My beast conquers everything

Chapter 804 Cursed Forbidden Device

Thousands of kilometers above the ground, the figure shrouded in a sea of ​​dark demonic energy spoke in a low voice: "This world debris falling out of a world contains a large number of complete rules. It is now being integrated into the alien battlefield. If we go in..."

Illos, who was sitting high on the throne of the ancient creature's skull, had cold eyes: "The power of rules contained in the fragments of the world is extremely huge, and there are many dangers in it. It is not something we can covet."

Looking at the boundless white fog restricted area stretching on both sides in front of him, Illos slowly said: "Let's think about how to deal with the human race."

"Not only did we not severely damage the human race this time, but we suffered huge losses. In addition to the two great demons who fell in the last war, we have lost close to a hundred great demons in the past few years, and there are also a lot of demon kings. , this loss is too great.”

"And these fallen great demons and demon kings are inextricably linked to the human race's son of fate, Su Chen."

"According to what R'lye said, the other party was just an unknown boy before. He just emerged in the last war. In the blink of an eye, in a few years, he has grown to the point where he can kill so many of our big demons."

"With this kind of potential, it is obvious that he has exceeded the category of ordinary children of destiny. As long as he can be eliminated, the future of the human race can be cut off."

After so many thousands of years, the four major demon clans have destroyed many civilized races while expanding their territory, so they are no strangers to 'luck'.

Especially when faced with the crisis of genocide, those alien civilizations came back to their glory, and those amazing and talented monsters appeared, each of which caused considerable losses to the four major demon clans.

Therefore, this kind of monster is the focus of the four major demon clans. Once a suspect is found, they will kill them with thunderous force, not giving those geniuses a chance to grow.

It's just that compared to most ordinary alien civilizations that were quickly destroyed, humans are more powerful and growing faster and faster, so they need to be paid more attention to.

This is why Illros united with the other three major demon clans this time and mobilized more than a hundred demons and dozens of demon kings, plus five demon king-level powerhouses, to the battlefield.

I didn't expect that such a careful plan would eventually fail.

One can imagine how shaken Illos's heart was, which is why he risked his life to kill Su Chen when the war was about to end, even if he expended a certain amount of energy.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Cae Zeus asked from the side.

"That's right, Illos. This time, in order to help you deal with the human race and that son of luck, Su Chen, our three major demon clans have all come over, but we still suffered heavy losses. This is already a huge loss for our strength. It hurts my muscles and bones.”

Galontis said slowly.

"Yes, we also suffered heavy losses in this battle against the demons. The human race is obviously so weak, but it can still withstand the joint crusade of our four major demons. This is really incredible."

Peron scratched his huge head and said.

"Don't worry, I've already found someone to help."

Illos signaled them to calm down.

"Looking for help? Who? Last time, you used Cae Zeus as your trump card, and even secretly dispatched Emperor Hanus. Your Blood Demon Clan dispatched three Demon Emperors at once and failed to win the opponent. You still have any solution."

Kars glanced at Cae Zeus and Tihanus on the side, and said meaningfully.

Illos glanced at Kars, but did not answer. Instead, he looked deeply into the void.


call! At this moment, the void in the distance twisted and collapsed, and a black dry head with a diameter of only more than twenty meters and surrounded by wisps of black smoke appeared.

In an instant, a terrifying aura filled the air.

At the same time, a low and cold voice came from across the broken void: "Illos, don't forget the promise you made."

Looking at the black head that exuded a terrifying aura, Illos said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Piertis, next time you and the Golden Tribe start a war again, I will send troops to support you."

"very good."

In the low and satisfied voice, the void slowly healed, leaving only the black head floating.

boom! Illos looked in his hand and grabbed the huge and ferocious black head in his hand.

"What's this?"

Galontis looked at the black head exuding terrifying rules with curiosity on his face.

"This seems to be a cursed weapon."

Cae Zeus was well-informed and seemed to recognize this thing.

"Pietis! That's right, he is indeed good at these things."

Karls nodded as he thought of something.

"So how should this thing be used?"

Emperor Hanus is still relatively junior, and among all the Demon Emperors present, he has the lowest status.

But Tihanus has unlimited potential. If he is properly cultivated, there will be another figure like Illos, so Illos is very concerned about the cultivation of Tihanus.

This time I brought him to the battlefield specifically to increase his qualifications.

such a pity!

The human race is really too cunning.

Iroth's plan was very thorough, and Tihanus' performance was also very good, but in the end he fell short and allowed him to escape.

However, looking at the skull in his hand, Illos unconsciously pulled out a smile.

Feeling the powerful power of the rules curse above, Illos said in a low voice: "When Emperor Hanus took action earlier, he had already destroyed the life-saving weapon on that kid. Finally, I spent a certain amount of energy to take action against Su Chen again. Although It didn't kill him, but it left an anchor on him."

"As long as this anchor point is used as the coordinate, and there is this cursed forbidden weapon, he will definitely die this time."

At the last moment of the previous battle, Illos did not hesitate to expend all his energy to attack Su Chen. Naturally, he was not really furious and losing his mind, but was preparing for this curse.

After years of baptism, a strong man at the level of the Demon Emperor has become very firm in his character. As you can imagine, it is easy to lose control of his emotions, and he has already reached a state of neither joy nor sorrow.

Even though the empire lost countless elites in this operation, Illos and the others only felt a burst of pain. You can't say how angry you are.

To beings like them, whether they are low-level soldiers, great demon-level experts, or even demon-lord-level experts, they are just cannon fodder.

As the saying goes, all saints are ants.

If you don't reach the level of the Demon King, you will always be just cannon fodder, and the strong ones at the level of the Demon King are just bigger ants.

They would only feel a little bit sorry for the loss. What a pity for such a useful tool.

I have to say that the cruelty of the four major demon clans can sometimes be described as cold-blooded.

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