My Beast Master Is Really Not An Evil God

Chapter 509 The God's Legacy of the Dream-Eating Cult! The Cancer Dragon of the Dream World! Ga

Dream world changes!

Lu Yu remembered that a long time ago, when he was still in Dayuan City, Xiaoyu told him that there was something wrong with the dreams of the residents of Dayuan City, and they had nightmares frequently.

But because the dream world is too far away from reality, the dream world is chaotic and disordered, and there are examples such as the milk of the Nightmare God turning into the Nightmare Sea. It would be strange if there were no problems.

And there were no deaths, so he didn't take it to heart.

Maybe some powerful nightmare was causing trouble.

But now it seems that the dreams of the entire border have been irradiated by the ecology of this dead ancient dragon egg.

After all, high-dimensional life, just by existing, will radiate the surrounding environment and even the entire world, causing corresponding changes.

"So you have been tinkering with this all this time?"

At this point, Lu Yu suddenly remembered that Xiaoyu has been elusive during this period. Although the Nightmare Prison will grow with him, the power to defeat the ancient monsters head-on is inseparable from her silent efforts.

"Hehe, father finally found out. This is the surprise that Xiaoyu prepared for you." Xiaoyu put her hands on her waist, her mouth almost curled up to the sky. She looked cute and adorable, without any of the arrogance that had just defeated the Void Phantom Shark.

She was more like a little girl who was spoiled by her father.

However, as a derivative of Lu Yu's dream and an appendage of the forbidden status, Xiaoyu's essence was much higher than that of ordinary angels. Her status was comparable to that of the gods, and she was only slightly worse than Lu Ming, the son of truth among many pets, but she did not have the corresponding authority.

Shi Weijun also noticed this strange dream creature and could feel the terrifying essence hidden in her body. His big light bulb head remained silent.


There were too many "miracles" gathered around Lu Yu.

It was as if the world and the mother river loved... no, doted on him!

Compared with him, the so-called son of destiny was weak.

"Surprise?" Lu Yu was a little confused.

"Yes, after all, the dream world was distorted some time ago, which increased the chaos. A large number of nightmares and dream creatures fled, and then were captured by the Nightmare Prison and turned into outer walls, greatly increasing the strength of the Nightmare Prison.

But after a long time, I also found it strange. After careful study, I found that these dream creatures all had the characteristics of dragonization. I thought that a legendary dragon with dream attributes was born. If left alone, it would easily become an unstable factor. It is better to catch it and use it as a mount.

So after chasing for a while, I have locked its coordinates in the dream world." Xiaoyu told Lu Yu a good news through telepathy.

In other words...

Even if Shi Weijun and others didn't say it, Lu Yu would have found this place.

Whether it is his pet or his daughter,

They are really too awesome!

Hearing this, Lu Yu said bluntly: "Is it the last mission my parents carried out at the time?"

It has been said for a long time that Dayuan City, as the first city on the border, is suppressed by a powerful giant of the ages.

That is, the president of the Dayuan City Alliance.

But because most of the elite troops were transferred away to perform a key mission, the Faceless Brotherhood caused trouble, and the subsequent Dayuan City Defense War was launched.

Even now, the other party has not returned.

Moreover, after Lu Yu became a general, the cause of his parents' death was recorded in detail, but the specific content of the mission could not be checked, which was obviously not equal to his authority.

It is likely to be the same thing.

Apart from the ancient dragon egg death incident, what else could have delayed an eternal giant for so long, and such a high level of confidentiality.

"Yes, that's right." Shi Weijun nodded and continued, "When we first dealt with the dead ancient dragon eggs, we asked them to be responsible for the order outside, and Duan Luqing... you should be familiar with him, that is, the president of the alliance in Dayuan City, was responsible for collecting the dead eggs.

