My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and eighty-eight, home appliances sent to the countryside

As we enter December, the weather has cooled down significantly.

In Zhongguancun Software Park, several cars slowly stopped in front of a building.

The tall bodyguard wearing a black woolen coat opened the back seat door and Xia Jingxing slowly got out of the car.

Feeling the cold air outside, he quickly tightened his tight coat, took another breath and rubbed his hands.

After going for a walk, I still feel a little uncomfortable returning to the capital.

At this time, Li Ying and Liu Xiaoduo got out of another car while talking and laughing.

Xia Jingxing looked at them both with a smile: "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

"Sister Ying said she wanted to persuade Kelon's board of directors to donate air conditioners to rural primary schools."

Seeing Xia Jingxing glance over, Li Ying immediately explained: "I just saw that the learning environment for children in rural areas is too difficult. Many of them have frostbite on their hands. When writing, their fingers are so swollen that they can't even hold the pen firmly."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "I understand how you want to help these children, but this matter is a bit complicated.

Donating is very simple. Donating 1,000 or 10,000 air conditioners is no problem, but who will pay for the subsequent electricity bills? Have you ever thought about this question? "

"The school will pay for it!" Liu Xiaoduo said matter-of-factly.

"Those schools in remote mountainous areas already have low financial allocations, but they have to add a new electricity expense?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head and said, "This is inappropriate. Why not purchase some warm gloves and earmuffs to donate to primary school students in rural areas? It not only shows love and care, but also does not cause any follow-up management problems."

Liu Xiaoduo opened his mouth to ask, but Li Ying pulled her sleeve to stop her.

"Oh, I thought it was simple. If this is not done well, it will have negative effects. The government in the city has more financial resources, and many primary schools have not installed air conditioning yet.

If we really want to solve these problems, we still need the rural areas to become rich. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded at Li Ying. It seemed that the other party was fully aware of the difficulty of this matter. The face-saving project was very simple and easy, but what was the point of it? Public welfare undertakings must be implemented in a practical manner.

“My personal foundation has been donating to rural primary schools over the years, but it only donates sports equipment, extracurricular books, and the construction of teaching buildings and playgrounds.

There is no need to over-elevate the teaching environment, just reach it above the average level.

If you really have the heart, you might as well help more people. "

Li Yingyan smiled, "I still fell into misunderstandings and had some utilitarianism. I wanted to echo this pilot activity of home appliances going to the countryside and create a good corporate image in the rural market."

Xia Jingxing said nothing and recalled his life in the countryside during this period.

Last month, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce proposed to carry out pilot projects for home appliances in rural areas in Shandong, Henan and Sichuan provinces, and provide direct financial subsidies of 13% of the sales price of color TVs, refrigerators and mobile phones.

The subsidy will be officially implemented on the 1st of this month.

Under Xia Jingxing's order, Skyworth TV and Rongsheng Refrigerator, both under the Fuxing Industrial Group, actively participated in this pilot activity of home appliances going to the countryside to seize the opportunity.

Xia Jingxing even took his secretary Liu Xiaoduo and home appliance business group president Li Ying to personally inspect the work in these three provinces, talk with electrical appliance dealers in counties and towns, understand the actual needs of farmers, and make some preparations for bigger actions next year.

At present, the influence of the financial crisis has not yet fully spread. Next year, the country will shout the slogan of expanding domestic demand and at the same time promote the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside throughout the country.

Most of the home appliance companies under Fuxing Industrial Group are second-tier brands with low reputation and small market share.

The home appliances going to the countryside is a good opportunity for Fuxing Industrial Group to capture the sinking market. If it works well, it may be able to turn around and quickly close the gap with domestic first-tier brands.

In short, Xia Jingxing attaches great importance to bringing home appliances to the countryside.

After sitting down in the office upstairs, Xia Jingxing asked Liu Xiaoduo to summon the group's top executives to the conference room for a meeting.

After Lin Bing, Deng Yuanyun and other senior executives sat down one by one, Li Ying began to share her experience of going to the countryside.

“In the past, the rural market has not received much attention from home appliance manufacturers due to factors such as relative fragmentation, low consumption levels, and much higher costs of logistics, distribution, and after-sales services than in cities.

However, I believe that as the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside continues to deepen, the factors restricting farmers' consumption of home appliances will gradually begin to ease.

We have personally visited counties and small towns to see that rural consumers are very enthusiastic about buying home appliances. It is not that they have no money, but that they have deposited all their money in banks and are reluctant to spend it.

