My avatar is a god

Chapter 215 Chapter 219 Battle (VIII)

The nomadic cavalry had not received sufficient training, let alone strict military discipline. Of course, they could not form a strict military formation, but only maintained a rough formation based on the affiliation of each tribe.

The nomadic cavalry rode forward and prepared to launch an attack.

Although they may not have learned military tactics or received systematic training. However, the commanders of the nomadic cavalry have rich practical experience. They have their own special command methods and can command their troops more flexibly and conveniently.

The cavalry of the four small tribes led the way, and the army of the vulture tribe followed closely.

The formation of the nomadic cavalry was more scattered, maintaining several extremely sparse lines of skirmishers, and the nomadic cavalry quickly approached the enemy's army.

The nomadic cavalry were all light cavalry, and of course they would not foolishly directly attack the enemy's army that was waiting in a tight formation.

Most of the nomadic cavalry rode their horses and kept wandering around the enemy's army, looking for the enemy's flaws.

Among the large group of nomadic cavalry, hundreds of cavalrymen stood out and ran directly to the front. They seemed to launch a frontal charge against the enemy's army, driving the horses under their seats to sprint quickly.

When they were about to reach the range of the enemy's crossbows, these hundreds of cavalrymen repeatedly beat their horses, controlled the horses under their crotch, avoided the front of the enemy, and went around from the side.

The purpose of these hundreds of cavalrymen was to test the enemy's strength and lure the enemy's long-range firepower, such as shooting with bows and crossbows. Consume the enemy's firepower and physical strength.

But they never expected that the Tianzun Sect's protective army was well-trained and was not moved at all. Without the commander's order, even if the nomadic cavalry rushed to their eyes, they would not take the initiative to attack.

The nomadic cavalry saw that the first attempt was unsuccessful. The commander thought of several ways to lure the enemy to attack, but none of them worked. Not only did it not achieve the purpose of mobilizing the enemy, but it did not even test the enemy's strength.

The Tianzun Sect's army of protectors remained calm as always, and they kept their formation quietly.

The divine soldiers and generals who made up the army of protectors were all transformed from ghosts by Daluo Tianzun. These guys who have survived for a long time have much more patience than mortals.

Seeing the nomadic cavalrymen below like clowns, wasting their energy there, and the enemy seemed to ignore them. The vulture ancestor felt a little embarrassed in front of Zahan, an outsider.

At this time, Zahan was also a little impatient.

"How long will this procrastination last? In my opinion, all the probing is fake. Let the guys below rush up directly for a while and make a direct attack to see how strong the enemy is."

Zahan certainly knew that if the nomadic cavalrymen below attacked the enemy's formation directly as he said, they would pay a heavy price. But anyway, it was not the warriors of his own tribe who died, and the cold-blooded Zahan didn't care about their casualties at all.

After hearing what Zahan said, the Vulture Ancestor immediately agreed. Anyway, even if they died, they would die first as cannon fodders of the small tribes. Didn't the Vulture Tribe gather these small tribes along the way just to make them sacrifice at the critical moment?

The Vulture Ancestor used magic to convey his orders forcefully. Even if the commanders below were a little dissatisfied, they dared not show it, but had to honestly execute the orders of the Vulture Ancestor.

On the Tuli Prairie, these small tribes had no rights in front of stronger and larger tribes. When executing the orders of the big tribes, if there was a slight delay, the whole tribe would be slaughtered immediately. There were too many bloody lessons on the Tuli Prairie.

Even if they were unwilling in their hearts, the commanders of the four small tribes still ordered all their nomadic cavalry to directly attack the enemy's formation.

Thousands of nomadic cavalry swarmed up in a swarm, in a mess without any formation.

However, thousands of nomadic cavalrymen galloped on their horses and rushed forward in a black mass, which looked a bit scary.

The Tianzun Sect's protective army was not moved at all and still maintained its original formation.

In fact, the strong bows and crossbows equipped by the protective army were carefully made by the craftsmen of the Tianzun Sect. Not only were they powerful, but their range was also much longer than that of ordinary crossbows. Those nomadic cavalrymen who didn't know how to live or die had actually entered the range of their crossbows.

However, under the order of the deputy general Jiang Ting, the army did not start shooting, but hid this secret and prepared to use it at a critical moment to hit the enemy hard.

After seeing that the enemy had begun to enter the attack range of ordinary crossbows, Jiang Ting ordered the army to start shooting. Moreover, he also ordered the army to deliberately maintain its strength and not to shoot at full speed.

Even so, waves of overwhelming arrows poured down like a torrential rain, shooting down a large number of nomadic cavalrymen who were charging directly towards the army, with no extra protection on their bodies and only simple leather armor at most.

Corpses of people and horses fell to the ground one after another. Even if they did not die immediately, they were soon trampled into meat patties by the horses that followed.

In the eyes of the commanders of the small tribes who were extremely distressed, batches of nomadic cavalrymen fell in the rain of arrows, and the subsequent troops still charged bravely without fear of death. As long as the Vulture Ancestor did not order to stop the charge, no one dared to stop.

Even the cold-blooded and ruthless Zahan, looking at the bloody scene on the ground from high in the sky, couldn't help but say in surprise: "The enemy army's crossbows are so powerful, this is really too amazing."

If Zahan knew that the religious army didn't even use a quarter of its power, he would probably have lost confidence in this battle.

After suffering heavy casualties and leaving corpses all over the ground, the nomadic cavalry finally rushed to the front of the religious army.

I saw countless long spears and halberds in the army, knocking down the nomadic cavalry who rushed in front of them, including people and horses. Even if the nomadic cavalry risked their lives, they couldn't cause any decent damage to the enemy.

These nomadic cavalry who finally rushed to the front of the army, like waves in the water, quickly merged into the water completely, and could no longer stir up the slightest wind and waves.

After paying such a huge price, there was no result at all. Not only were the nomadic cavalry below frustrated, but even the vulture ancestors and others in the sky were very surprised. They had already overestimated the enemy's combat effectiveness, but they still did not expect that the enemy would be so brutal.

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