But to everyone's surprise, the dead ancient dragon eggs actually had consciousness, and they were forcibly revived, radiating the ancient dragon ecology, and a large number of dragon beasts were raging. The team your parents were in was disturbed by the radiation of the ancient dragon ecology, and Zhou Cheng's round light mirror monster was attacked by one of the missed, crazy morning star dragon beasts, resulting in the death of all members except him.

This is also his knot in his heart. He thinks it is because of him that everyone was killed, but in fact, they In front of this kind of higher life, he was actually very small, and he came out at the end of his life.

Fortunately, Duan Luqing was a soul-based beastmaster, and he suppressed this will in time, so that the dragon beast disaster did not affect the border city. He could have used the corresponding rituals to sacrifice and decompose it back to the world, but he did not expect that at this time, the dream of immortality left by the Dream Eater Cult actually began to migrate, intertwined with the dead eggs of the ancient dragon, forming a strange dream domain that could not be broken or entered, but was approaching reality. "

Lu Yu nodded, not surprised by this. After all, participating in special departments, especially border missions, the mortality rate was not low, but correspondingly, the mission rewards were also high among the thirty-three major domains of the entire alliance.

After the death, he also received corresponding compensation, and no one embezzled it.

Choosing a golden-level pet cub is still from the selection of the evil god cult. It is powerful, and the only drawback is that most of them have violent personalities. The so-called spiritual instability is also compared with other normal pets.

The truly unstable pets have been screened out in the first round.

Such a pet beast, in other domains, would be impossible to buy without some connections or huge wealth.

If you don't want to fight, you can convert it into wealth and become a small millionaire for the rest of your life.

So he didn't have much opinion on the alliance's policy. If you pay, you get a reward. It's already fair.

If you were in the Dark Star Region, you would have to bear the brunt of the Star Family, and most of the upward paths would be blocked. That would be really hopeless.

That's why so many wild beastmasters would come to the border to fight for a future.

Lu Yu asked in confusion: "Even the kings can't erase it?"

The power of the kings' laws should solve 99.99% of the problems in the world, right?

But it can be used by the Lord of the Elephants to threaten, so there must be something else going on.

"It was possible at the beginning, but everyone underestimated the power of the Lord of the Eternal Dream. The Dream Eater Cult summoned Him to turn the mortal world into a grand eternal dream. He actually has the strength of a kingdom and is directly rooted in the border, connecting the main world and the dream world, which is equivalent to opening up territory for the main world.

Originally, we took a cold approach. As time passed, the two worlds would separate, but after the fusion of the ancient dragon dead egg born in accordance with the will of the main world, it has a different meaning.

Once you take action, you must first face the malice of the will of the main world, but if you sit back and watch the other party being born, then the entire border vein, even the vitality and the dreams of mankind will be affected. It devoured everything, not to mention what would happen if it lost dreams and sleep.

If a special dream was bred... no, it should be said that it was a perfect ancient dragon that made dreams come true and created in the void. It would instantly become a complete body, and the minimum would be a high-level True King, or even a demigod-level individual.

At that time, the kingdom on earth it established would inevitably conflict with the human territory, and it would need to seize land and resources, which is the means of production in modern terms, and it is an irreconcilable contradiction.

And it is not ruled out that the Pope of the Dream Eater Cult is still likely to remain, and there may be another eternal dream. "

Principal Shi's way of speaking is still so fashionable, not like an antique who has lived for thousands of years.

Lu Yu complained in his heart and asked: "Is there a great existence pushing it?"

"It's not certain yet, but there is a high probability that there is, otherwise a dead ancient dragon egg cannot suddenly give birth to will." Shi Weijun whispered: "The Lord of the Eternal Dream and the Mother of Dusk are the most suspicious. "

Lu Yu nodded, and it was almost the same as what he thought.

One is the god in question.

The other has been making trouble at the border for a long time. He can get 90% of the dirty water thrown at him, especially since he is suspected to be the reincarnation of the Supreme Mother Goddess, and the creation field can also match.

