My avatar is a god

Chapter 5: Xin Tianzun, resurrected with full health on the spot

Since Xu Xiao began to release the so-called Ganlin Holy Water to believers, the development of Tianzun Sect can be said to be rapid and prosperous. The whole situation is not just good, but very good.

The name of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun is being circulated throughout Shanyin County. Every time the Ganlin Holy Water is released, there will be a long queue of people outside the release point. Not only patients are eager for holy water, but even healthy people come to ask for holy water.

I don’t know who first spread it, Ganlin Holy Water can not only cure diseases and eliminate disasters, but also strengthen the body and enhance physical fitness after taking it. Some less devout believers even swear that Ganlin Holy Water has the miraculous effect of strengthening yang and nourishing the kidneys. Of course, this statement was refuted by the official Tianzun Sect.

Ganlin Holy Water is always in short supply, and every time the holy water is released, it is quickly snatched up.

Xu Xiao is very satisfied with this situation, and he has no intention of increasing the amount of Ganlin Holy Water released. Mr. Lei is not the only one who understands the principle of hunger marketing. No one will cherish things that are too easy to get. Giving out the holy water of Ganlin is just a means, and preaching is the goal. Xu Xiao is not a saint who saves the suffering, and he does not have the ambition to save all living beings.

Under such circumstances, there is even an underground black market for buying and selling the holy water of Ganlin in Shanyin County. Some less devout believers use the holy water of Ganlin that they have obtained for profit.

Fortunately, the holy water of Ganlin made by Xu Xiao cannot be preserved for a long time. The trace amount of divine power integrated into the holy water will slowly lose its effectiveness over time, and the holy water will also fail. In this way, the underground black market for selling the holy water of Ganlin will never be able to expand.

After Qin Gang's body was completely recovered, he quickly became a devout believer of Daluo Tianzun, who was grateful for his kindness. Xu Xiao appointed him as the guardian of Tianzun.

As the current force of Tianzun, Qin Gang organized a group of trusted warriors and became the first force team of Tianzun.

Xu Xiao knew that missionary work must be supported by force in order to be successful.

Among the patients with incurable diseases treated by Xu Xiao, there was a retired official of Wei State named Luo Yun. This person was good at socializing and socializing. He had many friends, especially those in the officialdom. After Luo Yun expressed his willingness to serve Daluo Tianzun, Xu Xiao appointed him as a senior deacon in charge of the foreign affairs of Tianzun Church.

There was also a disabled scholar named Zhou Bo, who was well-read, knowledgeable, and good at practical work. After Xu Xiao personally cured his disability, this person became devoted to Daluo Tianzun. Xu Xiao also appointed him as a senior deacon in charge of the daily teaching affairs of Tianzun Church. And the loyal old housekeeper Fu Bo was appointed as a senior deacon in charge of the logistics and internal affairs of the church.

After the basic structure of Tianzun Sect was built and three senior deacons were established, not only did the development of Tianzun Sect get on the right track, but Xu Xiao became much more relaxed and was able to get out of the complicated daily affairs. More importantly, Tianzun Sect was no longer a makeshift team created by someone, but became a formal sect.

After the scholar Zhou Bo took office, he immediately made two suggestions to Xu Xiao.

First, in order to facilitate believers to worship the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, a Tianzun Temple should be built for believers to gather and worship.

Xu Xiao readily accepted this, which sect does not have its own temple. Anyway, the Xu family is big and powerful, and there are believers who take the initiative to donate, so there is absolutely no shortage of financial and material resources for building the temple.

Second, in addition to the statue of Daluo Tianzun enshrined in the Tianzun Temple, some small statues of Daluo Tianzun can be made, so that devout believers can take them home and worship them day and night.

Xu Xiao used his divine power to transform the image of his avatar of the god in front of people. Then the skilled painters drew it, and finally the craftsmen made the statue.

These two suggestions made Xu Xiao very satisfied. Zhou Bo was indeed a talented person who was worthy of being reused.

After all these measures, not only did the Tianzun Sect grow stronger and stronger, but the power of faith absorbed by Xu Xiao's Tianshen clone also showed a blowout growth. The cultivation of the Tianshen clone went from the middle stage of the first heaven of the Shinto to the late stage of the first heaven at a much faster speed than planned. It will not be long before the cultivation of the Tianshen clone will enter the second heaven of the Shinto.

