My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1000: Ma Qingyao

Inside the Bandit Village ‘Mountain Pass’.

When Su Jin entered, she didn't see the girl in the archway. Maybe she fled in a panic after being discovered by herself.

Although the mountain road is a homeless village, it seems that the scenery can be described as beautiful. Ma Kun is a rough person, but he has a unique style in terms of greening facilities.

There is the kind of blue and flat stone road at the foot. There are many weeping willows planted on both sides of the stone road. There are also some gardens that are well designed and properly sized. The flowers inside are vying for each other and are beautiful.

Outside, there was the sound of a fight between Huaqing and Ma Kun, and Su Jin had already tested out the reality of Brother Kun. He felt that it shouldn't be a problem for Sister Hua to win the battle with him, so he didn't worry too much.

Rows of very retro wooden pavilions appeared in front of Su Jin unknowingly, with red lacquered beams, wolves and lions.

Mountain bandits admire not dragons and phoenixes, but wolf lions. Legend has it that the appearance of wolf lions can strengthen the courage of the living!

At this moment, the scene in Su Jin's field of vision made his eyes brighten.

Not far away, in a flowerbed under the green shade, is the figure whom she was just familiar with. She has a graceful back, wearing a white knee-length skirt, and a figure with a golden ratio sitting on the flowerbed. She is straight. , The part underneath the tall body is in close contact with the flowerbed, and the hearts of the officials who are watching are rippling.

"After Dongli put the wine in the dusk, there was a dark fragrance and full sleeves. Passionateness has hurt parting since ancient times, and it is even more naive and cold in autumn. The moonlight in the old days, count as me several times, playing the flute by the plum..." The voice of the girl reading the poem was very quiet , Even holding the book in his hand, the voice is also very pleasant.

Su Jin felt that the femininity had an illusion of being integrated with the environment!

Talented woman, Su Jin suddenly had a sense of cherishing each other. Hearing the girl's words, he couldn't help itching her chest, with one hand behind her, a literati look.

Su Jin raised the volume while walking, and then said: "Arouse the jade people, regardless of the cold and the picking, He Xun is getting old now. I forget all of them, but strangely, the bamboo leaves the flowers. The spring is cold... Enter the Yao seat——"

Hearing Su Jin's voice, the girl turned her head abruptly, her eyes full of surprise.

Su Jin saw the girl's face up close and couldn't help but admire her. The girl's appearance was handsome, her eyebrows were outlined, and her big eyes were more aura.

For scoring, the officials must score 9 points!

"How could you..." The girl's face was not so scared anymore, and some only had accidents.

"Xiaosheng is the same as a girl, he loves words and words, it was just a momentary unbearable, abrupt..." Su Jin came to the girl, gently chins his head, and then asks: "Are you the young wife snatched from the Ma family? "

The wisps of clear fragrance radiated from the girl, and Su Jin didn't need to carefully distinguish it, knowing that this scent was not the smell of the flowers in the flower bed.

Looking at it from the front, the girl is about 1.6 meters tall and her upper body is tightly wrapped, but it can also be seen that the bulging parts in front of her are well developed!

The girl shook her head.

Su Jin was very surprised, "That is..."

"My name is Ma Qingyao." The beautiful girl said.

Second Olympics——

Last name Ma!

"Are you Ma Kun's daughter?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"Yes, Ma Kun is my father." Ma Qingyao said.

"I guessed it, but I just fought with your dad, you seem to..." Su Jin understood that this mountain road is actually where the Ma family's family is located, and it should be considered that all the direct families live here.

"I don't seem to be worried, right?" Ma Qingyao said for Su Jin.


"I'm his illegitimate daughter, the child born of a citizen's daughter outside." Ma Qingyao didn't care. "Back then, the old lady took control of my dad tightly. He didn't dare to be a concubine blatantly, so he left my mother outside. Don't ask, he was not there when my mother gave birth to me. Five years later, my mother took me and came here."

"and then?"

"My mother is dead. She was killed by his instructed men. The eldest lady is also one of the murderers." Ma Qingyao said here, her eyes could not hide her hatred, "So, not only do I have no feelings for him, and I wish he would die early!"

"Why tell me this?" Su Jin took a deep look at Ma Qingyao.

The first time I met, a few conversations, it seemed not so good to be so open.

"Since you can come in, you can help me." Ma Qingyao lowered her head, "I have two wishes. The first one, I hope Ma Kun will die early."

"What about the second one? Tell me a little bit." Su Jin asked.

"Second, my mother is still buried in the field of'Baiban Slope' three miles away. I want to leave here, take my mother's bones, and escape." Ma Qingyao said.

"So, I challenged your cottage today. With your eagerness of opportunity, I was sneaking at me at the archway just now." Su Jin sighed, "I thought I was too handsome."

"You are so smart." Ma Qingyao did not deny.

"Then the problem is here." Su Jin squinted, leaned slightly, reached out his hand to lift Ma Qingyao's chin, and said lightly: "You and I are not relatives, what price can I pay and let me help you?"

Cost... What can you do without a cost?

Ma Qingyao slowly closed her beautiful eyes when Su Jin raised her chin, and tilted her head slightly.

Those beautiful and handsome cheeks...

The sky is full of Feixia.

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