My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1021: Maple Leaf Pier

"Say you."

Su Jin didn't shy away from it, and spoke to Ling Baobao calmly in front of everyone present.

In his opinion, Ling Baobao is petite and has a small melon seed face. Those big eyes appear on this kind of face. What is it if it is not a ‘big-eyed monster’? And he still feels like this kind of savage and willful girl, don't be ruthless... he won't go to heaven in the future?

"The little girl is still young, so please don't blame Brother Su..." Ling Tailai hurriedly laughed bitterly and convicted.

"I don't plan to have general knowledge with her." Su Jin glanced at Ling Tailai, shook his head slightly, and asked, "Little brother, there is something unclear."

"Please speak." Ling Tailai said.

"Don't you get here all the way from Huaxia? How long does it take to go..." Su Jin asked curiously.

"No, we are able to walk very fast, but we will never get here so early. We disembarked on a freshwater river in the west earlier today and changed to walking, because it will take about two more hours to walk from here. , You can enter the dock of another river, and then ferry straight to the city of Shengzhu.” Lingtailai explained.

"It turned out to be like this." Su Jin understood it, and looked at Ling Tailai and asked, "Do you know the exact address of Shengzhu City?"

"Someone notified and gave a detailed route. As a transit terminal, there will also be a special fleet to pick it up. Didn't the little brother receive a similar notice?" Ling Tailai looked confused.

Su Jin shook his head without explaining.

Later, Ling Tailai also stated the reasons for the entire fight with the black ghost.

It turned out that those mercenaries were also encountered by Ling Tailai by chance. Seeing that they were Chinese of the same race and the same race, and the boss had been poisoned, they deliberately offered to help, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so difficult.

This also caused Su Jin to think carefully.

An opponent that Ling Tailai met by chance was already so strong, and it seemed that this trip to the Sacred City of Vision was bound to be extremely difficult. Of course, Su Jin can be said to be backed by the entire Huaxia, and he is strong and confident, and he is not afraid of anyone!

On the following journey, thorns continued, Ling Tailai’s eldest disciple Guo Daguang took off a broad sword from his back, opened and closed the way from the front, only Ling Baobao was unhappy behind a few people, looking at Su Jin from time to time. Back view, she has been wondering.

Sure enough, in less than two hours, a few people walked down from a small hill. In front of them was an inland freshwater river. The river was muddy and red waves, like a big snake deep into the endless world.

Two miles away, an artificial dock appeared in front of him. With Su Jin's eyesight, there were many people at the dock.

Among them, there are many strong people. Su Jin only felt that there were many strong people who came for the holy sacrifice of the goddess!

"When you get here, you must be careful." Ling Tailai's face was solemn and very solemn.

Yinyue was standing next to Su Jin, but he didn't worry much. As Su Jin said, if he gets knocked down if he takes the first step, he doesn't need to be confused, so don't worry too much, as long as others don't provoke death, They will choose to ignore it!

Now I have complied with that sentence, not to cause trouble, but not afraid of it!

During these two hours, Ling Baobao seemed to have walked out of the haze, and returned to the usual optimism. She felt that this was a walk-and-go trip, but in fact... but she didn’t know that it was dangerous and dark. If one is not observed, one may lose his life.

Ling Tailai and the big disciple Guo Daguang were in the lead, except for Su Jinyinyue, they were much more cautious.

"That little girl, did you like it?" The Silver Moon Wolf Queen asked Su Jin softly, taking advantage of the gap between the three Ling Tailais behind.

"Sister Yinyue, do you think I still think about that now?" Su Jin asked helplessly.

"Hehe, judging from what you have done to me, you can hardly think about it all the time." The Silvermoon Wolf Empress is still very confident. This is not about strength, but about her face and body. She doesn't lose Ling Baobao. .

"Sentimental and mature, everything is very attractive, you don't understand." Su Jin walked with his pocket.

"Is there a difference? Not all women..." Yinyue said.

"Hehe, if you were me, you would feel a very obvious difference."

"What's the difference?"

Seeing the confusion behind the Silver Moon Wolf, Su Jin suddenly twitched his mouth and said, "The difference between pink and black!"

"what do you mean!"

The face of the Silver Moon Wolf's queen was already flushed.

"Just kidding, let's just follow, anyway, it's not a hurry." Su Jin squinted his eyes.

"Yeah." Yinyue didn't want to care about this issue either.


Maple Leaf Pier.

The name of the dock is Maple Leaf. Su Jin still asked about it from Yinyue's mouth. At least it means that when translated in the local language.

This place is currently unprecedentedly lively and crowded, after all, the strong people south of this place will gather here! Because the route given by "Heaven" is the shortest way, and it will save you more time than a detour alone!

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the pier, Su Jin found that there were a lot of dark-skinned local farmers. They were setting up stalls on the side of the road. Most of them were selling locally-produced fruits. These fruits are very strange to outsiders. Officials walked along. Look, he didn't know nine out of ten.

"Buy some fruit." After Silvermoon Wolf pointed to the fruit on the ground stand, smiled and stopped.


Su Jin doesn't demand much of fruit.

After Silvermoon Wolf walked to the vendor and began to communicate in English, she immediately chose several colorful fruits, but most of them were black ones.

The black fruit is not big, like a lychee, Su Jin took one from Yinyue and looked at it.

Seeing Su Jin's doubts, Silver Moon Wolf said afterwards: "This is called Shiyanguo. The roots are on the stone and there are no leaves. It is difficult to pick... You can taste it, it is absolutely delicious."

While Yinyue was talking, he paid a dollar bill before carrying a large bag of fruits and catching up with the three Ling Tailai in front of him along with Su Jin.

Su Jin gestured, Yinyue handed a bag of fruits to Ling Baobao, who was flushed with red face, only to see this Nizi excited.

And the Maple Leaf Pier has arrived!

Su Jin glanced at the people waiting in the audience. There were many masters in it, including men and women, people of various races and races. Many of them carried weapons. The styles of weapons were also varied. Among them, there were five or six of them. Young Master Su was surprised by the strong presence.

At the moment of scanning, Su Jin was attracted by two figures on the hillside not far away...


He arrived too!

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