However, the introduction of this home appliance subsidy policy will make farmers feel real benefits and will greatly stimulate the consumption potential of rural areas. "

Lin Bing frowned. Mobile phones were also among the products subsidized by the home appliances going to the countryside policy.

However, with the high price of 4,000 yuan and above of Fuxing mobile phone, even after subsidies, it will cost at least 3,400 yuan, and smartphones are not as urgently needed as home appliances. He estimated that Fuxing mobile phone should be compared with Guangyuan for the time being. The rural market has been missed.

Li Ying continued: “This is an opportunity but also a challenge.

To truly take advantage of this wave of dividends, we need to make some changes around the rural market that are more in line with the rural usage environment.

For example, adding mouse-proof and lightning-proof designs to home appliances, or adding rural environment adaptability functions such as moisture-proof, ultra-wide power supply, and super strong signal reception to home appliances.

At the same time, it is also necessary to improve rural sales channels and circulation service systems, and extend business reach from first- and second-tier cities to the vast county and township markets.

After-sales service guarantees also need to be further improved. Farmers are looking forward to bringing home appliances to the countryside, and they also look forward to "services going to the countryside." The brand reputation cannot be damaged by quickly seizing the market.

According to my observation, old color TV sets such as Changhong and Konka have been in decline for many years, but in the eyes of farmers, they are still the top color TV brands. "

Deng Yuanjun asked: "Why?"

"Because the first color TV purchased by many rural families is Changhong or Konka!"

As soon as Xia Jingxing opened his mouth, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

"Ten years ago, they were the best color TV brand, and their brand image was deeply rooted in people's hearts."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Because of the lack of information in rural areas, they don't know that the two color TV giants are already old and have fallen behind in the new technology era."

Li Ying nodded, "Yes, I am still a little worried that Skyworth cannot compare with other brands in the rural market."

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "You need to find a way!"

"It's a pity that air conditioners, kitchen appliances, and small household appliances are not included in this subsidy list. Otherwise, several companies could cooperate in some activities, such as giving away small household appliances when buying a TV, and giving away 300 to 500 yuan air-conditioning coupons when buying a refrigerator..."

Looking at Li Ying's regretful eyes, Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Didn't the government say it all? This is a pilot project. Once the effect is good, the successful experience will definitely be extended to the whole country, and more subsidy categories will be expanded. "

"What if it doesn't work well?"

Deng Yuanjun raised objections. He looked at Xia Jingxing and slowly stated: "According to your wishes, Mr. Xia, we need to transform the home appliance production line for the rural market. We need to extend the sales network to rural areas. At the same time, we need to improve after-sales service outlets... …

All of this adds up to a huge investment. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "I know the investment is not small, so Vision Capital decided to increase capital in each home appliance company to replenish ammunition and make a big splash in the rural market.

In the past year or two, several home appliance companies have not achieved much development, focusing on stable transition and resource integration.

Now a new market opportunity is before us. If we cannot seize this opportunity to change the pattern of the home appliance industry, when the home appliance market enters the stock competition stage in the future, the fight will become fierce, and our home appliance brands will also be in a more difficult stage. Passive situation. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was so confident, Deng Yuanyun couldn't say much.

However, Xia Jingxing still gave more explanation: "The U.S. financial market is now very volatile. If a financial crisis breaks out, my country's foreign trade exports, OEM and other industries will be greatly affected, and the home appliance industry will not be immune.

We go to rural areas to grab markets, but it is also an act of self-rescue. "

Hearing this, Deng Yuanjun was shocked and asked in an uncertain tone: "Mr. Xia, do you think there will be a financial crisis like that... that affects the whole world?"

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly and did not explain any more.

Everyone looked solemn, and they were all mentally calculating how much impact the financial crisis would have on the business sectors they were in charge of.

Xia Jingxing didn't let them think for too long, and quickly passed the proposal to increase capital for the home appliance business segment. Once the board of directors makes another decision, the capital increase will be officially finalized.



The board of directors of China Digital has been reorganized, with Chen Hong serving as the nominal CEO and Xie Yun serving as the actual president.

After taking office, Xie Yun, as a new official, quickly set off several fires.

The first step was to distribute the salary increase documents for all employees to 19 branches and nearly 10,000 employees across the country. People's hearts immediately calmed down.

For ordinary employees, as long as they add money, they are definitely good bosses.

Employees who were still on the sidelines stopped watching and began to focus on new shareholders and new management;

And those who were welcoming and optimistic about the new shareholders became even more welcoming and optimistic and truly supportive.

