My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1038: Three Friends of Winter

The pain on the fingertips is obvious.

"An illusion is an illusion! I have a piercing eye!" Su Jin shouted in a deep voice.

Immediately, Su Jin put his fingers together, letting him be bloodied, and gently wiped his forehead, "Open the eyes of the sky!"


A panicked expression appeared on Ying'er's face. When she heard the words "Sky Eye", she was very nervous!

The skill "Peach Blossom" is very confusing. It is a high-grade illusion technique. Even with the help of the skill, she can manipulate everything available around the target to attack the enemy. This skill starts from her small achievements. So far, no one has broken it.

As for ‘opening the eye’.

Master Ying'er said that many people have been circulating in the world to cultivate Tianyan, and even some magicians of Jianghu can use it at will, but it is just the skin of "opening Tianyan". You must know that without unique techniques and training, you can't get a glimpse of it. Far-reaching realm, but with Su Jin's ability, using this skill can't be said to be as simple as a fur!

In Ying'er's field of vision, the center of Su Li's head was stained with blood, and a red and **** ‘sky eye’ was revealed. It was just still closed, but as the blood slowly flowed over it, the red vertical eye suddenly opened.


Su Jin also never expected that an unconscious movement with his own blood stained on the eyes of the sky could achieve this special effect.

Could it be... the ‘Sky Eye’ has been sublimated to another level?

He was about to try the effect immediately, and looked at Yinger.

This is a special mysterious feeling...

At the moment when he looked at Ying'er's eyes, he seemed to see into her heart, he could understand what she was thinking in her heart, and could see the fragments of her memories that were deeply impressed by her, even Su Jin could use the imprint in her heart as long as he thought. , Trauma, to transform into the most real illusion!

Ying'er lost her heart. She didn't expect that her'pupil technique' would be seen through by Su Jin and transformed into a higher level skill wisely.

The picture appeared on the top of Fanjing Mountain at dusk ten years ago.

There are thousand-year-old pines and cypresses, waterfalls and springs, year-round boulders, and... pavilions and pavilions. At that time, Yinger was still a six-year-old female doll, resisting the crying, looking down at her body. The white rabbit,'Princess Guiyang' Tian Cailin held a sword in one hand, constantly berating her and telling her not to cry.

Su Jin couldn't help but soften up. This girl has been cute and adorable since she was a child, and she is a little beauty. It's no wonder she can have the current look.

Now Su Jinjue can command the'Tian Cailin' in Ying'er's heart, and use the sword in her hand to give Ying'er a shot, but the consequences of doing so are absolutely serious, and may even ruin her mind and let She woke up and became a silly girl.

How can he bear it?

She is still a child--

Su Jin chose to quit. In silence, he also felt that this skill was unethical. After all, he had the ability to spy on other people's scars. He also didn't realize it was useful to others. It was only Ying'er that was too surprised. If he does, he won't succeed so easily.

"What did you do to me!" Ying'er is now bursting into tears, she can't help but remembers the sad thing, she has no male votes, no emotional memory, just like small animals so purely, but was coldly killed by the master Death, you can understand why Su Jin trampled Xiaoqiang to death before, and she was so emotional.

The snow is still blowing, the wind is still so biting and cold, everything becomes real.

"Leave, you are not my opponent. If I want to, I can kill you in at least a hundred ways just now." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, he discovered that this kind of spying'pupil technique' not only affected the opponent , Can also cause some of its own adverse reactions.

"You let me go?" Ying'er wiped away her tears, her emotions returned to normal, and she frowned and looked at Su Jin and said, "If you say that you can't beat him, you can just be your teammate? Give a reason!"

"I don't like your strength, can't you?" Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at Ying'er and said.

"You..." Ying'er akimbo her hips, gritted her teeth secretly, with an expression of Su Jin's unconvinced expression, and refused to accept: "This girl is still very useful!"

"Oh? Then tell me... What other functions do you have besides this strength?" Su Jin pretended not to understand.

", what do you mean." Yingerjue felt embarrassed.

"It's not interesting. I give you a sentence and you can understand the meaning very well." Su Jin touched his chin, "But after I say it, you have to do it if you agree, or don't be a follower. I!"

"Okay, what did you say... What did you say to me?" Ying'er had a very bad feeling in her heart, but she was as strong as her, and it was not so easy to give up.

"Suihan three friends: hot pot, cabbage, hot bed." Su Jin said calmly.

Ying'er started to listen, but when she listened to the rest of the sentence... her beautiful eyes widened!

This **** bitch!

A word ‘warm bed’ jumped into my mind, which also made Ying'er’s face instantly become hot!

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