My Beast Master Is Really Not An Evil God

Chapter 507: Ruthless Crush! The Hell Angel Arrives! All Races Are Shocked!

After the words fell, the whole place fell silent.

Both humans and Tianfengdiao people opened their mouths wide and looked shocked, even though they knew that Lu Yu's character could not be crazy.


The three in front of me are the true kings of the ancient tribe. They were monsters that dominated an era thousands of years ago.

He is the top monster with the same concept as Lu Yu in this era.

Now, he is the only one, does he really not leave some escape route for himself?

Jiang Jian pursed his lips and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He didn't feel that his man was bragging, but took it for granted.

He is so dazzling and destined to shine for an era!

No matter what he wants to do, he just needs to be by his side.

Although Lu Yu said it was not necessary, Jiang Ji had already made up his mind. If the opponent wanted to besiege Lu Yu, he would do everything he could to stop one or two monsters with the Eye of the Evil King and give him a chance to win.

As long as Lu Yu loves her, she can bear more pain, even...

Try to bear ten times the pain and summon the blessing of the Lord of Thorns!

"What an arrogant guy!"

Prince Xiang was not angry, but smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, only coldness in his eyes.

The other two ancient monsters had similar reactions.

They have forgotten how many years ago no one dared to be so arrogant and provocative in front of them.

Even the corpse of the former opponent has weathered, right?

"It seems that frequent victories have gone to your head and you have forgotten how to respect the strong!"

The son of the Elephant Lord walked forward step by step, and the vast pressure spread, shaking the world, the color of the world changed, and the power was majestic.

"You were able to defeat the Eco Master before only by relying on the power of the longevity bee's sting, but now your lifespan has reached its bottom. Even if you are in perfect condition, it is nothing in front of me."

The son of the Elephant Master spoke calmly, but with a kind of arrogance originating from his soul, saying:

"I hope your best efforts can make me feel happy..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lu Yu, who was sitting on the Seat of the Fool, manifesting one hundred and eighty-eight arms of the True Spirit of the Heavenly Demon God, lingering in a sea of ​​chaotic energy and entangled with crimson roots.

In an instant,

The arms of the devil danced, carrying the power to destroy all things.

The son of the Elephant Master looked indifferent, feeling that he had already seen through all Lu Yu's trump cards. However, although he raised his hand casually, he actually went all out.

Preparing to crush it with his strongest body, Lu Yu felt what real despair was.

However, in the next second, the mysteries of speed and slowness flowed on the arm of the Celestial Demon God, spanning hundreds of miles in an instant, and appeared in front of the son of the Elephant Lord.

The moment of contact, his expression changed instantly!

"How can it be!?"

The arms of the Elephant Lord's son were instantly crushed and turned into blood mist. Under the action of this terrifying force, his body was shot away like a cannonball, plowing an abyss of hundreds of miles on the ground and raising dust all over the sky. .

With just one blow, countless blood marks appeared on the powerful body of the Elephant Master's son. The blood was soaked in it and turned into a blood elephant, looking miserable.

Kill instantly with one hit!

This scene made the Royal Family of Light and the Void Illusion Gap Shark, who were originally watching the show, froze in place.

too fast!

Even they haven't seen each other's movements clearly yet.

At this moment, they looked at the figure sitting on the throne and had a bad premonition in their hearts, and then...

Take decisive action!

‘Legendary trait—infinite light! ’

‘Legendary trait—Illusive Fin! ’

The Royal Family of Light and the Void Illusion Shark took action decisively, and the power of the vast law swept along with the ecological radiation.

However, before he could get close to Lu Yu, he was shattered by a full moon and returned to nothingness.

The little spider is sitting on the full moon, with stunning beauty, like the moon goddess coming to the world. Behind him is reflected a mysterious pasture where countless moons are buried.

Facing the two people who tried to offend his master, the little spider stretched out his slender arms and pressed the air.


The secret of the moon - the world is turned upside down!

In the little spider's world, there is only the master, and everything else can be reversed at will.


In an instant, the purple moon rose into the sky, shining for eternity.

The gravitational imbalance brought about the collapse of the basic laws of matter, causing the Royal Family of Light and the Void Illusion Shark to begin to slowly float. Although one entered the light element state in time, the other entered the illusory state, hoping to avoid attacks, and prepared Go on the attack.

