My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1037: Peach blossom

One size fits all...

Su Jin simply wanted to slap herself a few times, this woman can appear quietly not far from her, it means that her strength is not bad!

I was fascinated by her innocuous performance of the livestock, that's why I learned the truth!

Ying'er looked very happy, and then drew out a scimitar two-finger-wide from her waist. The scimitar was about a foot long and the blade was extremely sharp!

She said that one size fits all with this knife?

Su Jin's eyes flickered, and Ying'er looked at him without threat on the surface.

"Your master, didn't you come personally?" Su Jin quietly resisted the invasion of toxins with his exercises, watching Ying'er and asked.

"No, she doesn't want to travel long distances here, and she has no interest. After all, she hasn't been born for many years. She just wants me to experience it. Who would have thought... I would win the big prize like this!" Ying'er carried the cage in one hand. With the other hand holding a scimitar, he walked around Su Jin, looking around curiously.

In Yinger's view, Su Jin is not as terrifying as the legend!

Indeed, that kind of strange poison, even if Su Jin's luck is now, can't resist it!

However, Su Jin once took seven-petal lotus flower, the kind of baby that is rare in thousands of years, not only can quickly heal the wound, but also has a miraculous effect on the beauty! Another important ability is detoxification!

With that toxic substance corroding the skin, Su Jin knew how bad the condition of the calf was without even looking! When the poisonous mist entered the body and paralyzed many joint functional areas, he tried to attack his brain and heart again along the veins and blood!

However, a strange feeling began to appear in Su Jin's body. A stream of heat rushed to the green poisonous mist, and it continued to neutralize it. The heat flow swallowed and grew rapidly, and every heat flow began to grow stronger!

Su Jin was only communicating with Ying'er, and the toxins had been completely eliminated. If he lifted his trouser legs at this moment, he could see that the muscle tissues were rapidly converging and proliferating, and finally reached the point where they were almost restored to their original state!

"Do you really think... could kill me?" Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are dead, and your mouth is hard, don't resist." Ying'er said, already planning to sharpen the knife to the cattle and sheep.

Su Jin smiled, then suddenly raised one foot, and when Ying'er couldn't stop it, he quickly stepped on the green beetle that was still spraying poison on the side of his pants.


"Xiaoqiang!" Ying'er's eyes widened, staring blankly, she couldn't believe it, and cried out in grief.

Su Jin wiped a hand on his face, sweating...

This name is really weird!

"The toxicity is good, even I almost can't resist it." Su Jin clicked his mouth and said to Ying'er with a smile, "Unfortunately, it is not Xiaoqiang, it will die as soon as it is stepped on."

Ying'er's pretty face changed, becoming murderous, "You pay for my Xiaoqiang!"

"It's just a small bug." Su Jin said lightly.

"A small bug... it's only? You know, I feed it with **** and poop, is it easy for me!" Ying'er raised his lotus arm, the scimitar in his hand pointed towards Su Jin, gritted his teeth and said : "I must kill you!"

"It's not easy..." Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

This is really disgusting, **** open the door to disgusting, disgusting home. Then nausea **** praise nausea, it's really disgusting!

"Look at the move!" Ying'er rushed up fiercely, and the scimitar in his hand swung fiercely once.

It can be so sharp!

When Su Jin saw her close, he didn't care much. If he was confused by this little girl's innocent face and died, then he would be more wronged than anyone else! He really believed that if he just became immobile and gradually lost consciousness, this girl would definitely cut off his head mercilessly!

The scimitar was dexterous and very sharp, and it rushed over Su Jin's face in one move!

Second Olympics!

So want to destroy yourself? What hate or grudge against you!

Su Jin leaned back, but moved his feet two feet horizontally. After leaning back to the arc of a curved bow, his hand slammed on the ground and stood up!

These are all actions completed in a very short time!

Seeing that she hadn't succeeded, Ying'er once again assumed a charge posture, clinging to Su Jin's body, and making quick moves again!

She has a slender figure, beautiful movements and fast speed. Looking at the country, she can be regarded as a first-class player. This also includes the speed of reaction. It is a pity... She met Su Jin!

Su Jin's head moved, and her shoulders swayed, Ying'er's beautiful eyes seemed to dazzle, and then her wrist was grasped by a powerful hand!

So fast--

Ying'er was panicked. When the two of them remained motionless, when she reacted and looked at Su Jin's calm and handsome face, she couldn't help but want to withdraw her hand, because he pinched it so painful!

But there is no use for eggs.

Seeing that the hand holding the scimitar could not be retracted, Ying'er squeezed her other hand into a pink fist and smashed it over.

Su Jin stretched out his hand, grabbed it again, and in her stunned situation, Young Master Su used her own arm to gently push and turn, her body turned into a state with her back facing Su Jin, because her neck was covered. Strangled his arm!

"With this strength, I'm not qualified to be my teammate." Su Jin saw that she was constantly struggling to break free, and at the same time she was in control, he dropped this sentence!

"You let me go, I still have a big move!" Ying'er was anxious.

Su Jin is careless, why is she careless?

Playing melee with Su Jin is no different than death.

"Okay...give you another chance to perform." Su Jin immediately made a move, making Ying'er almost ashamed and angrily.

He hesitated because he turned his back to Su Jin, and felt that the bread-like part of his back was occupied by one foot, and kicked her a few meters away!

it hurts!

Ying'er was kicked lying in the snow. She was really angry. Does this guy know how to pity and cherish Yu! It's too rude!

Stand up again.

But seeing Su Jin's hands criss-crossed in front of his chest, that kind of calm temperament, Ying'er secretly gritted his teeth.

There is no hesitation!

Ying'er's hands were formed into palms with five fingers, green onions and snow white. She placed the tips of her five fingers together on her beautiful eyes, and then yelled, "Peach blossom!"

Peach blossom?

Su Jin looked at Ying'er and quickly moved his finger away. Those two beautiful eyes had turned pink, as beautiful as pink gems.


In Su Jin's eyes, the originally feather-like snow flakes all around turned into incomplete peach blossoms, and the whole world turned into a pink world with petal rain.

Su Jin frowned slightly, stretched out his fingers slowly, and caught the flower in front of him with his fingertips.


The petals suddenly cut through Su Jin's fingertips, and blood gushed out.


What a perverted ability!

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