My avatar is a god

Chapter 4: Heavenly Lord saves the suffering

Early the next morning, Uncle Fu sent someone to carry Qin Gang to the hall of Xu's house.

Xu Xiao remembered that Qin Gang used to be a big man with a strong back and strong waist. When he spoke, his voice was like a bell, and he was full of energy. He exuded an extraordinary spirit.

But now Qin Gang, lying on the stretcher, had no blood on his sallow face. He was so thin that he was skin and bones, and there was not a pound of meat on his body.

He was carried into the hall and saw Xu Xiao standing in front of him. He seemed to want to get up, but he couldn't move at all. He wanted to say something, but he moved his lips, but couldn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao quickly stepped in front of the stretcher. He lowered his body, approached Qin Gang, and said with emotion: "Uncle Qin, you have suffered these days."

"Uncle Qin, don't worry. I am favored by the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun and have been granted divine power. I will use my divine power immediately to heal your wounds."

Xu Xiao pretended to pray, then stretched out his right palm and pressed it on Qin Gang's body.

A gentle divine power seeped out from Xu Xiao's palm and slowly penetrated into Qin Gang's body.

Qin Gang's injuries were really serious. No wonder all doctors said there was no cure.

By borrowing the divine power of the avatar of the god, Xu Xiao took in the conditions in Qin Gang's body one by one.

Most of Qin Gang's bones were broken, and his limbs were almost completely shattered. The broken ribs and bone spurs penetrated deeply into his internal organs, and his internal organs were displaced. The meridians in his body were even more broken and messed up.

It was a miracle that Qin Gang could survive until now with such a fatal injury. If it weren't for his strong vitality as a powerful warrior and his strong will to survive, he would never have been able to hold on for so long.

"Uncle Qin, all your pain will become a thing of the past. Tianzun has unparalleled divine power and will soon heal you." Xu Xiao automatically entered the movie emperor mode.

Now Xu Xiao, as long as he is in front of people, is definitely the most devout believer of Daluo Tianzun. He will not miss any opportunity to promote the power of Daluo Tianzun.

There is no way, Xu Xiao doesn't want to do this. But his own avatar of the gods has a weak foundation and a low starting point, and he urgently needs a huge amount of faith power. If he doesn't act more, how can he attract more believers. Xu Xiao believes that if he has the opportunity to travel again and return to Earth. With the acting skills he has honed during this period, it is absolutely no problem to win a few film and television awards and get the evaluation of veteran actors.

Although Qin Gang's injuries are serious, as long as he doesn't die completely, it will not be difficult for Xu Xiao. The legendary powerful gods have divine power that can even revive the dead. His own avatar was underdeveloped and lacked divine power. He had no ability to bring the dead back to life, but it should be no problem to save the living.

Xu Xiao concentrated his mind and continued to mobilize the divine power of the avatar from that mysterious space. A stream of divine power passed through his young body and penetrated into Qin Gang's body from his right palm.

Wherever the divine power from the avatar of the god reached, it was like a dead tree coming back to life. Qin Gang's condition was improving rapidly.

The broken meridians were connected one by one and cleaned in an orderly manner. The broken rib bone spurs slowly withdrew from the internal organs, and the displaced internal organs were restored in an orderly manner. The broken bones all over the body recovered quickly, and even the almost shattered limbs were recovering one by one.

Under the stimulation of divine power, the body functions, including hematopoietic function, recovered rapidly. Qin Gang's face was a little more bloody.

The divine power from the avatar of the god was indeed incomparable. Although Xu Xiao was treating such a serious injury for the first time. But after spending half an incense stick of time, Qin Gang was still roughly cured.

After the treatment was completed, Xu Xiao retracted his palm and wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was also the first time for him to manipulate the divine power from the avatar of the god for such a long time, and he felt exhausted. His small body was well exhausted.

"Uncle Qin, your injuries have been completely healed. You are still a little weak now. Rest well after you go back and take more tonics to replenish your body."

After saying that, Xu Xiao stood up and sat down on the chair next to him.

Qin Gang was completely enveloped by a huge sense of surprise. People who have not experienced long-term illness in bed and slowly waiting for death cannot understand his ecstasy at this time.

Qin Gang, such a strong warrior, once suffered a disaster, became a complete waste, and could only linger and wait for death with his last breath. How miserable and desperate it was at this time. Now he has finally come back to life and regained his vitality. Such an experience will be unforgettable for him.

Qin Gang, a good man who clearly distinguishes between gratitude and resentment, was grateful to Xu Xiao and sobbed, saying, "My good nephew, thanks to you, I saved my uncle's life. I have no way to repay you for your great kindness."

Xu Xiao waved his hand, "Uncle Qin, you should be grateful not to me, but to the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun. If it weren't for the mercy of Tianzun and the divine power bestowed by him, your injuries would not have healed."

"Is it really all thanks to the divine power of Daluo Tianzun that I can recover?" asked the straightforward Qin Gang.

"Of course, would I lie to my uncle? Uncle, you should know how badly you are injured. If it weren't for the divine power bestowed by Daluo Tianzun, what other power could heal your injuries?"

