My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1017: Encounter

Hear the cruel words from Su Jin.

The Silvermoon Wolf sighed, "Although you say that, don't be soft in the end, listen to me... That woman is desperate, don't expect to tame her."

"Don't worry." Su Jin's head was slightly to the side, not looking at Yinyue, and immediately sat down.

Seeing Su Jin's statement like this, Yinyue's heart suddenly became complicated. If there is such a chance as she said, how likely is Su Jin to kill Lavril Yini?

After all... Will it kill?

Yinyue lightly leaned against Su Jin, and the last two were back-to-back. She said softly: "Let your bird fly to the northwest, you may encounter a lot of interesting things on the road."

"It can understand, what do you mean by interesting things?" Su Jin asked.

"This incident is nothing in modern society. Even people are enjoying life peacefully. But in our circle, it is equivalent to an unprecedented event. And the powerhouses south of China, who are always regarded as "heaven" "For those who are fancy, most of them accepted the invitation. Although the strong are rare, you can think of hundreds of millions of people..." Yinyue didn't say everything. She knew that Su Jin was a smart person and could think of what she was talking about. .

"That's a lot, right, I understand." Su Jin said with a bewildered face, "I don't understand something, are they all to watch the goddess sacrament? This event is really so magical? "

" don't know?" Yinyue was obviously surprised.

"Know what? What matters to other people?" Su Jin really didn't know.

"Goddess sacred sacrifice, the'Snow Jie Tear Crystal' will be given to the strongest after the ritual emergence. This matter has already been spread crazy." Yinyue said.

"Xuejie's tears, what is it?"

"It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure. It is a kind of substance condensed with the goddess' lifelong cultivation. It is rare in the world. It is of great benefit to the growth of life and cultivation." Yinyue said, fearing that Su Jin would not understand it, and said : "Let's use an analogy like this. If you were an old monster with a life-span, what would you do?"

"Wait for death." Su Jin said lightly.

"No, if you use the'tear crystal', you can instantly make people withered trees and spring, rejuvenation! Longevity grows at least three hundred years, and the cultivation base will be improved!" Yinyue explained with a complex expression.

Second Olympics——

Su Jin and Yinyue had different thoughts in their hearts. They took a breath of air-conditioning. Is "Xuejie Tears" really so strong? This is too abnormal! It was completely beyond his imagination.

But after calming down, think about it, the goddess doesn't know how many years he has lived, and he has already seen her life cultivation base. If he hadn't been controlled by himself, entered a special state, and received her holy artifacts, the outcome is still two!

It's not surprising that the perfect tear crystals that have this kind of cultivation base have such great effects.

"The cost of the Holy Realm's attempt to get rid of me this time is beyond imagination. I have to be vigilant. In case I become anxious at the end, I will manipulate those strong men to kill me, and use my head in exchange for those tear crystals... ...Then I will be very troublesome..." Su Jin's sword eyebrows constricted tightly.

"It's very likely." Yinyue said.

Su Jin was speechless:...

Time is passing slowly, more than five hours have passed.

The dead crow flew lower and lower, and finally pressed against the sea, leaped its wings and landed on a piece of land.

"It's tired, please fix it and set off." Su Jin lowered the bird's back, feeling down to the ground. He looked at the undeveloped virgin forest not far away, and he didn't know where it was.

"When you get here, don't walk around at will, although we haven't even reached half the distance." The pink on Yinyue's face has not subsided.

She is really going crazy.

Although she promised to be a Su Jin furnace tripod, she never thought that she would be so tired...

Just now, Su Jin used to work overtime and practice Dafa as a reason, and communicated with her three or four times. Even if she has a good body, it is difficult to stand now! Even begging for mercy with the respect of her wolf queen, there is no way to take Su Jin.

According to Su Jin's words, you are a furnace tripod and have no right to speak!

"You mean, it's easy to meet other masters?" Su Jin looked at Yinyue weirdly and asked.

"Yes, this is a shortcut and the fastest route. There will definitely be a lot of strong people who will pass by here." The Silvermoon Wolf slowly stretched his waist, stretched his lower body, and the basketball he held up in front of him was quite strong. It seems that it has grown a big circle out of thin air! Su Jin attracted a burst of attention.

"Fear of a fart, our purpose is to crush. We are just starting now, and we are afraid before we get to the place? Why do you want to go!" Su Jin sneered, and simply hugged Yinyue down with his hands, and was about to die. The crow is collected in the "Huangquan Notes", which is also conducive to its recovery.

Seeing the confusion behind the Silver Moon Wolf, Su Jin explained, she was relieved, but she couldn't help but not say something...

According to Su Jin's plan, do you really want to walk a certain distance first?

If you really run into some difficult opponents, there will definitely be a delay in time.

Immediately, Su Jin took the lead. Although Yinyue was miserable by him, he still tried to recover and started to follow Su Jin towards the forest.

It took another half an hour to walk.

Not far away, there was a sudden movement of birds flapping their wings!

"You never want to hurt my dad!"

With a soft drink, Su Jin stopped his pace, only to hear the voice is crisp and pleasant, the girl listening to the voice is not too old, and the smell of fifteen or six years old is dead.

Su Jin's expression was shocked.

At this time in a foreign country——

There are still Huaxia girls appearing!

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