My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1001: Time to hit

"I thought you would read poems, unlike others, but I didn't expect it..." Ma Qingyao tilted her head, making her chin free from Su Jin's fingers, and her voice was not as calm as before. Then she said, "You go, I You don't need to help me."


This old girl has a temper! I like!

Su Jin looked at Ma Qingyao's state at this time, and knew that she was very angry, her face flushed, her heartbeat was still fast, and the plumpness of her size in front of her also fluctuated with her breathing, in such white plain clothes. Under the package, it's very touching...

"You have to think carefully. After you pass this village, there will be no such shop. Based on your age and appearance, Ma Kun says he can't use you to become a sidekick and give it to someone else's man as his wife. ...You will be very miserable, and you will not get the results you want." Su Jin deliberately said.

"You go!" Ma Qingyao's impression of Su Jin also changed sharply.

She didn't say "you get off", she already gave Su Jin a lot of face.

"Hehe, I don't want to go." Su Jin is not good at anything else, and his face is thick. While talking, with a playful smile at the corners of his mouth, he just turned to sit down beside Ma Qingyao. Up.

"You!" Ma Qingyao stood up suddenly, staring at Su Jin with apricot eyes.

"If you answer me a question and do another trivial thing, I will help you." Su Jin suddenly said softly.


Ma Qingyao discovered that Su Jin was a weird person. What he said just now hinted that there was a strong smell of misconduct, but now he changed his mind and wanted to help her... it didn't look like a lie.

"What is the problem, I need to do something." Ma Qingyao said.

"The question old are you?" Su Jin asked.

"17 years old." Ma Qingyao replied. She didn't understand what Young Master Su was thinking. Is her age important?

"Girl in the season..." Su Jin sighed, "Okay, can you dance?"


Ma Qingyao shook her head simply, "No."

"Raise your hand on the spot and slowly turn it a few times." Su Jin said, touching his chin.

In Ma Qingyao's view, Su Jin's requests are all very strange styles!

Fortunately, according to Su Jin's statement, it is not difficult to complete. Ma Qingyao raised the slender lotus root arms wrapped in white gauze, and slowly turned in front of Young Master Su.

Su Jin grabbed a handful of pink petals from his side and threw it directly into the sky——

Sprinkle flowers!

The beautiful scene appeared, Su Jin squinted his eyes, looked at the beautiful face, and gently turned the protruding figure, enjoying it in his heart.

Ma Qingyao finally stopped and watched Su Jin slowly clap his hands like a hero. She had an incredible look in her eyes, "If I am like this, you will help me?"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"Why? It just... refused?" Ma Qingyao said.

"It was a temptation just now. If a woman uses her body in exchange for some difficulty, then this kind of woman is not worthy of my help, and it will make me look down on. Besides... I am a literati in my bones. It's rare that we both have common hobbies, so I should help." Su Jin looked like I had noble sentiments.

Ma Qingyao:...

However, while hesitating, she slowly said, "Thank you."

"Wait a while, if I don't worry about my life, I will naturally help you... If I can't come, it will prove that I am dead, and you can think of another way."

Su Jin responded. He felt that he was helping her now. If she died and couldn’t come back, she had no experience of living outside alone. She might be abducted even if she was so beautiful. It would be better to stay here instead of like that. , At any rate can survive.

"Okay." Ma Qingyao has been here for more than ten years, and she doesn't care about these waiting days. Now she can feel that Su Jin really wants to help her. After all, there are no conditions attached, and she has to believe it.

at this time.

"Hey, Miss Nine actually hooked up with a strange man, aren't you afraid of being beaten by the lady!" A very mean woman's voice appeared.

Hearing the sound, Ma Qingyao lowered her head, obviously a little panicked.

Su Jin looked indifferently, glanced at the two women who appeared on the sidewalk, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

These two women are both in their twenties. Judging from the dressing, they are not luxurious. They are obviously dressed as a maidservant, and they are relatively ordinary. What makes Su Jin feel weird is that, according to common sense, if Ma Qingyao's sisters said things like this, he would not be surprised, but these are the two maids, so why is Mao already so hanging?

Of course, Su Jin was relieved when he thought about it. This shows how low Ma Qingyao's status in the Ma family is, even to the point where even a maid dares to be so rude.

"I, I don't." Ma Qingyao said to the two women.

"No? Haha, sister Dan and I can see clearly, you two were close enough just now!" The bitter voice said again from the girl who had just made the noise.

Su Jin ignored the two maids at this time, looked at Ma Qingyao and asked, "They call you Miss Nine, are you the ninth?"

This Ma Kun can really give birth to——

Ma Qingyao immediately shook her head and whispered: "In fact, I am ranked third among sisters."

"Then why do they call you Miss Nine..." Su Jin became more confused.

"Smelly man, I haven't understood it yet. It's stupid." Another maid also said, "Ma Qingyao, even if he is older than the other young ladies, he will always be the last young lady. I was given the title of a young lady, fart!"

Although Su Jin had just met Ma Qingyao, he could not help clenching his fists when he heard such remarks.

Looking at Ma Qingyao's awkward state with her head down, we can see how pitiful and wronged she is!

Su Jin stood up from the side of the flower bed, put his hands behind his back, came to the two maids, and stopped.

It may be that the two maids feel good here, are used to being bitter and mean, and show their sense of existence. They actually looked at Su Jin with contempt.



Su Jin suddenly shot, and there were two crisp noises on the cheeks of the two maids, one on the left and the other on the right!

What a great fight!

Ma Qingyao was stunned.

In previous years, Ma Qingyao has been in deep boudoir, and she is a companion with books, it is rarely seen on weekdays. Other fair-sounding sisters have maids to take care of. But the two girls in front of them are not simple. They follow the lady, and it is natural to look down on her. In normal times, she is verbally bullied. She actually feels nothing, and she has been used to it.

But today, there is a strange man who actually helped her teach the two girls. Good intentions are good intentions, but after Su Jin do I respond...

"You, you dare to hit us!" A maid reacted from the daze and screamed at Su Jin.

"It's time to fight." Su Jin said lightly: "Get out of here, or I will be unhappy and hang you all on the tree!"

Second Olympics.

In this capacity, I still dare to talk to Jin Ye, looking for death——

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