My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1030: Lotus bud

"you you……"

Ling Baobao reacted in a sluggish state, looked at Su Jin, and continued to hesitate: " bully! Ignore you!"

Su Jin was so happy, the feeling of bullying the beautiful girl was really violent!

But on the surface, Su Jin still seriously said to Ling Baobao: "Have you bullied you? As if you knew what they were doing."

"Bah!" Ling Baobao crossed the willow, wishing to vomit Su Jin's face and drool.

"They are heating, because the weather is too cold." Su Jin shrugged.

"Huh! Ghosts believe you!" Ling Baobao didn't believe it.

As far as she can see, those frogs are clearly breeding, and this guy is too dishonest. He bullied her because she was young and didn't understand this!

Even Yinyue took a few curious glances, but immediately she retracted her gaze with a hot cheek, and did not dare to look again. She was different from Ling Baobao. After seeing what the red frogs were doing, she thought Those things that Su Jin did to her in the morning came out uncontrollably.

Thinking of Su Jin, she couldn't help but tightened her legs.

What to do, so ashamed~

But... Su Jin put his hands on her beautiful legs above her knees at this moment, which made Yinyue's whole body warm.

"What do you look at, Junior Sister?" Guo Daguang curiously wanted to come over.

"Don't look at it!" Ling Baobao hurriedly blocked it with both hands, his face flushed.

This was embarrassing, and Guo Daguang had to sit back to his original position again, wondering.

Yinyue slapped Su Jin's hand from her lap at this time, gave him a blank look, and whispered: "It's almost here. I will tell you something when it comes. I hope you don't blame me."

"What else can you keep from me? If it's not important, don't talk about it." Su Jin took advantage and naturally felt very relaxed in his heart. He didn't put his thoughts on this at all, his eyes turned to Ling. Baobao's shy face and slender figure are gone.

After all, which man doesn't run wildly towards the mountain?


Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon!

I don't know when, after a little sunset, the sky changed suddenly, the sky began to be gray, and the two-finger long and wide snow flakes began to scrape off.

Better than goose feather snow!

"Sacred City is here!" Yinyue took a deep breath, saw the ship slowing down, and started to stand up and say, "Get ready to disembark!"

From morning to almost dark, finally arrived in the legendary "Holy Vision City"!

Su Jin stood up from his seat indifferently, "Go to the deck."

Everyone started to get up one after another. At this moment, a staff member opened the ship hall, and the cold wind poured in from outside the door, freezing to the bone!

"It's so cold, so cold..." Ling Baobao quickly rubbed her hands, warming her hands with her small mouth from time to time.

Seeing this, Su Jin stretched out his right palm to her.

What are you doing?

Ling Baobao's face was ruddy, too soon, he just wanted to hold someone's hand!

I have to say that she was misunderstood by Su Jin's actions!

Instinctively, Ling Baobao handed her little hand over and was caught by Su Jin. A burst of unusually comfortable warm current rushed into her body, and her cold body was instantly relieved. It was so warm, where could there be a little bit of cold feeling?

"Brother Su is helping you instill the true essence and warm your body, so thank you very much."

When Ling Tailai saw this, he knew the reason, and his tone of speech was very grateful. He didn't feel sorry for his daughter, but in this crisis-ridden place, where there were many masters, there would be life concerns if there was a slight difference, and the big apprentice Guo Daguang even more. There is no spare capacity to help her, self-protection is fine.

"I'm so shy, I'm so old, I haven't been so led by others." Ling Baobao's temperament is also carefree, and his voice is not small.

When Su Jin heard it, he couldn't help muttering to himself, "That's you", how can I get this treatment if I change to someone else...

Everyone stepped out of the ship hall, on the deck.

Thick gray sky, heavy snow! Not far from the ship, a black wharf appeared. From the drop line between the wharf and the sea, it was a gray-black stone building. This land may be an island with a huge area.

"The scenery is so beautiful~" Ling Baobao sighed from the heart, "It's like being in a fairy tale."

The snow flakes fell on the face and on the body, melting in the ice and cold, and the blowing snow flakes blinded the eyes.

The hull gradually approached the dock and stopped. After one day's trip, everyone finally stepped on the land of the "Holy Vision City" and felt pretty good.

There were dozens of people standing on the pier, wrapped in black armor, of all races and races. These are probably the masters who belong to "Heaven". The weapons they carry are very inconsistent. The only thing that feels strange is the strong temperament exuding from them.

"Please come with me." A war horse stepped forward, with a strong white-skinned knight on the horse's back. After saying this, he began to lead the way.

Ling Tailai was carrying a sword, and seeing other people following, couldn't help but step forward.

Only Yinyue pulled Rasujin and said, "Wait."

"What?" Su Jin looked at her questioningly and asked.

"Don't enter the city yet. When the next boat arrives, let's go together again." Yinyue said unnaturally.

"Why? We are on the back boat?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes." Yinyue nodded.

"Isn't it better to go to the city and meet again? I don't believe you don't have their contact information." Su Jin smiled.

Ling Baobao was holding a small hand by Su Jin, with huge beautiful eyes open, looking at the two with curiosity.

"'s not..." Yinyue lowered her head slowly at this time. There was nothing she could do. Now she felt that she couldn't hide, and said, "The boat behind...there is your wife..."

Su Jin was stunned.

His mind roared like a thunder from the air.

My wife?

How could Xia Yuyan come here! Su Jin's face was quite ugly, staring blankly, but he still didn't react.

"Grass mud horse! No matter if I come alone, you still want to cheat my wife to death!" Su Jin was very angry, his face was also very ugly, he really had a kind of thought of raising his hand now, he wanted to raise his hand and slap to death. After the Silver Moon Wolf!

Ling Baobao was also dumbfounded, Brother Su has a wife? There was a hint of sourness in my heart, why is such an interesting man, someone has long since decided——

"Earlier, Concubine Mu had actually arrived in Qin City and had contact with your wife alone. The old guy was afraid that you would come to the'Holy Focus City' desperately, and I couldn't help it..." Yinyue sighed.

"You will die! Fuck!"

Su Jin was full of anger, and after passing Ling Baobao's little hand to Silver Moon Wolf, he shouted: "Take her into the city!"

The Silver Moon Wolf Queen has nothing to say now, because she knows that if she tells Su Jin before entering the sea of ​​fog, he will definitely send Xia Yuyan back, but it's too late now, isn't it...

Ling Baobao didn't intervene at all. She felt that the current Big Brother Su was terrible and violent.

"I borrow your whip for a use." Su Jin touched her finger under her waist.

With a warm touch on the fingertips, Su Jin took her whip, and when Ling Baobao blushed, he called out the'dead crow'.

With a scream of the dead crow, Su Jin grabbed the feathers on its back, leaned down, and soared into the sky!

How should you punish a disobedient wife?

Now Su Jin's heart is full of violence and malice.

He decided to see Xia Yuyan later, tie her up first, and wait on her with a whip! Of course, if there are chili water and tiger stools, it would be better!

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