My avatar is a god

Chapter 214 Chapter 218 War (VII)

On the nomadic tribe side, the Vulture Ancestor set a date for the decisive battle. He couldn't leave the Tuli Prairie for a long time, so of course he decided to start the war immediately after all the tribes had rested and were able to exert their full combat power.

Three days after Xu Xiao designed an ambush and killed the high priest of the Vulture Tribe, the army of the nomadic tribe was dispatched as planned.

The camps of the major tribes did not move and remained in place. Instead, almost all the nomadic cavalry were sent directly to the battlefield.

The nomadic cavalry of the four small tribes, totaling more than 7,000 people, scattered into a group, swarmed forward, and acted as the vanguard of the entire army.

Following closely behind were tens of thousands of cavalry from the Vulture Tribe, following behind as the main force of the army.

The Canglang cavalry sent by the Canglang tribe was indeed an elite force. Judging from the strict formation alone, it was much stronger than this group of nomadic cavalry who were almost in a scattered state. This elite cavalry force patrolled on both wings of the army to cover the weak wings of the army. At the critical moment, they can also directly enter the battlefield as the main force.

Zahan handed the Canglang Cavalry to his deputy general, and he flew into the air and came not far from the Vulture Ancestor and the Vulture Tribe Chief. As the top combat power of this army, when the time is right, they will take the initiative to charge and play a decisive role.

As soon as the nomadic tribes moved, the Daluo Kingdom, which had been monitoring their situation all the time, immediately obtained the information.

Xu Xiao also decided on a quick battle strategy, so the Daluo Kingdom would not avoid a head-on battle. Like the nomadic tribes, they also wanted to decide the outcome in one battle.

The Tianzun Sect's protective army, which had been ready for battle, also left the camp under the command of the Golden Tripod God General and lined up on the plain outside the camp.

Outside the Daluo Kingdom camp, between the nomadic tribes, there was a flat and vast plain. The generals of both sides chose this place as the venue for the decisive battle.

The Golden Tripod God handed over the command of the army to the deputy general Jiang Ting, and flew into the sky and came to Xu Xiao's side. As the top combat force of the entire army, their mission is to offset, and preferably eliminate, the top strong men of the enemy, so that their own army can eliminate the enemy army without interference.

As the main force of this war, the Tianzun Sect's protective army lined up in the middle of the plain, and under the command of the deputy general Jiang Ting, arranged an eight-door golden lock formation.

The protective army, trained by the Golden Tripod God who is proficient in military tactics, is proficient in many military formations, and there are several well-known formations that can be arranged. The reason for choosing the eight-door golden lock formation is that this formation combines offense with defense, can consume the enemy's strength in defense, and then take the opportunity to counterattack.

This is the formation that the Golden Tripod God finally selected after personally checking the situation of the nomadic cavalry.

The army of the guardians of the religion lined up in the center, while the elite of the priests and guardians, as well as the warriors from the Divine Soldiers Town and the holy warriors, formed small teams and lined up on both sides to cover the wings of the army.

In order to save horsepower, the cavalry of the nomadic tribe did not gallop and sprint quickly, but controlled the speed of the horses and slowly rushed to the battlefield at a relatively even speed.

The camp of the Daluo Kingdom and the camp of the nomadic tribe were not far away. The nomadic cavalry set out before dawn, and after most of the day, arrived on the plain where the army of the Daluo Kingdom was lined up before noon.

Facing the enemy army that was waiting in a state of alert and rest, these nomadic cavalry did not panic, nor did they rush to attack.

In a place far away from the enemy's attack range, the nomadic cavalry with rich combat experience and experienced in hundreds of battles dismounted and began to rest slowly.

However, the most elite Canglang cavalry did not relax at all. A warrior controlled the wolf under his seat and patrolled around to cover the army's rest.

The Tianzun Sect's army of protectors did not make any commotion. They remained calm and watched the enemy rest and recover their strength and horsepower. They did not take the opportunity to attack. This was not because of their demeanor, but because the original strategy was to defend and counterattack, waiting for the enemy to attack first.

Since the totems worshipped by various tribes cannot leave the Tuli grassland for a long time, the enemy will never deliberately delay time. As long as they think the time is right, they will seize the opportunity to attack.

The nomadic tribe, both people and horses, took in water and food appropriately, and after enough rest, they recovered all their strength. The cavalrymen got on their horses and prepared to attack.

The vulture ancestor and the other two flying in the sky have not been idle during this period. They have been carefully observing the enemy's army formation and looking for the enemy's weaknesses.

The chief of the vulture tribe said with some worry: "The enemy has a strict formation and strict military discipline. It is clearly a well-trained elite army. It seems that this battle may not be easy to fight."

Zhahan nodded in agreement and said: "When I was on the prairie, I heard that most of the human countries outside have the so-called military secrets. It is said that the army trained with the military secrets is not only extremely fierce, but also has a combat power far exceeding that of ordinary troops. And there are all kinds of magical features, which can defeat the strong with the weak and compete with the enemy's high-end strongmen."

"Look at the atmosphere of the opposite army, the laws are strict and the momentum is extraordinary. This army is probably also trained with the military secrets. If this is true, this bone will be difficult to chew today."

Looking at the cavalry of the nomadic tribe preparing to launch an attack, the vulture ancestor said carelessly: "No matter how strong the enemy army is, it can only deal with these men under my command. For strong men like you and me, any bullshit military secrets and elite armies are all vulnerable."

"When the men have consumed enough of the enemy's strength, you and I will charge directly. Rush into the enemy's central army formation in one breath and defeat the enemy in one go."

What the vulture ancestor said was exactly the strategy he had discussed with Zhahan in advance.

This group of barbarians from the Tuli grassland came in a rough way. The so-called battle plan was not complicated. It was just a rough agreement to determine the order of attack.

Although Zhahan was a little wary because the enemy army was unexpectedly elite. But he was not going to change the pre-determined attack plan. How good the enemy is, whether it is just a paper tiger with an empty frame, will only be known after the battle.

Now that the Vulture Ancestor and Zahan had reached a consensus, the nomadic cavalry from the major tribes below began to take action under the command of their respective commanders.

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