My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1022: Mysterious black robe woman

The hillside not far away--

An old man squatted in the shade and took a nap. Right in front of him, a huge green cow was eating grass leisurely!

The old man turned out to be Master Qingniu!

The cattle are released abroad! Nobody...

"The Master Green Bull who claims to ride the blue bull down." The Silver Moon Wolf Queen followed Su Jin's gaze and said to him: "Do you know him?"

"Yes, it seems that we will have to wait a while before sailing, I will meet him." Su Jin ignored the others, took a step forward, and walked over.

When he was in Huishan Town, Su Jin knew the Master Qingniu's greatness, but he didn't expect the other party to receive a notice!

The purpose of coming is naturally self-evident.

Several people looked at Su Jin’s back and saw Ling Baobao’s small mouth lightly opened, and a gray fruit seed was spit out from her little tongue, looking at Yinyue, licking his lips and asked: "Sister Yinyue , Where is he going?"

"Go and meet an old person." Yinyue still has a good impression of Ling Baobao, after all, who doesn't have a young age.

"The old man is amazing, judging from his bull... Could it be..." Ling Tailai opened his eyes wide and couldn't help taking a breath.

"Yes, it is Master Qingniu." Yinyue nodded.

Ling Tailai never expected that Su Jin would still know Master Qingniu! He became more and more curious about Su Jin's true identity. According to what he knew, Master Qingniu had a weird temperament, was not good at communicating with others, he was aloof and had few friends! Even so, the rivers and lakes all agree with the strength of Master Qingniu, he is a very, very tough old man!

There are even rumors that his big methods can be comparable to some famous hidden monsters!

"What an ugly old man." Ling Baobao wrinkled her nose and didn't want to look at it anymore. Now it was a big bag of fruits in her hand that made her feel so relieved. She didn't know the fruits inside, they were all very good. eat!

"Junior sister, how can you say that to others." Guo Daguang's expression became unnatural.

"Are you afraid of hurting you? Yeah, you don't look good. Did you feel a pain in your heart when you heard what I said?" Ling Baobao threatened Grand Master with a self-confident expression.

Guo Daguang:...

With a wry smile, although Guo Daguang's appearance is a popular Chinese character, it is not as unbearable as the little junior sister usually said. Anyway, he doesn't like to talk very much, so it's up to the junior sister.


Su Jin gently walked to the side of Master Qingniu and sat down. The tree was big enough to enjoy the cold, but this old man was looking for a good place.

"Foreign grass, it's not delicious..." Master Qing Niu never opened his eyes, but when Su Jin sat down, he suddenly said something like this.

"Are you surprised?" Su Jin responded.

Master Green Bull opened his eyes, stroked his white goatee, shook his head and said, "No surprise, the goddess holy sacrifice, the treasure after the holy sacrifice, who won't flock to him? My little brother is strong, come to fight for one. The dispute is also reasonable."

"Haha." Su Jin smiled, without comment.

"Brother, how about discussing something?" Master Qingniu suddenly became energetic and looked at Su Jin.

"Say." Su Jin moved in his heart.

"Let's join hands to increase the chances by at least 30%. If it succeeds, you will get the'Snow Jie Tear Crystal'. You and me will be added as five. How about the split?" Master Qingniu asked expectantly.

Su Jin squinted, did not refuse or agree, and asked, "Senior's strength is unpredictable, why do you want to join forces with me as a kid? Isn't it happy?"

"You know what a fart!" The face of the green cow showed a liver purple color, and he said without a good temper: "Where can I be unique if I want to be unique? Those old monsters are thinking about it, maybe they will shoot, I am one The chance of people is too small!"

"Understood." Su Jin nodded.

"Then what do you mean?" Master Qingniu lightly picked it.

"The kid is low-powered, lest it drag down the seniors, so forget it. If you have a fate, you won't force it." Su Jin said quietly.

"You!" Master Qingniu looked at Su Jin with watery eyes, and finally sighed suddenly, but he became listless, and then said with deep meaning, "Well, I am lucky to lose my life. Don't forget, I helped you before."

"will not forget."

Su Jin nodded, Master Qingniu still recognized his strength, and he understood what he meant by saying this. It was nothing more than pulling him when his life was at stake, at least he would not lose his life.

From the attitude of Master Qingniu, it can also be seen that this time I don't know how many strong people will die, all for the thing called "Xuejie Tears."


About two quarters of an hour after talking with Master Qingniu, Su Jin got up and left, unconsciously getting a three-point heavier in his heart. Even a figure of this kind of strength was worried that he would be in danger of death. He could kill Ravier as he wished. Well, or died in the city of Sacred Focus?

Everything, I don't know!

On the edge of the ‘Maple Leaf Wharf’, a big ship pulled out its anchor, and the horn of the ship’s whistle sounded loudly.

Su Jin walked to Ling Tailai's side with his pockets in his pockets, with a calm expression, Yinyue stunned his waist with her hand, and gestured in a position with her eyes.

Su Jin looked.

It was a very lonely figure, sitting alone in a clearing on the edge of the crowd, looking at its dress, it should be a woman, but it was very strange.

She was dressed in a black robe, the robe was very clean, and even her hair was covered by the hat on the robe. From this angle, only half of her white face could be seen.

Seeing a Western-dressed'heaven' master arranging everyone to board the boat, the woman stood up silently, the waist of the thin willow that can be held with both hands is tightly bound by the waistband, and the roundness in front of her The arc-shaped curve was also perfectly outlined in an instant...

The figure is so good!

Who is she?

Su Jin stared blankly for a while, and then looked back at her when she watched her silently bowed his head on the boat.

"This woman, don't provoke it easily." Yinyue's voice penetrated Su Jin's ears.

"Do you know her?" Su Jin asked.

"heard about it."

"Are you from Huaxia?"

"No." With a touch of worry in Yinyue's eyes, she interrupted Su Jin's question and said, "Get on the boat."

Su Jin and Ling Tailai walked around together, and they didn't need the proof to board the ship. Anyone could board the ship without any obstacles! But it is worth mentioning that those who are not afraid of death can sit there!

"It's so fun, I've never taken a boat this big!" Ling Baobao said with a smile.

"Junior sister, don't be ashamed." Guo Daguang reminded in a low voice.

"You need to take care of it!" Ling Baobao was unhappy.

Su Jin has been looking for the figure of the black-robed woman since he got on the boat, but it has been more than ten minutes since he got on the boat. The woman did not appear in the boat hall, as if she had disappeared out of thin air, and never saw her again. .

"Sit down, I'll go to the deck to get some air." Su Jin said to Ling Tailai at the table and chairs on the edge of the big ship hall, and then got up and left.

"The two big beauties are here, they don't like to watch it!" Ling Baobao made an angry face at Su Jin's back, turned his head and snorted.

Yinyue sighed.

They all said not to provoke that woman, Su Jin just didn't listen!

I wonder if curiosity can kill people!

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