"The Ten Thousand Races Camp is also eager to delay time and wait for us to be exhausted before taking action." Shi Weijun said calmly, and he had made the worst plan.

"It is not the style of our human race to sit and wait for death. There should be other backup plans, right?" Lu Yu touched his chin and asked curiously.

"Yes, although the main world is not convenient to shatter, we can find the coordinates of this dream kingdom through the dream world, and then find a way to sneak into it through the dream and disintegrate it from the inside. It is difficult to kill it completely, but as long as the birth is delayed for a hundred years, it will be enough to survive the chaotic era.

But this dream domain cannot accommodate the True King to enter the dream. It is between the Eternal Giant and the Ecological Master. This is also related to the degree of resurrection of the ancient dragon's dead egg. If it really reaches the True King level, the dream domain will become a kingdom with the blessing of the law. Even the True King cannot defeat the opponent from the inside." Shi Weijun looked at Lu Yu with a complicated expression.

Originally, he wanted to train Lu Yu with all his strength. After all, his pet was the perfect creation of the Dream Eater Cult and inherited the unparalleled legacy. It was a perfect mission target.

If he could make the other party promoted to a giant within ten years and enter it with the other evildoers, there was a high probability that he could kill the will in the dead egg of the ancient dragon.

But he didn't expect that the ancient dragon's recovery speed was beyond imagination, and Lu Yu became even more perverted.

He can already crush the Eco-Master!

The difficulty of the original nightmare-level mission is now only the difficult level. The only thing to worry about is the influence of the Lord of the Eternal Dreamland.

Lu Yu nodded and had no objection.

After all, the alliance will also give out equal rewards when giving tasks.

"But you can wait first. The dream world is too large and chaotic. The coordinates of reality and dreams are completely different. We have sent tens of thousands of dream beast masters to search. We should be able to find the location within a year, and it will not explode for the time being..." Shi Weijun was afraid that Lu Yu would be anxious, so he comforted him.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yu: "No need, I've found it."


Not to mention Shi Weijun, even the Order King and the other kings who seemed to leave but were secretly paying attention were stunned.

They could see that Lu Yu had just learned the news and was not aware of the ancient dragon's dead egg incident before.

The mechanical angel wanted to ask "Are you kidding?", but thinking of the other party's identity, he held back his words.

He could even enter and exit the long river of history freely, maybe he had a short-term big account.

Shi Weijun's light bulb head flickered, and he soon realized something. Before he spoke, he heard Lu Yu continue:

"Because I inherited only half of the Dream Eater Cult's legacy, and there is also a display location in it. I have always wondered what the other half is? After listening to you, I realized that it was God..."

"Order Law-Silence!"

Before he finished speaking, he was covered by the Order Law, which eliminated the subsequent sound, and then took Lu Yu away and returned to the border.

Although Lu Yu's voice was not loud, there was no ordinary person present.

The kings were shocked, and even on the other side of the abyss, there were fluctuations of aura.

The dream migration is not just an accident or a great existence, but also related to the legacy of the Dream Eater Cult!

Doesn't this mean that someone can inherit everything in it!

Looking at Lu Yu's rise, apart from the blessing of Tian Zhou's bloodline, the biggest help is the legacy of the Dream Eater Cult, which accounts for at least 70%.

This once small cult was not taken seriously by many powerful people during their lifetime, but they did not expect that they would leave so many legacies after their death.

I thought it was the limit to be comparable to the ancient king's treasure house, but now it seems that it is very likely to be close to the secret treasure of the gods,

and it is suspected that there are treasures left by the Lord of the Eternal Dreamland.

How can they not be moved by this! ?

Many geniuses of all races are even more yearning. If they can get this legacy, do they have the opportunity to become the second Lu Yu?

Two days later,

the alliance quietly executed a military big shot on the grounds of leaking secrets. The news was simple and the handling was very quick, and it did not cause any waves on the Internet.

Even if some netizens paid attention to it, they just cursed a few traitors and quickly forgot about it and did not care.

