My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1029: Beautiful girl dancing

"The temperature seems to have dropped a bit."

Su Jin felt it a bit and said to Sister Rong.

"Yes, it's the change in temperature..." Sister Rong curled her lips. "It seems that the legendary'Holy Vision City' is real. I suggest that this little sister dress thickly later, or she should wear it later. Grieved."

The little sister that Sister Rong said was Ling Baobao, and she could tell that she was not good at strength.

"Huh, look down on people." Ling Baobao obviously didn't take Sister Rong's words to heart.

"Holy Vision City, also known as the'City of Ice and Snow', this ship does not seem to move fast. In fact, the shortcut we took can be reached in the evening at most. Don't be so hard-talking, little sister, after one or two When it’s small, it’s extremely cold to pass through a sea of ​​fog. The fog will condense into ice crystals when it touches the body.”

Sister Rong bowed her hands to Su Jin, Ling Tailai and the others, "We are going to prepare for defense, and everyone should pay attention to this."

Seeing Sister Rong turning around and leaving with the other four, Su Jin's eyes were on Ling Baobao's face.

"What do you look at?" Ling Baobao blinked his big eyes and raised his head high. From the angle of Su Jin, the raised chin and snow-white jade neck reflected in his pupils.

"Have you come with thick clothes?" Su Jin asked slowly.

"No." Ling Baobao replied.

"It's miserable—"

Su Jin stopped talking. When he saw Ling Tailai looking at him with sorry eyes, and then he wanted to say something, he raised his hand. There was no need to apologize for some things. Especially just now, he didn’t help him. Thank them, otherwise you have to owe a few favors!

Eating and drinking, everything was fine all the way.

The only difference should be the temperature. More than an hour has passed. During this period, the temperature has directly started to crash and dive. From the beginning of the heat, it has reached the point of freezing.

At this time, many people began to restlessly. Although the ship was very large, it was still like a leaf, and it merged into the sea. The reason for people's restlessness was that the sea seemed strange.

There is no wind and no waves, blue and smooth like a mirror, but in the distance it is visible to the naked eye but a mist.

Until the ship hull was surrounded by a flexible mist, there was no scenery around, and although there was heating in the ship hall, the people who were still cold shivered.

Ling Baobao's lips were red and cold. Only now did she know that this ‘travel’ seemed to be different from usual and comfortable! She is already cold!

"This is the mist formation. The mist is created." The Silver Moon Wolf Queen said with interest.

"Yeah." Su Jin agreed with him.

"After passing the sea of ​​fog, you will be able to reach the'Holy Vision City'. It is now in the afternoon, and it will not be long before you arrive." Silvermoon Wolf Queen said with a smile: "I look forward to it. It is said that the'Holy Vision City' has beautiful scenery. In the right season, the heavy snow will not stop in March. I don't know if it is true or not."

At this time, Ling Baobao finally couldn't help but said: "Daddy, I'm so cold."

"Let you not come, you must be disobedient!" Ling Tailai glared at his daughter, and said angrily.

"I don't know how this will happen." Ling Baobao said aggrieved, and finally her eyes lit up, "Daddy, I am practicing swords to warm up my body now, okay?"

"Practice a fart, can the sword be practiced casually!" Ling Tailai was very angry, "If you freeze to death, don't embarrass me!"

The words are a bit heavy, but the meaning in the words is very intriguing, nothing more than the ancestral swordsmanship cannot be shaken out in front of everyone, so that he Ling Tylai is a sinner.

"If you don't practice sword, you won't practice sword, I practice whip technique!" Ling Baobao drew out a crimson soft whip bound by a foot, with snake scale patterns on it, and the size looked like a horsewhip type.

Ling Baobao did not refuse this method.

I saw Miss Baobao got up and started to wave in the huge gap in the corridor.

Don't look at Chiyu's whip a bit short, but under her wide open and close, delicate operation, the whip wind hunts and hunts, it is extremely sharp, like a sword dance, which is of great value for appreciation.

Su Jin was also in a daze.

The girl dance whip, who can reach this state, has the urge to make Su Jin'short' this girl and throw it into the market!

Official Su didn’t see it. Yinyue’s eyes flickered. Since she got on the ship, she has had something on her mind. She doesn’t know whether to tell Su Jin or not. At this time, she has entered the “Sea of ​​Fog” and cannot retreat. Irreversible, shouldn't it be confessed to him?

Su Jin was watching with vigour, almost feeling applauded! At this moment, Yinyue, who was next to him, pulled his clothes...

"What?" Su Jin looked at Yinyue and asked in confusion.

"That..." Yinyue said with hesitation on his face and mature and sultry temperament, "If I make a mistake, would you beat me?"

"No." Su Jin shook his head, "Then, let's talk about what was wrong now."

"I'm just hypothetical." Yinyue became guilty, and she swallowed her words again.

"Really not?" Su Jin squinted, as if looking into Yinyue's heart.

"No..." Yinyue shook her head, her eyes dodging.

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Su Jin didn't persecute anymore, so she loved to say nothing!

The officials continued to admire Ling Baobao's dancing. This girl herself was beautiful and her figure was like a work of art. She was not beautiful. Besides, many people in the ship hall were paying attention, not just him!

Ling Baobao practiced the whip technique for more than ten minutes, with slight sweat coming out of his forehead, and a little panting in his mouth. Only then did he realize that he had attracted a lot of people's attention.

Including Su Jin!

Ling Baobao sat down with a smug look on his face, and said to his father, "How? Didn't you reveal our swordsmanship?"

Ling Tailai:...

"The big eyes are jumping pretty well. I am very optimistic about you. If you don't die this time, sign up with my company when you go back, and promise to make you a star that the world is watching." Su Jin smiled.

"You call me the Big Eyed Monster again." Ling Baobao gritted her teeth, pouted her mouth, and said with her brows: "I'm not interested."


Time passed in the sea of ​​fog, and after three difficult hours in the sea of ​​fog, everything became bright!

The sky is blue.

The waterway here is amidst the azure blue ice. On both sides of the waterway, there are seabirds staying in black and white. In the distance, there are jets of white air pillars, which are large whales weighing n tons.

Except for these two creatures, as the ship drifted away, Su Jin also discovered a very interesting little thing.

Ling Baobao pressed her fist on her cheek, and Su Jin was fascinated.

"There is a kind of silence called domineering, and another kind of introversion called personality! One is simply called profound, and another kind of disdain is called self! There is another kind of outstanding, called Su Jin's face!" Ling Baobao was stunned for a while.

Su Jin's face moved, and he smiled at Ling Baobao and said, "Look at what I have in mind, come over and show you something interesting."

"Huh?" Ling Baobao was very curious, and chose to stand up, sit on Su Jin's side, and looked out of the ship window he was pointing at.

You can see that there are fist-sized red frogs on those ice roads...

These red toads are weird in color, but pay attention, this is not the point!

I saw a big red frog, jumping on another smaller one, lying on its stomach, and then motionless!

Ling Baobao looked dumbfounded.

Damn, she suddenly felt that the amount of information was so huge...

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