My beast conquers everything

Chapter 803 Divine Crystal

The first point is the way of your own soul.

At present, I am still lacking in soul secret skills.

It can deal with the great demon-level powerhouses, but it can only restrain the opponent when dealing with the Demon Lord.

In fact, being able to limit the opponent is already very good.

After all, when the two sides are fighting, as long as one of them has a flaw, death is not far away.

It's a pity that with Su Chen's current strength, he still can't break the defense of the powerful Demon Lord's body.

Especially those powerful men in the late and peak stages of Demon King.

Even if he burns all his divine power, he can only destroy a very small part of the opponent's magical power.

It is even more difficult to kill the opponent.

Su Chen knew very well that the secret method of the soul had endless mysteries. As long as he mastered it, it would not be a problem to kill the enemy beyond the level.

This time, as long as I can make profound achievements in the soul secret method, I can rely on my strength that has just entered the foundation building stage to kill those big demons.

So you still have to understand, study, and practice hard.

The other thing is about your own cultivation.

When it comes to the foundation building stage, the way of cultivation is different from before.

In the past, practicing, whether it was refining qi, quenching blood, or casting bones, was all about stretching the muscles and bones, so I wanted to use some special treasures to assist in the practice while absorbing spiritual energy.

But when it comes to the foundation building stage, you don’t have to rely too much on those treasures.

The main thing is to absorb the spiritual energy. As long as the spiritual energy is absorbed enough, the cultivation level can slowly increase.

As for spiritual energy, spiritual stones can provide it.

It just so happened that Su Chen had saved a lot of spiritual stones before, but he had not received the reward this time. Su Chen wanted to reward him with many spiritual stones.

This is one of them. The second point is that you need to understand the world during the foundation building period.

Previously, Su Chen was able to perform spells such as the Heretic Dharma Appearance because of his understanding of the world and the help provided by the Four Directions World Seal.

There is still room for improvement in the teachings of heretics.

As long as one's understanding of heaven and earth is profound enough, even if one's realm does not improve, the power of the heretic dharma will increase dramatically.

So this is something to note.

After talking about myself, it was the turn of the contracted spirit beast.

Little Flame, Black Feather, and Titan have nothing to say. They have all reached the disaster level, and there is no room for improvement in the short term.

However, the Mountain Stone King Ant and the Zerg Mother Queen Sufna need special care.

After all, these two guys have not yet achieved disaster level, and their self-protection ability is really lacking.

"Get the reward first!"

Su Chen thought for a while, and then received the reward that had been sealed up before.

Then, Su Chen heard the reminder of the golden soul beads ringing in his head.

Ding, ding, ding kept ringing.

"Good guy, luckily Brother Jinzhu was smart enough to seal these rewards for me in advance, otherwise I would have had to make a fuss to death."

The beeping continued for half an hour before it stopped.

And Su Chen could finally check it out.

Most of these rewards are resource rewards, and there are also a few magic weapon rewards.

Especially the spiritual stones. The top-quality spiritual stones directly gave me one million in quantity, which could be used for a long time, enough for me to practice to the later stage of foundation building.

Then there are some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, some of which can be used by oneself to speed up the progress of cultivation, some of which can be used to seal the four worlds, and some of which can be used by contracted spirit beasts.

They are all high-end goods and would be worth a lot of money if sold outside!

But Su Chen wouldn't be stupid and sell them out. Wouldn't it be nice for him to keep these for his own people to use?

Then there are some potions, such as red potions, blue potions, and yellow potions. I gave them a lot, and I will not be short of them in the short term.

"Hey, it's an experience point potion, and it's quite a lot. It seems that Mountain Stone King Ant and Sufna can be promoted to disaster level in a short time."

Su Chen's face showed joy.

Immediately began to retreat to upgrade the Mountain Stone King Ant and Sufna.

"The Insect King Potion can complete transformation with just one shot. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Su Chen scratched his head, and then used it on Sufna without hesitation.

After all, Brother Jinzhu has never deceived him, just do it and that's it.

Sure enough, as soon as the injection was administered, Sufna immediately fell into a deep sleep and began to transform.

As long as the transformation is completed, Sufna can be promoted to disaster level.

As for the Mountain Stone King Ant, they have already been promoted.

After reaching the disaster level, a ferocious aura was overwhelming.

Fortunately, Su Chen had the help of the Sifang World Seal to suppress this terrifying aura.

Busily forgetting Sufna's side, Su Chen looked to see that there was nothing serious. Then his body flashed and he had arrived inside the Sifang World Seal.

As soon as Su Chen appeared in the small world, a beam of golden light penetrated the clouds and shone on Su Chen.


A clear and sweet voice came, and Su Chen also had a smile on his face.

"Seraph, how do you feel? Are you used to being in this small world?"

Su Chen asked.

"Yeah, get used to it. It's very comfortable to stay here."

Seraph had a bright smile on his face, and the two dimples on both sides of his mouth looked particularly sweet.

"No, this is for you, please be promoted to natural disaster level as soon as possible!"

With that said, Su Chen took out a golden cube.

The crystallization of the gods has a huge effect on Seraph.

As long as one is small, one can immediately complete the improvement of realm.

Since Sufna and Seraph are different from Little Flame and the others, they cannot use level experience potions.

But it's not impossible.

Divine crystals and the Insect King potion used on Sufna are another means of improvement.

It's similar to level experience potion and very convenient.

It's just that level experience potions take effect immediately, while these treasures take effect more slowly.

If Seraph and Sufna want to advance, they need to fall into deep sleep and transform their bodies bit by bit.

It can be seen that the temptation of the spiritual crystal for Seraph is very great. The moment Su Chen took it out, desire was revealed in Seraph's eyes.

"Take it, it was originally given to you. Use it as soon as possible to get the effect."

As soon as Su Chen threw it away, the spiritual crystal flew to Seraph's side.

Without hesitation, Seraph took it, opened his mouth and swallowed it.


A dazzling light suddenly exploded in this world. Even Su Chen couldn't look directly at the dazzling light.

"This divine crystal is really a good thing! The effect is so powerful. I feel relieved now."

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

The moment the divine crystal was swallowed by Sufna, it immediately took effect. It turned into golden liquid and exploded in Seraph's mouth, and then quickly flowed throughout the body, starting to advance and transform.

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