My Beast Master Is Really Not An Evil God

Chapter 508 The most ancient and noble dragon! Fighting to the doorstep of all races! The source of

One sentence made the human race strongmen excited.

Let's see what the political awareness of the general is.

When they were still working hard to expand the territory for the human race, Lu Yu directly defined this area as the territory of the human race.

In turn, he questioned why the ten thousand races wanted to build a country at their doorstep.

The most important thing is that he is not bragging, but he really has the qualifications.

Any objections?

Then you can ask the son of the elephant master!

The ten thousand races across the abyss were also boiling.

In order to understand the human race as an opponent, they not only learned the characters, but also did countless reading comprehension to understand Lu Yu's meaning directly.

"Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

"This is the abyss, not the border. What right does Lu Yu have to say this?"

"Our kingdom has existed since ancient times, and the human race is just a latecomer who has risen in recent years!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person. This has been our land since ancient times. The human race is just a latecomer who drove us here! ”

“Isn’t it just killing the son of the Lord of Elephants, suppressing the Prince of Light and another evildoer? What’s the big deal… Although it’s really scary, I still have an opinion.”

“Isn’t this guy afraid of being beaten to death by the kings?”

“Damn it, even the invincible prince of the ancient tribe, the Lord of Ecology, can’t kill him. Is it really only the pseudo-king who can kill him?”

“It’s only been a few years, and he has gone from being an ordinary creature to possessing the combat power of the pseudo-king level. Isn’t the Mother River too fond of him?”

“Could it be that he has been blessed by the Supreme Sun, just like the rise of the Tianri Clan at the beginning?”

“It’s possible. If it weren’t for the promotion of the top great existence, how could ordinary creatures achieve this point. ”


The strong men from various small countries and the true kingdoms spoke up one after another, very dissatisfied with Lu Yu’s arrogance, angry for a while, and then…

Nothing happened.

Just kidding, anger is because of one’s own position, but it is impossible to really fight.

The three ancient monsters who dominated an era were either dead or injured.

Several races that had offended Lu Yu, such as the Golden Light Winged People and the Four Seasons Tree People, were constantly suppressed by hostile races because they lost the strong men who suppressed the tribes, and could only rely on their foundation to survive.

But it is not far from the extinction of the tribe.

These small shrimps are estimated to be gone with a breath.

Even in the Sui'e Kingdom, there was silence, and many races that surrendered to the kingdom held their breath and dared not make a sound.

The little characters that were once ignored are still It has become a huge monster.

Three years!

It was said last time that his talent decreased because of using the sting of the longevity bee, so he should be equal to Dongfang Yuan and others.

But how long has it been since then, and he can already crush the ancient monsters at the level of ecological master?

Is it false news to comfort their panic?


Lu Yu's talent is positively infinite, and it is still infinite after the reduction?

No matter which one it is, it is very despairing!

Compared with the strong men of all races who are fierce on the outside but weak on the inside, the kings of all races look at Lu Yu indifferently.

Not angry.

Just like people will not be angry for the ants' fangs and claws.

But it is not that they don't care. After all, a genius unprecedented in history is indeed worthy of attention.

The True King of Sui'e lives in the long river of misfortune and says lightly:

"Misfortune entangles, fools are arrogant. "

The other kings also looked at this little guy with interest, who had a fraction of their lifespan... No, it should be said that he had not thought about a problem for a long time.

It felt very interesting!

The overlord of the earth was extremely arrogant!

But he admired the life that was as proud and powerful as them.

But no king was in a hurry to take action and kill this ignorant ant.



Accompanied by an elephant cry that shook the main world, it echoed above the sky, shattered millions of miles of clouds in an instant, revealing the dazzling brilliance of the supreme sun.

"The Lord of the Elephant has taken action!"

The kings of the Ten Thousand Races camp watched all this indifferently, wanting to see how far this king of the ancient clan had reached?

After all, hundreds of thousands of years ago, he regarded himself as the son of the Elephant God, and relied on the strength of the peak of the True King to rule the Lord of All Things, and was honored as... the Lord of the Elephant!

They were also very curious whether the other party had taken that step!

The boundary between God and man!

"The Dark Infinite King! "

With a whisper, endless dark matter gathered and turned into nine black holes like planets, which expanded rapidly, like the moon falling, and landed towards Lu Yu's position.

Every time it got closer, the earth broke and sank one meter, and the hard stones turned into powder, oppressing the whole world.

Once it hits, billions of miles of land will turn into nothingness!

Countless creatures in the border crawled on the ground, trembling. In front of such a magnificent king's power, even the idea of ​​escaping could not be born.

Destruction is at hand!

However, Lu Yu just stood quietly on the border land, his clothes rustled because of the storm caused by the aftermath of psychic energy, and watched the attack of the elephant master indifferently.

The moment he approached him, within the human race, a series of kingly powers rose up, and turned into many kingdoms above the sky, shaking everything.

The angry blow of the elephant master was shattered!

The terrifying aftermath swept the world, turning several unlucky monster secret realms into ashes in an instant.