Every breakthrough in the cultivation of the Shinto is essentially improved. The gods who have reached the second heaven of the Shinto can already promote priests among the devout believers and grant them divine arts.

At that time, the embarrassing situation in the current Tianzun Sect that only the leader Xu Xiao can use the divine power bestowed by Daluo Tianzun can be solved. Moreover, with a real god priest, there are not only conveniences in all aspects, but also the Tianzun Church will usher in a great expansion again.

This day was the day when the first Tianzun Temple of Tianzun Sect was opened. The whole Shanyin County seemed to be celebrating a festival. Every household of devout believers was decorated with lights and was in a festive mood.

This Tianzun Temple is located next to the west gate of Shanyin County. It was originally an abandoned military camp. The wealthy Xu Xiao bought it directly. In order to save construction time, the main building of the military camp was directly retained.

The craftsmen who received enough rewards worked day and night, and the believers who volunteered to help, driven by high religious emotions, worked even harder. In just half a month, the Tianzun Temple was basically completed. As for the decoration of details, they can only be added slowly in the future.

Early in the morning, the three floors of the Tianzun Temple were surrounded by people. Many devout believers came here early before dawn to prepare for the ceremony. In addition to the believers of Tianzun Sect, there were also many people watching the excitement.

In front of the main gate of Tianzun Temple, a high platform was built on the large square transformed from the original military camp, and the platform was covered with bright red satin.

Under the platform, the old bureaucrat Luo Yun, who always had a smile on his face, was entertaining guests from all directions. The celebrities, wealthy businessmen, and major officials in the county would send representatives of sufficient weight to come even if they did not come in person.

The experienced Luo Yun was more than enough to deal with the current situation. With his status as a retired official, the guests did not dare to be disrespectful to him.

Around Tianzun Temple, Qin Gang led a group of warriors to walk around and maintain order in the crowd.

After Qin Gang Shanshui recovered, Xu's martial arts school reopened. Under his leadership, Xu's martial arts school became the training base for Tianzun Sect's thugs.

The old housekeeper Fu Bo, with a happy face, was running around with the servants of Xu's house, busy as hell.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Tianzun Sect Leader Xu Xiao, accompanied by senior deacon Zhou Bo, came from a distance.

Zhou Bo was very clear about his position and never dared to treat Xu Xiao as a seven-year-old child. After this period of contact, he truly understood that Xu Xiao, the Tianzun Sect Leader, was the earthly representative of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun. Not only did he have a compassionate heart to cure diseases and save people, but he also had thunderbolt means to eliminate opponents.

Seeing Xu Xiao, the Tianzun Sect Leader, appear, the believers in the field became more excited. The excited believers rushed over, but added a lot of pressure to Qin Gang and his men who maintained order.

Xu Xiao, who experienced such a big scene for the first time in his past and present lives, did not have the slightest stage fright.

Xu Xiao recalled the scenes of the national leaders appearing in his previous life, with a kind smile on his face, and waved to the believers from time to time. When he saw a believer he knew on the way, he would stop and talk to the other party cordially.

At this time, Xu Xiao was not fighting alone. He was possessed by Brother Sanpang, showing an unparalleled leadership style.

Xu Xiao was still a little dissatisfied in his heart. His body was still too small. He was only seven years old and not majestic enough. Well, he was still three months away from turning eight years old, and he was still a long way from adulthood.

Xu Xiao walked to the front of the platform, talked to several deacons in the church, and then climbed the platform.

The highlight of the Tianzun Temple's opening ceremony today has arrived. The earthly representative of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, the leader of the Tianzun Sect, Xu Xiao, will explain the doctrines and scriptures to the believers and show the supreme power of Daluo Tianzun.

Xu Xiao stood on the platform, looking at the surging believers below. For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart. This was his greatest achievement in the past few months. He built a team from scratch and created the foundation of the Tianzun Sect.

At this moment, two figures mixed in with the believers approached the platform from different directions with the surging crowd.