After all, the human race has a large base, and there are all kinds of monsters and demons.

But in the big family circle and the camp of the Ten Thousand Races, it set off a storm.

Because this guy is the key figure guarding the ancient dragon dead eggs, responsible for guarding the place where the ancient dragon dead eggs are, and this time he is responsible for handing over the dream world positioning.

It’s not a rebellion, but from the beginning, he was trained by a kingdom of the Ten Thousand Races and entered the military high-level. Over the years, he has passed a lot of key information and caused considerable losses.

This time, he leaked the coordinates of the ancient dragon dream domain provided by Lu Yu.

Although the rule-based secret treasure has been used to block the secret, the Ten Thousand Races paid a huge price and used other treasures to offset it and obtained the information.

This guy also fled to the border as soon as possible, but was still wiped out by Shi Weijun with the light of the heaven and turned into nothingness.

But the news has been spread.

Moreover, in order to disgust Lu Yu, the Ten Thousand Races also distributed this position to many big families, schools and evil god cults of the human race.

Let everyone compete for the legacy left by the Dream Eater Cult.

At least Lu Yu can't get it, which will speed up his growth.

And even if there is a conspiracy, we can also pit the human race.

For a while, undercurrents surged.

In the pure white tower in the border city.

Shi Weijun looked at Lu Yu who was drinking tea slowly in front of him and asked softly:

"What do you want to do?"

Why did Lu Yu say it when he could solve it in a low-key manner?

With his character, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

At first, Shi Weijun thought that Lu Yu was giving fake coordinates to play tricks on the Ten Thousand Races, but it turned out to be true.

In this way, this part of the inheritance that originally belonged to Lu Yu is estimated to have a lot of twists and turns.

Could it be... that his luck was affected by the True King of Misfortune and his reason was blinded?

Or does he have the confidence to solve the will of the ancient dragon in the dream realm?

"Principal, have a cup of hot tea first."

Lu Yu slowly sipped the barley tea brewed by the little spider, and the aroma of grains exploded on the tip of his tongue. He felt that the little spider was becoming more and more versatile and contracted every aspect of life.

It's hard to imagine...

How much fun will there be left without the little spider?

Is she deliberately trying to make herself useless?

But it's unlikely, after all, how could the little angel do such a thing?

In front of Lu Yu, there was a light curtain floating, and you could see a huge dream comparable to the size of a large domain, lingering with endless death and boiling dragon power, constantly eroding, twisting, and radiating the entire dream world, expanding rapidly.

Although it is just a drop in the ocean for the boundless dream world.

But it is like a huge cancerous cell, constantly proliferating, twisting, and radiating dream creatures to expand its ecological influence.

As the picture zooms in, you can see that all kinds of dreams are approaching it, relying on this huge dream barrier to build a special passage.

Among them, there are strong men from the Ten Thousand Races Camp, and genius monsters from the big families within the human race, all scrambling to enter, trying to compete for the legacy of the Dream Eater Cult before Lu Yu.

Some people also want to accelerate the growth of the ancient dragon in advance, so that the human race will suffer the disaster of the ancient dragon in advance, and reverse the current decline of the ten thousand races before the gods come.

It is likely to cause disasters and affect the overall situation of the human race.

Shi Weijun was able to sit here and drink tea with him, which showed that he was calm. If it were the others, they would have been anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Lu Yu drank hot tea quietly, looking at these guys with a calm look, and even wanted to laugh.

How much legacy does the Dream Eater Cult have, doesn't he know yet?

He knew that the Ten Thousand Races camp did not believe him completely, so they remained vigilant and wanted to make trouble more,


Greed is the best bait!

The legacy of the ancient dragon and the Dream Eater Cult is a conspiracy.

It was also the first time he changed his identity, from a chess piece to a chess player, to play a game with the will of the ancient dragon's dead egg in the dream realm, or...

the great existence behind it!

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