The little spider looked indifferent, and his open fingers suddenly clenched into fists.

The secret of the moon - all things retreat!


The purple moon exploded instantly, carrying vast power and countless moon blades. Even the elements and illusory space were shattered, turning into a void and turbulent area.

The two ancient monsters were directly injured and returned to their physical state, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

Compared to those who are strong in rules, Moon Path is absolutely superior to most laws.

Not to mention that the little spider still holds part of the power of the moon.

After being promoted to the pinnacle of giants, with the blessing of the ranch, his combat power is no less than that of a high-level ecological master!

Although it is still difficult to kill the two people on the opposite side in an instant, it is easy to stop them.

"how so……"

At the same time, the son of the Elephant Lord on the rubble pile struggled to get up, shaking off the blood-stained stones, looking at the figure on the throne, listening to the music of foolishness, constantly lowering his wisdom, and his four eyes were filled with unspeakable energy. of shock.


So strong? ?

Did the projection I fought against him have one percent of the power of the blow he just struck?

Is this a treasure engraved hundreds of years ago?

But... Lu Yu is only 20 years old!

It's impossible that he has become stronger in such a short time, right?

Hasn't his talent been weakened?

And with such a fast promotion speed, what kind of monster is this guy?

The son of the elephant master couldn't figure it out, and couldn't understand it, but the humiliation of being killed by Lu Yu turned into endless anger, rushing to his brain, and roared:

"Secret - Giant Elephant of the Universe!"


His body suddenly expanded and turned into a giant elephant of ten thousand feet. The majestic dark matter gathered and turned into a spirit wheel hanging upside down behind his head, distorting the endless space.

Dark matter is also one of the basic substances of the universe, but it cannot be observed by the naked eye.

But when it gathers together, it will have the power to destroy everything.


The son of the elephant master roared, and the dark matter swept in, annihilating everything.

Facing this full-strength attack, Lu Yu's response was just...

Raise your foot.


Above the sky, endless brilliance, storms, and chaotic airflows intertwined, turning into a dark sky.

An exquisite boot engraved with the head of the corpse-eating ghost appeared, and every pattern was clearly visible. Billions of black thunders lingered and shone, wrapped in the power of the tremor law, and fell with one foot.

Like the ancient God, overlooking the ignorant creatures on the earth.

Send down the punishment from heaven!

The secret of heaven - trampling on the sky!

"Go to hell!!!"

The son of the elephant lord rolled up his nose and roared, and the wheel of dark matter swept away, ready to crush Lu Yu.

However, the ending was...

All the dark matter collapsed instantly in front of the secret of speed and slowness, and the whole giant elephant was stepped into the ground, causing violent earthquakes and collapses for millions of miles.

Even outside the world, you can see the horrifying movement here!


The son of the elephant lord coughed up blood, and the head as hard as divine iron was crushed in half, revealing the white bones, and the red and white flowed all over the ground, which was extremely creepy.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, the royal family of light felt that things were out of control, so they decisively turned around and turned into light to escape.

But the moment he turned back, he saw...

The brilliant golden light that filled the world!

This is...the golden light of Dou Shi!

That is to say...

At this moment, a white paper hand stretched out from it.

"Get out of here!"

The King of Light sneered, and dispersed his body into billions of smaller light particles, completely isolating himself from the attacks of the material world and blocking the power of all things.

However, in the brilliance, a Bible emerged and slapped it suddenly.

The moment the billions of light particles differentiated by the Prince of Light came into contact with it, it seemed as if he saw a great figure that was above the mother river, with countless white papers floating and the long river of fate lingering.

Don't look at the remains of the Paper God being easily killed by Lu Yu, but that was directly brought into the depths of the long river of history, and there was also the Spear of the Old Days given by the Faceless God and the pasture derived from the Taboo Status to suppress it.

The actual Paper God, even if it is just a wreckage,

light or darkness, must remain humble in front of Him!

Accompanied by a muffled "bang", the King of Light was smashed to unconsciousness on the spot.

