My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1035: Murderous

Kuangxue dances wildly.

A dark shadow was thirty miles outside the city wall, continuously deepening inland. When the snow flakes of goose feathers hung two feet beside him, they quickly melted and turned into water droplets to fall on the ground. Such a violent heavy snow, but failed to reduce the speed of the shadow, even the slightest!

It’s strange to say that there is still not much snow around the gates of the "Sheng Zhuocheng", but it is already white in the distance. As the inland continues to advance, ancient cedar trees begin to appear and become dense. .

Sombra, it is Su Jin!

It's not that he doesn't want to enter the city with Xia Yuyan, if he follows up, he is likely to die inside! Is the most unwise choice. Anyway, his wife was in the city, and at such a close distance, he didn't know whether he was a little worried, a little comforting, or both.

The more this happens, the more he feels he has to take a fight!

Life will be strong if you care about it!

"Huh?" Su Jin stopped his figure abruptly, turning his head to feel a little.

In the world, there is only the sound of the wind and snow, if you don't notice it, you can't find the weirdness at all!

Someone is following.

Although he had predicted in advance, Su Jin still didn't expect the other party to follow up quickly, and he found out after following so long.

Those who can come to the "Holy Vision City" or the masters of "Heaven" themselves here are extremely powerful. The last time I met in the tropical rain forest, it may not be worth mentioning the heaven masters here. When Jin He Yinyue approached Lovril Yiny in New York, they didn't meet many masters!

Su Jin just paused for a while, and soon the corners of his mouth curled up, a weird and cruel angle appeared, and the speed accelerated again, which was several times higher than before! Since I want to have fun with me, I'll accompany you to the end!

"Xiete--" A whispered one hundred meters away from Su Jin's previous station, and said ‘damn’.

There are four people in this team. In addition to two dark-skinned men, there is also a white-skinned blond woman, and the other is an Eastern youth with yellow skin and dark eyes!

"Javier, keep your voice down," the blonde woman said.

"It's gone! Oh! This kid is too flexible!" JaVale is a black man, his mouth full of white teeth is very eye-catching when he speaks, and his temper is quite grumpy.

The young man from the East lowered his voice and said, "Be careful, he suddenly accelerated. He should have discovered us, hiding in the jungle. The terrain in front is not very good. I think it's time to retreat."

"Retreat? Oh~ Jun Xia...Is there anything wrong!" Another black man was obviously unwilling to give up. He had a black bald head and rubbed his scalp with a white palm, exaggeratingly.

"Bob, calm down!" The blonde woman stared in front, with a hesitant expression on her face for a moment.

"This person is super strong. Although our group of four is not weak against him, there are more than the four of us who are eyeing him. There are wolves in front of them, tigers behind, and people who can make'heaven' nothing wrong. How old is it, it would be better to catch the cicadas by the praying mantis, the oriole is behind, secretly looking for opportunities." Jun Xia glanced at the two black men, and said his opinions in a cold voice.

"June has a point." The blonde woman glanced at the black man and said, "Javier, hold the gun tightly! Don't **** let the old lady go!"

The four people have different abilities. The blonde girl is named Celine. She is tall and dressed very boldly. She has a brown-black tights, a v-neck, white skin and long legs, which makes her feel very good overall. Enchanting, she is good at close combat and uses a short knife!

The two blacks, JaVale and Bob, are recognized as gun gods. With the blessing of unique skills, no matter what guns are used, they can be assisted by the gods. It is hard to resist any kind of body protection. And the accuracy is extremely high!

Bob is an out-and-out physical shield, with a strong body and anti-strike ability that everyone has never seen before!

The only mystery is the young man Jun Xia. Since joining this team, everyone has only seen him make one move, one move to kill the enemy, it's the same every time!

However, if they are better than them, you can't help but fear Su Jin's strength!

"Don't do it? Then why are we here!" JaVale mumbled: "June Xia, I haven't seen anyone you are afraid of."

Jun Xia:...

"Celine, what are we going to do now?" Bob was calmer than Javille, his only hobby was rubbing his big dark bald head with his hand, and of course, smoking a cigar.


It was Jun Xia who was talking, this Oriental!

"Are you asking us to wait? It's freezing like a dog!" It was this Jun Xia who spoke most irritably in Javier.

"Don't quarrel, hide first, he dares to go out of the city alone, he must have some support, and it is not wrong to be careful." Celine said.

The other three people calmed down. Celine was not only in the team because she was a woman, but she had absolute strength!

Not far away, behind a tall cedar tree, Su Jin frowned.

Stop following?

"Really be careful." Su Jin thought in his heart, and thoughtfully, he took another look at the eight o'clock direction with his right hand, there were also enemies there!

In fact, Su Jin didn't go far at all, and he concealed behind the nearest cedar tree after a little acceleration, but he did not wait until the enemy appeared.

Seeing that Su Jin didn't wait any longer, he turned around and left again. He had to find out the situation as quickly as possible, and extend it to the farthest position possible! If you encounter an enemy, kill it!

At this time, Su Jin didn't know what happened in the largest palace in Shengzhu City.

The name of the palace is ‘Al Aiya Palace’.

Al Aiya is the name of the goddess of ice and snow!

At this moment in the depths of the palace, it is not dark here, nor is it as cold as outside, but warm heat waves will be visible from the ground.

I saw a five-meter-long and two-meter-wide pool on the ground appearing in front of me. There is an extremely rare ‘geothermic hot spring’ here!

The pool is surrounded by black stone walls, the hot spring water is half a foot from the ground pool, and a whole layer of white roses floats on it!

In the West, the white rose symbolizes purity!


Step on-

A few steps came gently, and then under the mild white light, three people walked in.

"Goddess, after bathing, you have to endure two days of hunger and torment on the torture instrument. We can only serve you here... I hope nothing happens..." a blonde girl beside her said very sadly.

"The first messenger came yesterday and talked with the high priest. At that time, you two were serving by the side. Can you hear where the selected place is?" Lavril was expressionless.

"The location of the holy sacrifice was chosen at the'Zhiyan Mountain Pass'. It is very hot, and the goddess will definitely be very difficult..." The other woman hesitated a little, but chose to tell.


Lovill walked to the geothermal hot spring and let the two women take off her thick coat from behind.

The inside is wrapped in white shirts, which is set against the white lights around, and the white roses are even more unwilling to be lonely, and echo each other. This scene also makes the immaculate face appear very clear, but there is no other influence. Emotional expression.

Then, one of Lovyl's long and delicate legs lifted up, and her bare white feet touched the surface of the hot spring water.

After that, the whole body was already submerged.

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