Therefore, Princess Iron Fan must still have to come this trip. Even if she knows such a thing, it may have some risks, but there is no way to completely resist the temptation.

What I didn't expect was that when Princess Iron Fan came to this place, the situation had already become very bad.

Because Lu Qing has already arrived in the cave of the Bull Demon King.

Of course, the purpose is also very simple, that is, to pursue the responsibility of the Bull Demon King. What the Bull Demon King has done really makes people feel angry.

After seeing such a situation, the Bull Demon King must have felt a little fear in his heart, because he already clearly knew the strength of that Lu Qing.

The Bull Demon King had already confronted Lu Qing before, but he didn't expect that Lu Qing would come so soon now, and he hadn't even had time to take a bite of that Tang Monk's meat.

Is it possible that all this is really coming to an end? This will make him feel very unwilling in his heart, and he doesn't want things to become like this.

"Hurry up and hand over Tang Sanzang, he is not someone you can touch!"

After saying this (cfeg), Lu Qing also showed a more annoyed look, because the behavior of this bull devil is really different from the behavior of other goblins.

The other goblins achieved their goals by relying on their real skills, but this Bull Demon King used Sun Wukong's character of emphasizing love and righteousness to achieve his goals.

Such an approach really makes people feel in their hearts that there is no way to accept it. Anyway, it is difficult for Lu Qing to accept this situation in his heart at this moment.

I think that such a behavior of the other party is really not shameful, and it also makes Monkey King feel more guilty because of such a thing.

I think that Tang Sanzang at this time has something to do with Sun Wukong himself, so he feels ashamed.

But in fact, the most problematic person is the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King was still a bit reluctant to let people go. After seeing Lu Qing appearing in this place, he actually wanted to use his own ability to resist Lu Qing.

But at this time, people from Heavenly Court also appeared, because this matter was really extraordinary, the Bull Demon King had only been imprisoned before.

Suddenly appearing here now is not because those people in the Heavenly Court have already been released. This is impossible for him, after all, the fault committed by the Bull Demon King is relatively serious.

And the reason why he can appear in this place at this time is relatively simple, but it is because he slipped away quietly.

He has to be imprisoned in that place for so many years, which is too painful for him.

At this time, he was imprisoned in this place, and within a short time, he was already on the verge of collapse, thinking that this kind of life could not continue.

So in the back, he also tried his best to think, if he could escape from this place, would he be able to live a normal life.

It was precisely because he could no longer bear it any longer, so he fled and obtained Tang Sanzang in various ways. .

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