My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1016: Palace Lord Zichen

The Silver Moon Wolf Queen became more seductive at this moment, sitting face to face with Su Jin, slowly staggering his tightly close legs, and then overlapping them.

When she made this move, it also greatly contributed to Su Jin's anxiety.

Su Jin tried his best to maintain restraint, retracted his gaze, looked at Yinyue curiously and asked: "This time you are going to Sacred City, you know you will die for a lifetime, why do you want to go with me?"

"Is it yours..." Yinyue blinked.

"Speaking of this at this time, I am afraid I can't convince the public." Su Jin said thoughtfully.

"Do you really think the old guy will just sit back and watch?" Yinyue asked.

"I don't know." Su Jin said the truth.

"Hehe, I don't know anything else. Old fellow, I still know a little bit better than you." Yinyue smiled and said, "You are his most proud disciple. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the right arm, even if it is very possible. Died in Sacred City, but he will still go all out to help you."

"What do you think he would do?" Su Jin's heart was slightly relieved, staring at Yinyue and asked.

If you can live, who wants to die for nothing!

"How much do you know about the old guy?" Yinyue didn't answer Su Jin's question, but instead threw the new question to Su Jin.

Su Jin shook his head, "I only know that he is mysterious, and I am afraid that his strength is many times stronger than me, nothing more."

"Want to know some secrets?" Yinyue stretched out, and made a touching, lazy voice from her small mouth, "Come on, rub your shoulders for sister, sister tell you."

When she said this, Yinyue had already turned around and sat down with her back facing Su Jin at a distance of a few centimeters.

Su Jin smiled, isn't it just a massage? I'm not professional, this one is the best!

The official man put his hand on Yinyue’s shoulder, sniffing the scent from the hair at close range, listening to Yinyue whispering: "The strength of the old guy is unpredictable, including me. I know how strong he is, and I have never seen him make a move. But I know he has a famous name called'President Zichen'."

"Palace Master Zichen?" Su Jin asked in a puzzled tone.

He had never heard of the old guy having such a title!

"Yes, in my Huaxia, purple is the'extreme', it is the representative of auspiciousness. The old guy has been revered as the palace owner a long time ago. There are countless masters and extremely high prestige. The old monsters of the world have friendship, such as the real person of the "Penglai Taoist Temple", the old star poison of the "Snake Island", the "God of Beggar" Liu Qi, the "Princess of Guiyang" Tian Cailin and so on. These people hide in the world and do not ask the world. , But everyone’s birth can cause great shock."

Su Jin listened with great interest. He only heard that the old guy had told him about the real person of "Penglai Taoist Temple" not long ago, and he had only heard of other people for the first time.

However, when he heard Yinyue read these people, he only felt a breath of pretending to be paralyzed, and these people seemed to be extraordinary.

"Friendship returns to friendship, but all the old things are like ghosts one by one, and they don't necessarily shed blood for him!"

Su Jin's hand moved down unconsciously, and the edge-like cloth in front of Yinyue covered her hand, and a very obvious arc felt clearly appeared on her hand.

Yinyue opened Su Jin’s hand and seemed to understand Su Jin’s words very well, agreeing: "Yes, no matter how much you can help, the most important thing depends on yourself. This time the Holy Realm is so powerful that it may come. Some masters that you can’t match are really worrying..."

"Worry about a fart, I have wine tonight and get drunk tonight, come... Let's discuss the Dafa of Shuangding Shuangxiu!" Where could Su Jin stay patiently and hugged her from behind.

"Okay." Yinyue's face was hot, "you are right, if you can improve it, you can improve it."

"I don't really understand this stuff, why can I improve my own strength." Su Jin put his hand in front of the skirt, his fingertips also touched a piece of white skin.

"It's very simple, medicine is not as good as food tonic, and food tonic is not as good as yin and yang complement..." Yinyue's body began to tighten, and his eyes looked at Su Jin's hand——

I found that that big hand had already lifted the skirt, and then...

The Silver Moon Wolf Queen's body was tight, suddenly losing strength, leaning in Su Jin's arms.

The voice murmured, and soon there were very attractive magical sounds scattered in the air...


The ebb and flow, the cloud disappears and the rain rests!

When Su Jin sat back and adjusted his breath, and when he and Yinyue explored the "Fu Ding Double Cultivation Dafa" together, a trace of feminine and gentle cyan energy was sucked into his body, and his own red-red Yuan Yang, which was as hot as a fire, was also absorbed Yinyue absorbed, and the two of them didn't dare to care about it now. They were sitting cross-legged, refining their exercises, integrating the exchanged Yuanyin and Yuanyang into themselves to enhance their strength!

One hour, two hours.

The blazing sun shone brightly, and Su Jin and Yinyue opened their eyes tacitly and looked at each other.

"The effect is not bad." Su Jin said faintly, raising his right hand, and a crackling sound appeared.

"You are very strong, you are about to toss people to death." Yinyue chuckled her small mouth, becoming more and more flattering.

Su Jin stood up from the back of the dead crow and looked at Yunjuan Yunshu in the distance, but there was always a figure in his mind.

"Sister Yinyue, when will we arrive?" Su Jin put one hand behind his back, and did not look at the Silver Moon Wolf Queen.

"It will take a lot of time, and it will be night." Yinyue finished her clothes, slowly got up, and stood with Su Jin, "Ask you a question, if, I mean caught it later Rover Innie, what would you choose to do?"

Su Jin was silent.

Closed his eyes.

"Then kill a goddess to cheer up!"

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