"I come from a country of etiquette..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The demon knight with blazing flames descended and smashed the Bible of Redemption three times in a row. After the Prince of Light was completely stunned, he stretched out his hand to hold it and continued:

"But etiquette is not for you. Disobeying my Lord is disobeying fate!"

"To atone for your sins, go to the Bible of Redemption to feel the truth."

The Bible of Redemption rose without wind, and kept turning, forming a white hole, bursting with terrifying suction.


The royal family of light struggled frantically, but could only watch themselves being swallowed into the world of the book.

On the other side, the Void Phantom Shark was not much better, because in front of it, a series of terrifying figures appeared.

The hundred-eyed dragon covering the sky stared at him greedily.

The blood surged into a dark galaxy, and every step he took shook the earth, like the black red dragon ant of the ant king.

The natural disaster appeared, the three disasters peacock that swept everything.

And the black oil turned into a tsunami, engulfing everything. On the earth, a series of earth-glorious swords rose up and changed the terrain.

Thousands of mechanical creations emerged from it, lingering around the mechanical master-Red Rabbit!

All of Lu Yu's pets descended to announce their existence to the world!

In addition, after the little spider had gravity, the virtual sword combined with gravity, combined with its own sword comprehension, condensed its own unique mystery-the virtual sword!

Directly chased the Void Phantom Shark and slashed it. The most important mystery of the virtual and the real, she also understood it, and deduced it to the realm of transcendence and sainthood, and could switch at any time, which did not work at all.

"Damn it!"

The Void Phantom Shark had an ugly face. Facing the siege of many pets, it was extremely aggrieved, but staying would definitely die, so...

The virtual power around it gathered and blessed on the shark's wings. It suddenly jumped, repelled the attacks of the other pets, and opened the door to the dream world.

Mystery-Dream World Leap!

Illusion and dream are similar, and it has also studied related spells, so it can enter the dream world when the power of illusion fails.

The Void Shark did not say anything harsh, but just looked at them deeply, remembered the hatred in its heart, and then turned around and prepared to enter the dream world.

There, time and space are disordered, and it can get rid of anyone's pursuit.

Seeing this scene, the little spider was stunned, and the other pets also stayed where they were.



As soon as the Void Illusion Gap Shark entered half of its body, a terrifying hand composed of countless distortions, terrifying nightmare water, tentacles, fear and other forces pressed its head, like a nightmare pillar, and smashed it straight in. Ground.

Endless nightmare tentacles crawled all over its body, binding it tightly and constantly injecting fear and nightmares.

"What a little bastard. The dream world is also my father's domain!"

Accompanied by laughter like silver bells, sitting on the door of the dream world was a girl with long blue-purple hair who looked fifteen or sixteen years old. Behind her was a feather with the power of nightmares condensed, a black halo above her head, and delicate jade feet. Wearing a dark golden bell, it made a crisp sound as it swayed slightly, and with a playful smile on its lips, it overlooked everything on the earth.

He is the warden of the Nightmare Prison, the first child born in Lu Yu's dream, and the companion angel conceived by the forbidden dream - the Hell Angel!


As Lu Yu's strength increased, Nightmare Prison naturally also continued to strengthen, and Xiaoyu's strength also increased.

It's just that she spends most of her time in the dream world working on a big thing, so she doesn't appear much.

Lu Yu could only see her appear when he entered the Nightmare Prison for training.

The Hell Angel tilted his head, looked at the little spider, and chuckled: "Long time no see, mother!"

The little spider responded: "Hey!"

I just saw it the day before yesterday.

It is a very strict little spider.

"Because one day is like three autumns apart, Xiaoyu feels like she hasn't seen her father and mother for several years!" Xiaoyu ignored the facts and acted coquettishly.

As for the Void Illusion Gap Shark, it was imprisoned in the Nightmare Prison.

this moment,

The elephant master's son raised his head with difficulty, looked at Lu Yu who came in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Winning king or losing bandit, I underestimated you, but if I hadn't fallen asleep before, you should call me Your Majesty when you see me now..."

"On the road to becoming a king, are there still things you want to do? No matter how much you talk about it, you are just covering up the fact that you can't do it. As a result, you still talk about it all day long and are complacent. Is this the so-called glory of the ancient clan?" Lu Yu interrupted him with an indifferent look.

