My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1023: Little brother

The hull gradually left the'Maple Leaf Wharf'.

Su Jin walked to the deck.

This ship is not small, with a total length of more than 40 meters. There are about 50 warriors who were led to the ship, as well as a cow...

For those who are familiar, Su Jin always pays more attention to it subconsciously. There is a cow lying next to Master Qingniu, and I don’t know where to take out a yellow gourd, leaning on the side of the boat and closing his eyes to enjoy There are obvious differences between this gourd wine and other red wine, white wine, and various wines on the table.

The people on the deck are unobstructed, and many people are paying attention to Su Jin. As a master, not only will it be reflected in the temperament, but some masters can also feel the aura emitted by other powerful players, sitting with themselves Comparing and judging each other.

Su Jin held his trouser pockets, his face indifferent, even if he didn't have strong strength, his arrogant attitude was extremely attractive!

Take a glance.

There was no figure of the black-robed woman who had boarded the ship before.

"Everyone, this trip is about ten hours. There are all kinds of rare food and fruits on the boat. Please be patient." Two western white-skinned youths dressed in the "Paradise" holy sword logo were from the boat hall. Get out.

The language spoken was General English. Su Jin ignored them, walked to the center of the deck alone, straightened a goblet, picked up a special-looking green fruit wine, poured half a cup, and turned around.


Su Jin Yuguang glanced at it and found a scene. At the mast above the top of the ship, the black-robed woman was sitting quietly on it. At this moment, her posture was facing away from everyone. From the perspective of Master Su, I can only see that the black clothes are fluttering~

"Brother, are you also from Huaxia?" A voice interrupted Su Jin's gaze.

Su Jin looked sideways, then turned around.

This is a young man with yellow skin and dark eyes, he is probably in his early twenties, wearing a straw hat and a gray-brown shirt, and it is him who questioned him.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"I'm a member of the Gale Mercenary Corps, and my name is Li Haobo. Our eldest sister wants to see you." The young man invited politely.

Gale mercenary group?

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment, and some things the old guy had told him appeared in his mind. This'Gust Wind Mercenary Group' is extremely famous. It is a dark horse that has been active in the mercenary circle for a long time. It began to soar in a straight line, and the tasks completed over the years can almost be described as shocking.

The Gale Mercenary Corps not only took on the killer mission, but also took on the major war orders, especially the ‘head beheading’ operation is outstanding. They often complete it in unexpected ways, which is praised. In addition, I want to say that the reason why the ‘Kurricane Mercenary Group’ is so famous is that in addition to its strength, the most important thing is its team system.

They eliminate the players according to the ranking method. If they make a big mistake, all the members will vote and punish them by ‘voting’, which is extremely cruel! Of course, if you do well, the reward is not small.

So the question is, what do they find themselves for? Su Jin thought to himself.

Immediately, Su Jin held a goblet, took a sip, looked at Li Haobo and said lightly, "Not interested."

When Su Jin was holding the cup to leave, he pressed a hand on his shoulder!

"Why are you so hungry? Give you a face, right?" Li Haobo's voice changed suddenly, with a threatening tone, "The eldest sister asked you by name. If you don't give face, you just can't live with our ‘Gust Wind Mercenary’!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was upturned, and his right shoulder swayed so unclearly that he turned into a state of direct confrontation!

Li Haobo didn't even react, he felt a shadow of his legs flicker, and an unbearable pain appeared in his stomach, his whole person was kicked by Su Jin!

Boom boom boom -

I knocked over several tables where alcohol was placed all the way, and finally hit the guardrail on the edge of the ship!

"Puff." Li Haobo couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, with an unbelievable expression on his eyes.

He couldn't believe it! Can't believe that Su Jin is so strong!

The people on the deck also paid attention to Su Jin, and many of them showed solemn expressions!

"As long as I want to fight, you are a scumbag!" Su Jin brushed the position on his shoulder that had been pressed by Li Haobo, and stared at the opponent coldly.

In the quiet atmosphere, the needle drop can be heard.

"Papa." Suddenly a clear applause came from behind Su Jin.

Hearing the sound, Su Jin did not look back.

He didn't look at the woman in front of him until the other person walked across from him.

A woman in her thirties, is not fat, has no makeup on her face, has some freckles, shoulder-length short hair, looks fair. The temperament is also very mature, and the dress is the kind of task-oriented dress, black tights, black trousers, and boots with laces.

"The strength of the little brother is really impressive." The woman laughed and said to Su Jin: "Haobo is young and vigorous and offends the little brother. Please be merciful..."

"You are..." Su Jin asked deliberately, but in his heart he had already guessed that this woman should be the eldest sister Li Haobo said.

"Hehe, I am the leader of the'Gust Wind Mercenary Group', you can call me Sister Rong, how about sitting down and chatting?" Sister Rong was talking, but found that Su Jin turned her head and looked elsewhere.

At the top of the boat, the girl in the black robe who was originally quiet stood up gently.

Her face was also slowly revealed.

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