middle-level and grassroots management are inextricably related to the Conscience Company.

Xia Jingxing was afraid that Mu Zhixin and Guo Wei would leave some time bomb for him.

"A stable transition comes first."

Xie Yun said in a deep voice, "Guo Wei left with a group of senior executives and poached many of our middle and lower-level managers. I heard that he was also planning to persuade some provincial branches to change their branches.

Now the whole company is in panic, and there are rumors that Mr. Xia wants to eliminate all employees who have worked in conscientious companies to ensure the purity of the team. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, don't tell me, he really meant it, but the purge only stopped at the senior management level. After all the middle and lower-level employees were purged, who would do the work?

He can even be accommodating to senior executives. After all, Guo Wei has left with a group of people. The remaining people are either disdainful to Guo Wei or are not of the same mind as Guo Wei and can be screened and used.

"Before, the transaction was not completed yet, allowing Guo Wei to take advantage of the loophole. Now the board of directors is about to be reorganized. After the new management is decided, it will appease people's hearts and stabilize the team."

Xie Yun nodded and said: "Guo Wei has led China Digital for so many years. His disciples and former officials are all over China Digital, and he has a high prestige in the company.

That's why so many people followed him when he resigned, but not everyone was of the same mind as them.

Some are used to their current job and are unwilling to leave;

There are also those who are keeping a wait-and-see attitude, wanting to see whether the impact of the new shareholders’ arrival is good or bad before making a decision.

Others are optimistic and believe that Mr. Xia, with your strong capital and a world-renowned technology entrepreneur, will definitely bring good changes to the company. "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and motioned for him to continue.

Xie Yun continued: "The top priority is to cut off Guo Wei's hand to China Digital. He can no longer be allowed to poach people, especially provincial branches. If they change jobs with their teams and business, it will have a very bad impact on the company. Our business will also be severely affected."

"How to cut it off?"

Xie Yun said calmly: "The next powerful medicine is to increase wages! For middle- and high-level employees, Guo Wei promised equity in the new company, but grassroots employees do not have this benefit, and it is not even clear whether their wages can be guaranteed."

"It should be guaranteed. I heard that a group of bosses including Shi Dazhu sympathized with Guo Wei's experience, or they wanted to make me feel uncomfortable, so they invested several hundred million in Guo Wei."

Xie Yun was a little surprised that Mr. Xia knew such a secret thing so clearly. Doesn't this mean that all the things Guo Wei did in Digital China were under his control?

After suppressing the surprise in his heart, Xie Yun said: "Then implement the employee stock ownership plan!

Guo Wei originally wanted to implement it after MBO, and employees were looking forward to it.

If the company carries out equity incentives and lets everyone see the courage of the new shareholders, it can stabilize military morale. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "This method is okay, are there any others?"

“Working with Fuxing Industrial Group on a big project, such as cloud computing, allows everyone to see that the company has not only not gotten worse, but has become better and better.”

Xia Jingxing was silent for a moment and said, "The investment in cloud computing is too big and China Digital cannot participate."

"Other projects are also possible, such as being an agent for Fuxing Mobile Phones, which can just fill the business gap caused by the suspension of cooperation between conscientious companies."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "You should go with Mr. Chen. He also has this suggestion, which you can adopt."

Xie Yun smiled and added: "If we continue using these measures, the effect will be immediate. At least everyone will regain their confidence in the company."


Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "There is one thing missing."

Xie Yun's face was full of doubts.

"You come to be the president of the company and let the conscience department see that I, Xia Jingxing, can still tolerate others."

Xie Yun looked shocked, then laughed. He was not only happy that he had been promoted, but also amazed by this magical stroke.

He is now the dean of China Digital Engineering Academy and the vice president of China Digital IT Services Group. He is not even ranked among the top five in the company.

And now that Mr. Xia has promoted him to the second-in-command position after the CEO, it is enough to reassure his old colleagues.

Xie Yun didn't ask who the CEO was, as that seemed too ignorant.

But Xia Jingxing took the initiative to mention this topic: "The CEO is temporarily held by Dr. Chen Hong from Hanergy Investment Group. You have many similar ideas and should have a lot in common. He will also support your work to the greatest extent."

Xie Yun immediately understood that Mr. Xia was telling himself: If he does well, he can take over the position of CEO in the future.

Thinking of this, Xie Yun became even more eager and quickly expressed his stance: "Mr. Xia, don't worry, I will restore stability to Huaxia Digital as soon as possible."

"It's not enough to restore stability. Investors are now counting on me to bring the stock price to double or triple digits!"

Xie Yun smiled and said: "It's not impossible, it just takes time."

After chatting for a while, Xie Yun resigned.

Xia Jingxing was generally satisfied with Xie Yun, but further investigation was needed.

Xia Jingxing's eyes turned cold when he thought of Guo Wei's plan to let several branch companies switch jobs collectively.

He can tolerate the other party taking some senior executives away, just to make room for his own people.

You can poach the middle and grass-roots levels, or even poach the entire branch. This is too much!

Guo Wei had better protect himself from failure. If he succeeds, the consequences will be serious.

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