The Supreme Council is coming!

The reason why Lu Yu dared to be so arrogant was because he knew that if the True King level took action, it would definitely lead to a counterattack from the Supreme Council.

Although a True King peak is the highest point of the pyramid of sentient beings in this world, it is not qualified to sweep the kings of the human race.

Otherwise, why would he sit back and watch the human race occupy half of the main world?

Is it because he doesn't want to?

At this moment, many figures on the Supreme Council looked at Lu Yu with different expressions.

It's this kid again!

The moment they took action, they already knew what happened here.

That's why they were even more surprised.

Because with the eyes of the kings, it was easy to find that there was no rule imprint left after the use of the Longevity Bee Sting.

In other words...

Lu Yu crushed the three ancient monsters with his own strength.

It seems that less than a month has passed since the last battle.

His strength has made a leap forward again. Isn't this too weird?

Not to mention that ordinary things cannot accommodate the rapidly increasing spirituality, even if they swallow the flesh and blood of great beings alive, they will most likely explode into blood mist instead of deforming all the way.

Without the corresponding status, it is a dead end.

Even the kings who are used to many big scenes cannot understand it.

Of course, this does not include the King of Order.

After all, she knows the true identity of the disciple. Now seeing Lu Yu's rapid progress, she is not surprised at all, but smiles knowingly.

In her previous life, she only ascended to God for a moment, and she can plan to ascend to King again after countless years.

And Lu Yu can be treated so courteously by the long river of history. He is definitely not an ordinary great existence.

It is very likely that he is close to the forbidden field.

No matter how many miracles there are, it is normal for him.

After becoming a king, the mechanical angel looked down at Lu Yu with a kind of condescending look, but now his eyes are complicated...

A little worried that this dog man will get her pregnant again.

It's not that I'm worried about the full month of breeding. The ordinary power of rules is not enough to penetrate the obstruction of the law.

The main thing is...

The world lady is almost becoming a free lady.

If one is ridden, they can't escape.

King Ji Le looked at Lu Yu with interest, because he did not find any trace of desire in him, but his many pets, all of them had strong desires...

Well, pure and perfect!

It's not that they are close to the standard, but the standard is derived from them.

Very touching.

At the same time,


The Lord of the Elephants' gaze descended on Lu Yu across the endless void, and the surrounding space made an unbearable crackling sound.

The whole world was wailing, as if scolding Lu Yu for not knowing the height of heaven and earth, and actually offending the noble king!

However, for Lu Yu, who had witnessed the great power of the gods and the Heavenly Lord, it was just a breeze on his face. Although he did not mock, the smile on his face was the biggest irony.

The cold voice of the Lord of the Elephants came: "He killed my most satisfied offspring, the descendants of the God of Elephants. As long as the human race does not stop us from taking revenge on him, I can swear to the Mother River on behalf of the Elephant Race of the Universe, enter the neutral camp, and not attack the human race."

The voice fell, like thunder in the sky, shocking countless people.

If a peak True King withdraws from the future decisive battle, the advantage it brings to the human race can be said to be huge.

Not only does it make up for the advantage of the elves losing the True King, but the winning rate is much greater than before.

The kings of all races frowned and understood what the Lord of the Elephants meant.

If you want to use him as a knife, you must bear the consequences of being backlashed.

The Supreme Council also fell into a brief silence.

The faces of countless human races showed worry.

Only Lu Yu's expression remained the same, and many pets surrounded him, with a vast aura, and he was not afraid of the king's power at all.

This indifference made the kings look sideways.

But in fact, Lu Yu was really not afraid of being abandoned.

He is no longer the little character who can be manipulated at will. If he is forced into a corner, he will hide in the underworld and stay in his daughter's kingdom of God. Then, as the mastermind, he will use the power of the rat to stir up conspiracy and trigger the era of chaos.

After he becomes king, or when the main world can accommodate the gods to come, he will bring the God of the Underworld to slaughter all those who are against him!

However, the Supreme Council quickly gave an answer:

"This kind of low-level provocation is meaningless."

"The alliance will not give up anyone!"

The King of Order said lightly, domineeringly protecting his child.

"This child has great potential."

"The human race does not need to sacrifice a child in exchange for peace."

"Start the war."

The other kings nodded slightly, never considering this deal. The conditions of the Lord of Elephants sounded good. If they agreed, it would make the human race alienated.

At that time, the united alliance will collapse from the inside first.

What's more, Lu Yu's talent now shows that, in addition to the need for time to accumulate ecology, he basically has a 50% chance of becoming a king.

The remaining 50% is because they are afraid that he will encounter an accident in the mother river.

The reason why there was no war before was not only because fighting could easily destroy everything in the main world, but also because the spirituality of the chaotic era could rise to the peak at any time, and the gods would also wait for an opportunity to descend.

It is not a good story that the fisherman benefits from the quarrel between the snipe and the clam.

Although the human race and the myriad races are fighting each other, if the gods descend, they will also enter a short honeymoon period.

Drive away the external enemies first and then divide the internal interests.