At this moment, the believers were very excited and listened to Xu Xiao's lecture, and no one noticed the actions of the two figures.

With the cover of the crowd of believers, the two people came to the bottom of the platform, very close to Xu Xiao without much effort.

The two looked at each other and saw the opportunity coming without any hesitation. They each took out a black rectangular box, secretly aimed, and immediately pulled the trigger at Xu Xiao.

Several cold lights shot out from the box like lightning, and accurately hit the target, shooting the unprepared Xu Xiao to the ground.

The two people who shot the crossbow arrows saw Xu Xiao fall to the ground after being shot by the arrow. Without any pause, they turned around and mixed into the crowd, trying to escape under the cover of the crowd.

The moment Xu Xiao fell to the ground after being shot by the arrow, great regret surged in his heart. I was careless. I was too careless. The smooth sailing during this period made me lose my due vigilance.

Without the divine power borrowed from the clone of the god, Xu Xiao's body was essentially the body of an ordinary seven-year-old child. Such a body was too fragile.

The severe pain from the arrow in his body made Xu Xiao feel dizzy, and his body instinctively made him want to faint. But Xu Xiao knew in his heart that if he fainted this time, he would never have a chance to wake up again.

Xu Xiao tried his best to stay awake and fight for the only chance of survival.

At this moment, time seemed to be stretched. The instinct for survival made Xu Xiao contact the clone of the god in the mysterious space at the fastest speed. The divine power from the clone of the god was projected into Xu Xiao's body like lightning. In this race against death, Xu Xiao was half a step ahead by a millimeter.

As soon as the divine power from the clone of the god entered his body, Xu Xiao knew that his life was saved this time.

The surging divine power washed over Xu Xiao's body, and the crossbow arrows that had entered his body were squeezed out of his body. The bleeding stopped, and the abnormal state of his body quickly disappeared.

At this time, Xu Xiao had time to start to feel angry. For a seven-year-old child like him, he actually used a crossbow arrow to assassinate, and it was a continuous crossbow arrow, and the crossbow arrows were poisoned. It was really despicable.

Skillfully using the divine power from the incarnation of the god, Xu Xiao's feet left the ground, and his body slowly floated into the air.

The fear of escaping death made Xu Xiao extremely angry. If he reacted a little slower and his willpower was not strong enough, he would not have survived.

"Dare to assassinate me, and even want to escape."

Xu Xiao, who was possessed by divine power, was extremely sensitive at this time, and immediately discovered two assassins who had mixed into the crowd.

Xu Xiao stretched out his hands and gently lifted them. The two assassins seemed to be pulled by invisible silk threads, and were pulled into the air and above the platform.

At this time, the people below the platform began to react.

What was going on? The leader of the Real Tianzun was shot by the assassin, and then the leader flew into the sky unscathed, and then two more people flew into the sky.

Everything happened too quickly, and the crowd had no time to react, so it did not cause much chaos.

Xu Xiao's voice, which was infiltrated with divine power, sounded like thunder above the crowd and clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

"These two guys actually came to assassinate me without knowing their own strength."

"God said that anyone who plots to murder me will not die well."

Xu Xiao clenched his hands, and the two assassins seemed to be trapped in an air cage. What's more terrifying is that the air cage is still rapidly compressing.

The two assassins seemed to be squeezed by an invisible huge force, and their bodies quickly twisted and deformed, and blood flowed wildly. The miserable screams were so horrifying that they made people's scalps numb.

"Puff, puff." After two light sounds, the entire bodies of the two assassins were completely crushed and turned into two balls of meat.

The flesh and blood fell from the sky, and the believers who witnessed this scene were frightened, and the scene suddenly became silent.

It seems a bit too bloody, it won't be too much. Xu Xiao thought to himself.

Killing has never been the purpose, but to establish prestige.

Since he proclaimed himself as the leader of the Tianzun Sect, Xu Xiao has been pretending to be as cool as the breeze, always accompanying himself.

"The Supreme God Daluo Tianzun has a compassionate heart to save the suffering, but he also has thunderbolt means to slay demons and eliminate monsters."

"To offend this seat is to offend the Tianzun. Those who offend the Tianzun will be punished no matter how far away they are."

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