At that time, even if you want to do something with your heart, it may be too late.

And the bull demon king at this time is indeed quite proud.

After successfully capturing Tang Sanzang back, he must have felt very happy in his heart.

Doesn't he feel that all of this is under his own control?

So in my heart I really felt extremely joyful.

Think things have become simpler.

Of course, at this time, he didn't intend to enjoy this monk meat alone.

He sent a message to the iron fan princess.

He didn't say any other complicated things to Princess Iron Fan, but simply told Princess Iron Fan that he had obtained Tang Monk's meat at this time.

That is to say, as long as Princess Iron Fan is willing to come here at this time, she can enjoy Tang Monk meat with herself, and then she will live forever in her hometown.

Princess Iron Fan must have felt rather strange after receiving such news.

Although Princess Iron Fan must have heard of it recently, such a rumor has been known that Tang Sanzang can live forever after eating the meat.

After hearing such news, Princess Iron Fan will definitely feel very excited in her heart, and of course she will also want to get the chance of immortality.

What a wonderful thing this is. After eating such a piece of meat, I can remain young forever. This kind of temptation is completely needless to say.

But before doing such a thing, there are obviously many things to worry about. Princess Iron Fan also understands such a truth.

Especially knowing that Sun Wukong is responsible for protecting Tang Sanzang at this time, such a thing makes Princess Iron Fan feel even more suspicious.

Princess Iron Fan still remembers some of the things that happened before, and she clearly knew that both herself and the Bull Demon King suffered losses in the hands of Monkey King.

Since such a thing really happened, then I must not be able to mess around with such a thing.

It would be bad if something unexpected happened.

So even though Princess Iron Fan felt so excited about such a thing in her heart, she still endured it, pretending that she didn't care about anything.

I plan to continue thinking about such a thing, is there a solution?

In the end, what he didn't expect was that the speed of the Bull Demon King's hands was actually so fast.

Before he realized something, the Bull Demon King had already got that Tang Monk meat.

Although I feel some doubts and worries about such (okay) things, Princess Iron Fan definitely doesn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

But for any normal person, there is definitely no way to refuse, so Princess Iron Fan is worried at this time, and plans to directly taste the meat of Tang Monk.

No matter what, as long as he can eat that monk's meat, immortality is already a settled matter. .

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