Now both sides are simply in the werewolf killing mode, and it is unclear how many external aids and trump cards the other side has.

The new forces (human race) are afraid of the foundation of the old forces.

The old forces are also worried that the other side will beat the old masters to death with random punches.

Once the war starts, they can't hide!

The figure of the Lord of the Elephants appeared above the sky. After being rejected, he looked calm and said calmly:

"I am discussing with you. After all, you are also feeling exhausted because of the border incident."

After the voice fell, the kings in the Supreme Council were silent and did not refute, but the breath did not dissipate, but became more and more.

"Good, very good!" The Lord of the Elephants laughed, staring at Lu Yu with cold eyes, and whispered:

"I hope you will always hide under the protection of the Supreme Council, otherwise as long as you set foot on the land of the Ten Thousand Races, you will be hunted down by the Ancient Kingdom of the Universe and its dependent countries!"

The Lord of the Elephants' voice was calm, but it was like a golden rule, announcing the entire main world.

The murderous aura rolled in, making people shudder!

In response, Lu Yu looked solemn and said slowly: "Then...if I put all the alliance flags on the many countries of the Ten Thousand Races and bring them under the jurisdiction of the alliance, wouldn't it be okay?"

After the words fell, the little spider next to him stretched out his hands and clenched the air.



On the several fence-sitting countries near this abyss path, they all raised their heads at the same time and saw the huge moon phantom.

In the panic, wailing and begging for mercy of countless alien races, it suddenly fell.

The mystery of the moon - the moon of gravity!


Accompanied by a violent roar, gravity exploded instantly, and the terrifying power exploded. Countless alien races were instantly annihilated and razed to the ground under the impact of the moon of gravity.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, on the ruins, a human alliance flag woven with spider silk appeared, and there was a Q version of a little spider pattern in the corner.

It seemed to be waving and saying hello.

But it was rooted in countless corpses and bone powder.

Successfully expanded the border of the human race to the gate of the Ten Thousand Races camp.

The final decisive battle can be started at any time!

"You are the Lord of the Elephants. You must keep your word. You can't act rashly in the future." Lu Yu said seriously.

I haven't stepped into the Ten Thousand Races camp. Isn't this all the territory of the human race?


At this moment, the whole audience was silent.

You are stuck here!

Do you really think that the Ten Thousand Races are building a country at your doorstep!

Have some shame?

Although the Lord of the Elephants has no expression, you can feel the rage burning like a furnace from his increasingly gloomy eyes.

Accurately pull hatred!

This is the first time I have seen such a shameless person!

He doesn't mind going to war, but he doesn't want to be the knife of the kings.

So he took a deep look at Lu Yu and turned away.

When the thing on the border is born and involves the energy of the Supreme Council, it will be the time for the Ten Thousand Races to invade.

At that time, he will personally hunt down Lu Yu and strangle him!

As the Lord of the Elephants left, the kings of all races returned to their respective kingdoms, and the royal courts shone.

However, one of the kingdoms lost its royal court.

Hmm... the unlucky guy who was washed away by the long river of history when summoned by the disciples last time.

They are all waiting for the last moment!

Without the threat of external enemies, Lu Yu also looked at the King of Order curiously, but the latter hesitated for a rare time, and was about to speak.

He did not answer immediately.

The mechanical angel whistled and turned his head away.

The mechanical mother still looked at him with a gentle smile.

Just when Lu Yu was puzzled, a calm voice came from behind him:

"Let me answer it."

The pure white light gathered and condensed into the figure of the big light bulb principal Shi Weijun, and continued:

"Because the dead eggs of the ancient dragon are about to be born."

"The ancient dragon, the full name is the most ancient and noble dragon, is the highest dragon species higher than the legendary dragon, but in fact, they are not pure dragons, but are born with corresponding missions and partial authority. Whether it is creation or destruction, it is actually the embodiment of the will of the main world or even the will of the mother river.

Therefore, after they are born, they will have the power of the true king level, the peak of the true king, or even the demigod level to complete the corresponding mission, so it is extremely difficult to stop.

However, this time, the ancient dragon actually Born on the border, and drew the power of the earth veins of the entire border for breeding, but I don't know what happened, it turned into a dead egg, which is normal. After all, not every ancient dragon can be born normally. Their natural strength is accompanied by a doomed disaster. This is the balance law of the mother river, and even the gods must abide by it.

And this ancient dragon egg died before it was born, but fortunately, otherwise the earth veins of the entire border would be drained by it, causing collapse and tilting the abyss towards the hinterland of the human race.

At the beginning, we also handled it according to the highest disaster specifications, but we didn't think it would go wrong, but as expected..."

"It had an accident."

"What accident?" Lu Yu acted as a suitable supporting role.

Shi Weijun looked at Lu Yu and said softly:

"It overlapped with the dream world border of the Lord of the Eternal Dreamland summoned before the Dream Eater Cult was wiped out..."

At the same time, Xiaoyu's surprised voice sounded in Lu Yu's mind:

"Father, it turns out that this is the source of the dream world change!"

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