My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 796 Passenger Train Opens

That's when.

Baicheng Administrative District.

Los Angeles.

Early in the morning, Feng Changsheng went out, as usual, in a carriage, looking out the window at the city that he thought was very good, he couldn't help shaking his head.


a very wide distance!

Compared with the newly built towns of the Federation, the old city is simply incomparable.




In short.

Not a level at all.

In terms of size, the scale of the city in front of me is a little smaller than Xinzhen, not to mention the county and prefectural cities. The world is changing too fast.

It's overwhelming.

Every time I wake up, it feels like a dream.

. . .

Not far from the old city, Feng Changsheng saw a huge construction site in the distance, tens of thousands of people were busy, it was a county town, yes, Luocheng is a county level.

think about it.


before that.

Luocheng is not the main city of the city-state, so it cannot reach the scale of the prefecture, and it has been planned as a county seat. What can I say, they are all younger brothers anyway.

In front of the county has begun to take shape.

The main works are almost complete.


In May of last year, all the villages in the Federation were built and settled in.


Tens of millions of workers started to build the county seat, and it has been almost nine months now, and it is not incomprehensible to complete the main housing project.

do not forget.

There is slack.

After the autumn harvest, many villagers also joined in the construction.

It is estimated that the total number of people currently building the city is nearly 100 million.

Work hard, complete all county towns in the middle of this year, it is not difficult!

The key is sufficient material, and this is the reason.

Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. God knows what kind of means the Federation can provide materials on such a large scale, which is too mysterious.

. . .

The carriage moved slowly on the flat county road.

There is almost no sense of bumps, and the surrounding greenery is also excellent. It was the first time that Feng Changsheng had the concept of greening when he saw county roads and government roads, which was really good.


He didn't go out of the city to see the scenery.

Not long after, they came to a railway station in Los Angeles, which occupied a large area. In Feng Changsheng's eyes, the station was full of luxury.

Ticket Office.

waiting room.

Station Square.

landscape fountain.

Everything reveals the aura of the Federation.

When you get close, you can still hear a lot of broadcasting.

"Attention all passengers, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Administration of Railways, when taking a railway train, you are not allowed to carry controlled items, wrap all kinds of knives, lighters"


Listening to the broadcast, Feng Changsheng was also very supportive.

If before.

Disarm soldiers.

Surely there will be a backlash.



The law and order of the Federation is unprecedented. Even some martial arts practitioners rarely go out with their soldiers, because it is easy for passers-by to come over to popularize the law.

Three times and two times, you don't take it.

It's useless anyway.



road hog?


One by one has been cleaned up a long time ago, and one by one is caught, and there is no tolerance. It has been ten years since it started, and now no one is afraid of danger when walking at night.

The federation uses iron-like policies and strong execution.

Severely punish all those who dare to defy the law, and I am not used to it at all.


It directly broke the old noble system, and there was no cover-up at all. Think about it, Nanqing fought without declaring it, and did not accept some people's surrender at all.

It makes sense.

Not broken!

Do not stand!

The means were too ruthless, but they removed obstacles to the establishment of a new order.

. . .

After letting the men go back.

buy tickets.

security check.


After a while, Feng Changsheng got on a passenger train. In fact, it was only five days ago that the Federation released passenger transport. He had wanted to experience it for a long time.

No, first find the community and issue a certificate.

Then you can buy a ticket.

That's right.

Although it is open, it is not fully open.

In the past, only business trips were allowed, but now everyone is allowed, but the procedure of "road guidance" is still retained, and you must register first.

It's not complicated, and it can be done in minutes.

Bang Chi Bang Chi~

on the train.

Looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, Feng Changsheng was speechless for a long time, he rarely went out, this time his destination was Xihai City, and he had been there before.

If you take a carriage, at least ten days.

What about the train?

only one day.

I am feeling.

"This is your first time taking a train?" A person across the aisle next to him asked with a smile.


Feng Changsheng recovered his senses and nodded.

"Where is this going?"

"West Sea City."

"Me too."


The two quickly chatted. Such a scene would have been almost impossible if they had traveled in the past, and the journey was quite exhausting, so there was no time to chat nonsense.

It's different now, I'm not tired at all, I just chat and pass the time.

Through the chat, Feng Changsheng also knew the identity of the other party.



It's not ordinary farming, but in the east of Dayan. With the migration policy of the federal government, more than 20 orchards were acquired there.

Two months ago, the fruit harvest was abundant.

Selling it to the Federation made a lot of money.

It's winter now.

He was going to go back to his hometown to see his family. He originally belonged to the Xihai City-State, but in order to see the federal capital, he went all the way west, first to Yuancheng.

Then turn back to Xihai City.

"You should go to Yuancheng if you have time. The new Yuancheng is extremely beautiful. It is indeed the capital of the Federation. It is top-notch in all aspects, and there is also a track in the city."


"Especially at the airport, I am honored to see an aircraft taking off and landing."


"There are also sky pillars."

"The height is more than two miles, and it will glow at night."


As soon as he said it, the other party couldn't stop. Feng Changsheng listened carefully. Although he knew this a long time ago, he still wanted to hear it from people who had been there.

This time I went to Xihai City to meet a friend and see the construction of the main city of the administrative region.

after come back.

The next stop is Yuancheng, the most prosperous place in the Federation and the center of power.

After talking about Yuancheng, Feng Changsheng asked curiously:

"Farming in the desert, how do you do it?"

"I don't know. Anyway, when I went there, the land was quite fertile, with sufficient sunlight and a large temperature difference between day and night. The agricultural technician said it was suitable for planting fruit trees, and it turned out to be correct."

"The fruit that grows is really sweet. It is now on the market in the whole federation. I believe you have heard of it."


"The purchase price is not low. After a year, it will be very profitable."


"At the beginning, many people who migrated from Yuancheng still couldn't forget Yuancheng's sudden transformation into the capital. Now, few people think so."

"For remote areas, there are federal subsidies."

"The purchase price of fruit is also high."

"Also divide the room."


"In short, living in the eastern desert oasis, the life is not bad, there is water and electricity, and there are almost all of them in other places, and the Federation treats them equally."

"Thanks to the Federation, life now is like a dream."


Hearing what the other party said, Feng Changsheng added one item to his itinerary, that is to go to the east, anyway, he went to Yuancheng, and went east to Dayan Empire on the way.

Further east is the desert.

In the past, I didn't dare to go, and I wouldn't go too far.

Now there are trains, and you can get there with a bang.

I went to the hospital for an examination a few days ago. It’s meaningless if I don’t sell it badly. I will actively treat it and update it occasionally!

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