In one sentence, the elephant master's son completely broke through his defenses. Anger, shame, fear and other emotions were intertwined. The most important thing was that it finally became one sentence:

"kill me!"

The loser's sophistry is indeed ridiculous!

"Don't worry, it will settle into your stomach."

Lu Yu penetrated his brain with the Calamity Gun, and after annihilating the life force, he stretched out his hand and pulled off the elephant's trunk. After cleaning it, he grilled it with the sun's flames, sprinkled it with some secret seasoning, and took a bite.


“It tastes pretty good.”

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction. He was finally not an ancient tribe in human form, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat it.

It's not that it's indigestible, it's just too unappetizing.

Because it tasted so delicious, Dandan couldn't help but take a bite, and couldn't help but raise his dragon's claws.

Guzu is so delicious, I will add it to my must-eat recipes in the future!

Little Spider and Mouse also gave high ratings.

Sure enough, the higher the spiritual level, not only the appearance will be more perfect, but the meat quality will also be better!

What, are you talking about a great existence?

They are also perfect, but mortals cannot recognize their beauty, so they find it indescribable.

In fact, it is just a complete form of a rule.

Three ancient monsters were all defeated in one encounter.

One was imprisoned in the Bible, another was suppressed, and another was killed!

Both the human race and the Tianfengdiao human race were stunned.

Among them, the one who collapsed the most was the giant Tianfeng Diaoren. Looking at Lu Yu, he said with a trembling voice:

"Do you know what you're doing?"

The elephant master's son died like this? !

You can already predict that a storm is coming!

He couldn't imagine how furious the elephant owner would be?

In response, Lu Yu just ate the roasted elephant trunk and looked at him quietly, his eyes as calm as if he were looking at a dead person... a dead bird.

The giant Tianfeng Diaoren caught his gaze and broke into a cold sweat. He suddenly realized that he was actually roaring at such a ruthless person.

Even if the other party is targeted by the elephant owner, it will be a matter of the future.

But now, his life and death depend only on the other person's thoughts.

Lu Yu obviously did not use any spiritual power, but the giant Tianfeng Diaoren felt that the whole world was oppressing him, and endless fear spread.

Finally, its spine slowly bent downwards, and it fell to its knees with a plop, crawling on the ground.

The rest of the Tianfeng Diao people were also kneeling on the ground, shrinking their wings and trembling.

The giant Tianfeng Diaoren said in a hoarse voice:

"General Lu, please forgive me for my offense. I am willing to become your eagle dog and serve you."

The way for the weak to survive is to surrender to the strong.

"You are very smart, and you also have a human form, so you can't eat it..."

Lu Yu's words sounded, and the face of the Tianfeng Diaoren giant showed a look of surprise. Just as he showed a flattering look, he heard Lu Yu continue to say:

"Too bad, I don't eat beef!"

I can not eat beef?

What does it mean?

Before the giant Tianfeng Diaoren could think about it, he saw the Seat of the Fool shining brightly and the Foolish Musician playing music, which made him look frightened, but he soon entered a state of confusion.

The Tianfeng Diaoren clan entered a state of dementia, turned into fly ash, and then were distorted, greatly enriching the number of foolish musicians.

As for the legendary traits, they were collected by Little Spider as a trophy this time.

The Seat of the Fool, which was originally chaotic and ignorant, became even more mysterious and strange.

"The son of the Lord of Elephants... is dead?"

"The Prince of Light is also missing!"

"How could Lu Yu be so strong!?"

At the same time, on the other side of the Great Abyss, many powerful people also cast their eyes because of the fighting here. After seeing what happened here, they were also frightened.

The three top monsters of the ancient clan were killed and captured!

This is not a small role, the entire camp of the Ten Thousand Clans will be shaken.

Under the gaze of horror, shock, resentment, etc., Lu Yu looked at the countless countries across the Great Abyss.

He saw the magnificent ecological kingdoms and the grand figures hidden in the depths of the kingdom, looking down from a high place, overlooking all living beings.

That is the true king of the Ten Thousand Clans,

the overlord of the world, the kings that even the gods have to fear!

It is also the mountains that Lu Yu has to face!

He said lightly: "Who gave you the courage to dare to establish a country at the gate of the alliance?"

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