The second fire was that a large number of vacant positions left behind by a large number of middle and high-level managers who followed Guo Wei to change jobs were filled by people promoted from within China Digital. Many of them were old people who had worked in conscientious companies before the split. .

Coupled with the appointment of Xie Yun as president, the rumors that Xia Jingxing did not want to see his old conscientious members and wanted to cleanse these people were dispelled.

Of course, Envision Capital and Fuxing Industrial Group still sent many people to join China Digital. For example, there have been major job changes in the human resources and financial departments.

However, the technology, sales and other departments did not change much. Those who stayed were either promoted or received salary increases, and everyone was very satisfied.

The third fire is the equity incentive plan.

China Digital officially submitted a report to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and planned to award 35 million shares, accounting for about 4% of the total share capital, as options to reward employees. The exercise price was set at HK$5, which was 66% higher than the closing price of HK$7.5 on the previous trading day. fold.

After the news was announced, the stock price not only did not fall, but directly exceeded 8 Hong Kong dollars.

Because the company's annual assessment performance targets for the next five years are disclosed together with the equity incentive plan, only when both revenue and profit targets meet expectations can employees receive these options.

For employees, only if the company's performance improves and the stock price rises, can the granted options be exercised and sold at a profit.

Otherwise, if the stock price falls below HK$5, even if you get the option, it will be a piece of waste paper and you will not be able to lose money to exercise the option.

At the same time, China Digital also announced to the outside world that it has reached a cooperation agreement with Fuxing Mobile and will obtain the agency rights for this only smartphone in mainland China.

As soon as the news came out, China Digital's share price surged again, and it was just around the corner to break through the double-digit share price.

After a set of combination punches, China Digital's internal stability was completely stabilized. Guo Wei's cost of poaching people became very high and more difficult.

Xia Jingxing was sitting in his office on the 18th floor of the Huaxia Digital Building. After listening to Xie Yun report to him a series of recent changes in the company, he nodded and said, "Yes, I just arrived at the company and saw that the employees were all in good spirits. , which is completely different from last month.”

Xie Yun smiled. Seeing that his boss was so satisfied, he felt relieved that his hard work in the past month was not in vain.

He knew very well that he was still in the probation period. If he didn't make some achievements quickly, it would be difficult for him to go back to being a vice president, let alone being promoted to CEO.

Chen Hong smiled and said: "Lao Xie has become a trapeze artist and speaker this month. Not only did every branch go to express condolences and comfort, but he also went on stage to give speeches to grassroots employees, introducing the new shareholders' capital strength and various idea."

Xia Jingxing looked at Xie Yun carefully. The latter looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot. He seemed to be really not slacking off at all, which left a good impression on him.

"Lao Xie, you've worked hard during this time! Take a good rest for a few days, don't be so anxious."

Xie Yun smiled: "Mr.

In addition, I also talked with the general managers of each branch one by one and inspected everyone.

Except for the Xuzhou branch, the other eighteen branches are generally stable. "

Xia Jingxing asked, "What's the situation in Xuzhou?"

"This branch was established in 1999, and China Digital was only spun off from Conscience Company in 2000, so this branch is very old and one of the branches with the best performance. It is also the General Administration of Customs The only software developer in the country of "Internet Supervision Zone Information Platform".

The general manager of the Xuzhou branch is named Wang Xin. I talked with him and found him to be quite normal and very cooperative with our work.

However, someone below reported that the Xuzhou branch has been abnormal recently. Many customers have expired and will not renew their contracts, including the largest customer, the General Administration of Customs. "

Xie Yun said with a serious expression: "Now I very much suspect that Wang Xin wants to hollow out the Xuzhou branch. Next, I want to organize people to go to Xuzhou to investigate."

Xia Jingxing looked calm, and after a long silence he said, "Don't pay attention to this matter for now. We'll talk about it later."

"Ignore it?"

Xie Yun looked surprised, "Mr.

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "If it's abolished, then abolish it. Only after great chaos can there be great order."

Xie Yun vaguely felt that this matter was not as simple as it appeared, but he knew that he had just joined the company and had not yet gained the trust of his boss, so he was sensible and did not ask more questions.

After sitting for a while, Xie Yun left, leaving only Xia Jingxing and Chen Hong in the room.

"Still not taking action?"

Xia Jingxing glanced at Chen Hong and said with a smile, "Why rush? Managing a company is like fishing. It requires patience."

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