My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1031: She came to collect your body

The wind blows and snow dances.

The whole sky seems to be "cotton", but this kind of "cotton" is not so soft, hitting the face, it hurts like a knife.

Su Jin is now full of anger, his sword eyebrows are always in a state of provoking, and he doesn't care if it blows in the wind and snow!

The dead crow turned into a winged roc, as swift as an arrow!

Originally, the two boats were quite close. In less than a minute or so, Su Jin had seen the boat Xia Yuyan was in in the misty wind and snow!

Su Jin unconsciously exuded the domineering power of the world, and this situation spread unscrupulously in all directions, shocking many people in the boat for a while!

"Who, who can have such a strong strength!" Almost everyone on the boat faced Su Jin's aura radiating head-on, asking this question in his heart.

This kind of terrifying aura, I am afraid that it can be evil to the soul, as if a sharp sword pierced into the ventricle, making the hearts of many strong people tremble, and the expression of panic was clear.

Many people walked to the deck for the first time, looked up, and glanced around! Nothing!

Originally, Xia Yuyan was still a bit cold, and was called back to the private room of the boat hall by Concubine Mu, but now Concubine Mu's face turned green and ugly.

"What's wrong." Xia Yuyan couldn't feel it yet, and she felt a little flustered when she saw Mu Fei's face like this.

"Hey, you can't escape, you have to face it after all." Mu Fei took Xia Yuyan's little hand, "Go, see your sweetheart."

"My sweetheart?" Xia Yuyan's face changed drastically, "You mean..."

"Yes, it's Su Jin, he knows you are coming, be careful later." Mu Fei smiled bitterly.

Xia Yuyan asked in surprise: "How does he know?"

"Someone has informed that anyway, we can't do without him. We will always be discovered by him. Now he knows that it is normal." Mu Fei took Xia Yuyan and started walking outside.

She felt that Xia Yuyan was still a little scared, and she was still a little slow while pulling her. Of course, it was normal for the two of them to want to see each other now. I really don't know what this girl thought.

This boat has fewer people than the previous one, and the number of warriors is about 30, and they also come from all directions.

When Su Jin approached, he found that there were already many people on the deck. Of course, he was now high in the sky, and other people couldn't see him. They all looked up and looked for.

The ship was swaying in the wind and snow, Su Jin's height was lowering around the ship, his face was cold, and finally his heart tightened, and he saw the beautiful scenery coming out of the ship hall.

The white silk shirt wrapped Xia Yuyan's perfect body, her stunning face was a little flustered, and the old acquaintances beside her!

——Mu Fei!

Almost everyone on the ship was on the deck, trying to see what happened, but as a black strange bird that was several meters long flew past the top of the ship, people started to feel an uproar.

"What the hell!" Someone said nervously, ignoring the icy wind and snow.

"There is someone on the bird's back!" The expert with unique insights immediately discovered this situation.

"It's a young man!"

"My God, it's coming down!"

The speed of the dead crow was very fast, and when he found the position above the deck, Su Jin directly put away the "dead crow", the dead crow turned into a little black light and dissipated in the air, and his whole person was like the **** of war descended. He stomped heavily on the deck.


In front of everyone!

The moment Su Jin set foot on the entire ship, it had a violent ups and downs, and the noise was quite loud, and the legs were as hard as cannonballs, as if they were banging on it.

Su Jin stood still and hadn't moved. He raised his head and stared at the wife who didn't dare to look at him.

In my heart, there was a kind of hatred inexplicably.

Knowing that she would die, she came along. What is it that she is not a stupid woman?

"Hey, brother Su is so angry..." Mu Fei broke the tension, and slowly spit out a word from her mouth.

"You come to die, I don't mind, why should you bring her!" Su Jin held a short whip in his hand and pointed at Concubine Mu, his tone of anger that could not be concealed.

"It's too serious, I don't understand the meaning of Brother Su's words." Mu Fei chuckled.

"You pretend you don't understand!" Su Jin snorted heavily.

Look at Xia Yuyan.

The wife seems to be aggrieved and nervous now, her head is slightly lowered, she can only use her fingers to relieve her tight nerves.

"I still don’t understand. As the representative of Longya, I was invited by Heaven to bring sister Yuyan to the Holy Sacrifice to observe the ceremony. I didn’t come to fight and kill. As for your wife... she couldn’t save it. You, do you want me to tell her true intentions?" Mu Fei seemed dissatisfied with Su Jin's angry attitude, and her tone became less calm.

"Then you tell me, why let her come here as an unarmed girl? Look at her, she is cold enough in this kind of weather, and you still arrogantly say what you really came for, to see how I died. , Right?" Su Jin's aura was hard to calm, still full of anger.

"She is here to collect your body."

Mu Fei's sudden sentence made Su Jin and Xia Yuyan tremble at the same time.

Collect the corpse.

What a terrible word!

Su Jin was silent, and Mu Fei’s words made him unable to refute. He always believed that it was the best practice for him to walk silently and not harm any talents, but it is obviously impossible to do it now. The sea of ​​fog has passed. The city is approaching, everything is irreversible, and harm is inevitable.

Seeing Su Jin not speaking, Concubine Mu's momentum rose up, and said angrily: "Before leaving, the old guy called to explain, saying that you have a miserable life and that your father is dead but your mother is not. You have a wife, yes, Xia Does Yuyan count as your wife? You didn’t have a wedding, you didn’t do anything, she didn’t even have a status, and this trip was inevitable, but she was willing to come to collect your corpse, and even give you a filial piety to give you the last After a journey, the result is your attitude now?"

Su Jin stared at Xia Yuyan in a daze, and seemed to see the tearful sight in his eyes.

"There was no one behind me before I dared to fall down." Su Jin said calmly, "I don't want her to come."

"You turned out to be Su Jin like this!" Mu Fei scolded, "What about your confidence? You have so much concern, did you just leave it like this? Sister Yuyan came this time, I will protect her, I will kill her I won’t die either! And she is your motivation to survive, remember!"

Su Jin knew it was useless to say anything now.

Right is right, wrong is wrong, he doesn't think this idea is so good!

Su Jin walked to Xia Yuyan's side and grabbed her little hand, "You come with me."

From the state where she was led and turned around by herself, two clear tears could be seen falling on the deck, but now Mu Fei stopped him again.

"The old guy said, if you can escape death, he will tell you where your mother is." Mu Fei threw a blockbuster again.

But this matter also made the pressure on Su Jin's shoulders heavier.

"Okay." Su Jin squeezed Xia Yuyan's hand. After dropping the word, he took his wife to the cabin room where Concubine Mu and her were just now.

The next moment, Su Jin pushed Xia Yuyan onto the bed!

Raising the short whip in his hand, he directly furiously hit Xia Yuyan!

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