My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1036: Shadow

Above the jade neck, Lavril Yini stared at the white rose floating in front of her eyes, but her heart couldn't calm down!

She is not afraid of death!

Lavril is just so angry.

In recent days, she was awake every night, often awake, and sometimes even reached the point of awake at night, always thinking about Su Jin's possession of herself at that time.

That man, evil and powerful, can't beat even being as arrogant as her!

It can be said that Su Jin has become a demon of her heart now, she still feels that she is very dirty, no longer holy, not worthy of being a goddess!

Whenever she is sleepy, demons often appear, and there is always a voice telling her that Su Jin must be eliminated and he will be killed at all costs! And every time at the end, the man's face with a wicked smile finally scared her to wake up, leaving her at nothing!


In La Ville's eyes at this time, the few white roses in front of her seemed to have turned into Su Jin's face. She stretched out her hand like a neurotic and continued to pat the illusion, which also caused water to splash!

The two female slaves and maids were also frightened by Lovyl's sudden reaction. They turned pale and stood by the hot spring, looking at the goddess at a loss, but did not know how to speak!

In the end, Lavril closed her eyes and dived, her pretty face and hair disappeared on the surface of the water. Now only the white roses were regrouping and spreading across the water, the scene became extremely quiet.


Su Jin moved forward for about ten miles, obviously a lot slower than before, the wind and snow in front were heavier, and the snow on the ground became thicker.

I didn't know that the area outside Shengzhu City was vast. Su Jin walked forward in such a vertical direction, yet he hadn't reached the end yet, and it would be futile to go any further.

"Ha ha ha -"

At this moment, there was a series of sweet laughter all around, Su Jin suddenly turned his head and yelled: "Who!"

Even though Su Jin was already very careful, the other party was able to follow up silently, still lurking in an unknown place.

The voice heard it was a girl's voice, a bit weird, and the laughter surrounded the surroundings, making it impossible for people to tell where she was hiding.

Su Jin's ears moved slightly, and he stared fiercely, a small umbrella on his finger had already condensed, and he shot out quickly!


At more than 30 meters in the left hand direction, snow foam splashed, and a flexible figure jumped up, turned into a cross, and slowly fell, Lianbu stepped on the snow.

Su Jin looked at the other party now.

This is a girl in her twenties. Although she looks like she is in her twenties, Su Jin knows that her age is definitely more than this.

The girl has a white face, delicate features, a very soft black hair with short ears, and bright eyes. She wore a thin skirt with a gray checkered "lotus petal close collar"...

Still barefoot!

Very beautiful, this is what Su Jin said about her.

But now is not the time to discuss her appearance. Being able to appear here has proved that the other party is not simple. It is just that she is from Huaxia. Just now Su Jin can tell from the sound of her laugh. Now I don’t know if it is a friend or an enemy. , But mostly the enemy!

"Brother is good..." The girl slowly said, her eyes narrowed slightly, her small mouth became choked, she seemed to speak with strong confidence at the same time, as if she was laughing!

"The old girl is not bad." Su Jin's eyes flashed and he asked in a low voice, "What do you mean by following me?"

"Su, Jin, are these two words enough to explain?" The girl looked at Su Jin and said.

"You are also interested in my head?" Su Jin said lightly.

"I'm very interested, how about a deal between Ying'er and brother?" The girl said strange words.


The name is quite special--

"What deal?" Su Jin asked after changing his mind.

"Now I am your enemy. If I kill you, I will take your head away. If I can't beat you, I can promise you and be your teammate..." Ying'er opened her eyes wide, her head sideways, her eyes Said without blinking akimbo.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched.

This is so unreasonable! There is never such a funny and unfair deal again! There was even an impulse to make Su Jin explode.

"It's you." Su Jin calmly spit out these words, "Why?"

Then, what Su Jin didn't expect was that the style of painting had changed and he couldn't look directly at it!

Originally Ying'er still retained that mysterious and wonderful temperament. Who knew that when Su Jin disagreed, she immediately put her hands in front of her heart, and said with a small mouth: "Please, brother, my master sent me. Two things must be done."

"Which two things?"

"First, get the'Snow Jie Tear Crystal', second, kill you, and then take your head to receive the reward!" Ying'er said confidently, her voice is not weak!

"Who is your master? You are so greedy, you are crazy!" Su Jin wanted to laugh.

"You dare to scold my master! My master is'Princess Guiyang', a murderous devil, are looking for death." Ying'er said with her cheeks bulging and staring at Su Jin.

"Princess Tian Cailin of Guiyang?" Su Jin was startled.

"Yeah!" Ying'er nodded.

No wonder--

Su Jin smiled bitterly in her heart, no wonder this girl would say such strange things, the attraction of "Xue Jie Tears", even if Tian Cailin and the old guy have some intersection, they can't resist the temptation! And just now, this shadow said that she can be a teammate if she can't beat herself. Although it is unreasonable to make trouble, she has to show her ice and snow intelligence from the side!

Maybe Tian Cailin confessed to her, if she couldn't do anything, she would help herself, and it would be considered a great favor to the old guy!

Sure enough, this grand event is not to be missed. The disciple Yinger of the hidden old monster'Tian Cailin' has already appeared. Presumably the descendants of the old monsters such as the'God of Beggar' Liu Qi,'The Star Poison Old', etc. should also be there, but I don't know. Where is it!

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Su Jin thought for a long time and finally nodded and said.

"That's right, it's not for someone to kill. Anyway, you can't live, and the fat and water won't flow into the outsiders' fields." Ying'er nodded vigorously.


Su Jin was really speechless.

After a conversation with Ying'er, she also got in touch, walked two meters away from Su Jin, and wanted to step forward, but Su Jin raised her hand to stop.

Ying'er pouted her mouth, stretched out her hand to point at her body, and asked again, and said, "Brother, Ying'er is very good at melee. If you can't beat you, there are several places you should never hit..."

"Which places?" Su Jin asked.

"Here, here, here, and here!" Ying'er pointed to a few places on her body and said calmly, "OK?"

May be shy.

Su Jin also felt quite strange, although he paid more attention to the position of Ying'er's gesture, before he planned to nod slightly.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically!

He felt a sudden pain in his calf!

"Ah! Brother, you are poisoned, you are about to die..." Ying'er held her face, her eyes narrowed into crescents.

Su Jin looked down. I don’t know when, a green beetle the size of a fingernail crawled out of the snow, and this beetle was spraying venom on his calf. Several holes in his pants were corroded instantly, and his legs began to grow. Ma, I don’t feel much!

"You..." Su Jin was careless! It may be the poisonous insect that she cast when she was pointing and pointing, and she paid too much attention!

Yinger didn't care about that much, she hurried to the place she had hidden before, picked up a cage, patted the snow on it, and said that it was not destroyed.

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cage in Ying'er's hands was very familiar to him. It was used for heading!

"The size is right." Ying'er looked at Su Jin's head and happily compared it with the cage, which also made a row of neat teeth appear.

Then Ying'er smiled and said, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt, I will do it all!"

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