Xu Xiao said without blushing.

Xu Xiao still had some understanding of Junchenjie, a world similar to ancient China. Not to mention the backward medical level of this world, even the medical level on Earth before he crossed over could not completely cure Qin Gang's injuries.

As for the legendary immortal cultivators in Junchen Realm, whether they can cure Qin Gang or not, Xu Xiao is not sure. But Xu Xiao knows that those high and mighty immortal cultivators will never come to treat mortals who are like ants in their eyes for no reason.

"Since it was the power of Daluo Tianzun that saved my uncle, I should really thank this Daluo Tianzun."

"The Supreme God Daluo Tianzun is compassionate and saves people from suffering. He did not give his power to save people for the gratitude of mortals. The power of Tianzun is mysterious and can bring back the dead, turn decay into magic, and turn possibility into impossibility. If you are interested, you can learn more about Tianzun's teachings."

Xu Xiao did not forget to preach while curing illnesses. Seeing that Qin Gang was somewhat interested in Daluo Tianzun's teachings, he was very happy in his heart that he had persuaded another believer.

Even the old housekeeper Fu Bo, who was originally skeptical about Daluo Tianzun, witnessed the miracle in front of him with his own eyes, and his awe of Daluo Tianzun in his heart increased a little. Not to mention the servants of the Xu Mansion who were already quite pious, whose faith level rose rapidly.

Xiao Xuan, Xu Xiao's personal maid, was always simple-minded. After being fooled like this, and seeing is believing, she soon became a devout believer of Daluo Tianzun, and contributed a lot of faith to Xu Xiao's avatar of the gods.

If this continues, this girl will sooner or later become a fanatic believer of Daluo Tianzun. Xu Xiao thought happily.

After sending Qin Gang away in person, Xu Xiao returned to the mansion and slapped his head heavily. He was such a big fool that he didn't even think of the means of preaching by curing diseases.

On Earth, those Western missionaries preached among the natives, often using medical skills to open the way and win over the natives by curing diseases for the natives. Facts have proved that this means of preaching is very effective.

Not to mention that in ancient China, sects such as Taiping Dao and Tianshi Dao used talisman water to cure people as a very common means of preaching.

Even using useless talisman water to treat diseases can deceive a large number of believers. I have the power of the God's clone, which is a real life-saving elixir. If I can't develop a large number of believers in this way, I can only say that I am too incompetent.

In the following days, Xu Xiao traveled all over Shanyin County and treated patients for free.

Xu Xiao's treatment rules are a bit strange. He doesn't treat ordinary patients. He specializes in treating those patients who have no medicine and are sentenced to death by doctors.

It is really an unforgettable journey for patients and their families from the initial disbelief and resistance to the ecstasy after the disease is cured. Every time a patient recovers, he can contribute a few believers to Daluo Tianzun more or less.

As Xu Xiao cured more and more patients, Daluo Tianzun's reputation spread even further. Xu Xiao's treatment is just a means, and preaching is the purpose.

Every day, Xu Xiao is in pain and happiness. His God's clone is still at the first level of the Shinto, and he cannot bestow divine arts on believers. Only Xu Xiao himself can borrow the power of the avatar of the God through the innate connection between the avatar of the God and the original body. Every time he treats a patient, Xu Xiao has to go out in person and use his power. Xu Xiao, who is unable to split himself, is so busy that he can't treat many patients. More and more believers believe in Daluo Tianzun, and Xu Xiao is getting more and more tired.

Fortunately, Shanyin County is a county town. Although it is a populous county in Weiguo, there are only a limited number of people with incurable diseases. After a period of busyness, Xu Xiao slowly relaxed.

Xu Xiao focuses on treating seriously ill patients, and of course he will not let ordinary patients go. After some exploration and experimentation, the trace power from the avatar of the God was integrated into the clear water, and a panacea for all diseases was obtained. Of course, the so-called hundreds of diseases only include ordinary minor diseases, not various serious diseases, and even more not including disabilities such as broken hands and feet.

Of course, it cannot be said to the outside world as ordinary clear water, but it is called the holy water of Ganlin bestowed by Daluo Tianzun. Only devout believers can be granted by Tianzun.

Xu Xiao promoted a group of outstanding deacons from the believers. Among these deacons, there are those who are responsible for distributing Ganlin Holy Water to believers.

Believers who need Ganlin Holy Water to cure diseases must recite the scriptures praising the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun in public before receiving the holy water.

The effect of Ganlin Holy Water is very good. After the patient takes it, it basically has an immediate effect on common diseases.

Of course, there are also people who have not recovered from their diseases after taking Ganlin Holy Water. That is certainly not because Ganlin Holy Water is ineffective, but because you are not pious enough. Otherwise, others have been cured, why can't you be cured. What should I do if Ganlin Holy Water does not cure the disease? Only by believing in the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun more devoutly can you get the salvation of Tianzun. Relying on this somewhat rogue statement, the piety of believers has increased rapidly.

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