My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 795 The Starting Lines Are Different

Whether it was the scene or watching the live broadcast, all the employees of the Vanguard Group were grateful that they had such a boss, and what they did was nothing to say.



Warm heart!

And as always, short.

. . .

Soon, Shu Fu's remarks spread, and the outside world became sour again.

"This Spring Festival, as usual, I was shown off by Pilot."

"If it's like this for ten consecutive years, how many houses will you score? Big X!"

"I can say responsibly: Envy!"


Even though he tried his best to calm his mind, when he saw Shu Fu, he would divide the house every now and then. One point was that much. Last time it was five or six, and it happened again this year.

It also said that it will still be the same next year.

Depend on!

down three times.

Two hundred thousand sets.


Also give us a boss like this, one can't do it, half can do it, being stimulated like this every day, I always feel like I'm in a fake class.

. . .

See here.

Those who had been wanting to see the building collapse continued to yell.

"seek death!"

"That's right, don't look at the situation. Without orders from aliens, what is Pilot? It's just an integrator, how can it be qualified to be praised so highly?"

"It's time to save money for survival, not for employees."

"Shu Fu, you're still too young!"


Analyzing from various angles, it is said that Shu Fu committed suicide and did not adjust the distribution structure when it was originally unclear. If this continues, the countdown to bankruptcy will be counted down.



Not many people agreed.

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is.

Shu Fu didn't say that the Pilot Group would exist for a long time, outsiders clamored for the collapse of the building, and there was no sense of 'conflict' at all, it was really boring.


Even if the building collapses, hundreds of thousands of employees will benefit.

This achievement is indelible and cannot be slandered.

If the Pilot Group collapses, it is because of the benefits provided to employees. Even if it collapses one day, it will still be admirable, and it has set a good example for countless bosses.

Thank you!

. . .

And so, very quickly, the wind shifted away from attacking the welfare system.

"There are also serious problems in the strategy of Linghang Group. If you make electronic products, you should do it well. If you get involved in aerospace and basic technology research and development, you are so stupid!"


"Idealists don't look at the time."

"No matter how hard you try, it doesn't make any sense even if you lead the earth. It's better to buy it. What's the point of researching it? It's a waste of money."


Regarding the investment in aerospace and basic technology of Pioneer Group, it was another reproach, but this did not refute many, but it caused deep thinking.


If it was before.

internal competition.

The level of science and technology varies from country to country, but with hard work, there is still hope to catch up.

But now? Aliens have appeared, and the whole earth is going to catch up with the aliens?


Just thinking about it makes my head a little bigger.

No one knows how many years they have advanced.

one thousand?

Ten thousand?

One hundred thousand?


On the long scale of the universe, it is possible for a civilization to be born one million, ten million, one hundred million, or even ten billion years earlier than the earth.

Fifty years is still expected.

Ten billion.

Do the math, how many generations? That's a heartbreaking number.

This is not a gap of hundreds of millions of years, but a gap of hundreds of millions of generations. How can we catch up?




Thinking of this, the entire earth scientific research community can't help booing, it's too long, so long that it's hard to even have a concept, it's a scale of despair.


Aliens are selling goods and technology.

That is.

The fruits of hundreds of years of hard work can be obtained as long as someone gives money.

Once this is the case, who will invest in scientific research? Why not just spend enough money to buy it.


Realizing this, seeing that Vanguard Group is still investing heavily in scientific research, even some supporters are not optimistic about it, because it feels that it doesn't make much sense.

Just like the existence of the star gate.

On an interstellar scale, it takes 100,000 years of interstellar travel to reach the destination.

And with the star gate, one step over, once or twice is no problem, three times or four times, the mentality is about to collapse, okay?

. . .

On the eve of the Spring Festival.

The future of earth scientific research has aroused a wide range of discussions around the world, and people from all walks of life participated in it. There are different opinions, but there is a consensus.


The road ahead is long!

On the earth, the gap between technology and technology lasts for hundreds of years. Counting the primitive tribes, it is calculated as 10,000 years.

But in Interstellar.

Maybe the unit is 100 million years, how can this be done?

The starting line is different.

. . .

Regarding this, Shu Fu also felt a little helpless. Some people ran 10,000 steps ahead of time, while others exhausted every single step. The gap was so big that it really made people feel distressed.

From the perspective of people on earth, the technology of Star Bank is something to look up to.


In Shu Fu's view, the same is true for the vast starry sky and countless civilizations.




But despite this, life has to pass, even if others have a trillion and only one in their pocket, that is not a reason to stop and despair.

Even if it's long, you have to go on.


You will never be able to appreciate the scenery along the way, and there will be no day to turn around.

It is normal for the earth to be in such a state of confusion. Take your time. From a certain point of view, a civilization that does not know the size of the universe is very happy.


A helpless but realistic thing.

. . .

three days later.

Mingshan City, a villa in the middle of the mountain, Shu Fu looked at the city in the distance, eating hot pot, it was quite comfortable to be alone, and he could go to other civilizations to play at any time.

Especially the new civilization, with its vast territory and many interesting places.


Drink enough.

While basking in the warm winter sun, he was busy. Half a month ago, all the main cities of the four major administrative regions were delivered. In the past half month, he has surrounded dozens of cities.

Forty-two states.

In addition to the four state cities that are the main cities of the administrative region, there are thirty-eight state cities.


Shu Fu took them all over, and it took half a month, and it was only last night that all the city walls were erected, and the metal plates that were used as the initial shelter were removed.

The rest is to do it!

This time, it is not something that can be done in a few months.

at least one year.


The blueprint of the underground structure of one of the cities appeared in Shu Fu's mind. With his strong memory, he could hardly forget it, and then he started to work.

With the new method, the underground earthworks of a city can be completed in less than half an hour.

The new method is the same as Yuannei, the skills trained by the model. In the bound building, his mental power and perception are amplified to the entire area.

Fast positioning can be achieved.

Then, directly teleport away, this is so fast.

after one day.

Thirty-eight cities, done!


The troubles have only just begun, and the rest of the process is not as simple as digging. Even Shu Fu, in order to improve efficiency, also staggers the construction.

It will take three months to complete all the underground projects. This is only possible when the process is optimized and the efficiency is at least doubled.

Build a house, easy.

It is not difficult to build more than 30 cities, but the amount of work is huge!

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