My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 104: Win the competition

Hearing Su Jin’s words, the old guy laughed dumbfounded. He liked Su Jin’s temper. Coupled with his talent, he was indeed a very wicked seedling. Otherwise, he would not cultivate vigorously. It was quite satisfactory, but overall he was very satisfied. Although he was not in Qincheng for this period of time, he was still in the eyes of others.

After being silent for a while, the old guy nodded: "This time is for this time. The money will not be given to you, but people are easy to say."

"Damn, stingy to death." Su Jin glared at him, "What about people?"

The old guy looked at him and said angrily: "Are you blind?"

Su Jin looked carefully at this time. The old guy brought two women and one man this time. Just now, his attention was on the old guy, and he didn't pay attention to the three of them. When he looked at one of the women. Suddenly, his mouth couldn't close, and he nodded and said: "Forget the funds, these three will follow me in the future."

After speaking, he blinked at one of the women, can it be different, acquaintance!

Is this woman the big Polish sister who helped Su Jin kill the Darkblood Sniper!

The old guy waved his hand, "It's up to you, of course, with conditions."

"What are the conditions?" Su Jin looked at another girl again. She was about 27 or 18 years old, and she seemed to be somewhere between green and yellow, saying that she was young and a little bit mature, but Su Jin didn't like her face very much. When she saw her, she would definitely feel like a cold day, very sad.

"Recognized by Summer." The old guy said lightly.

summer? Who is summer?

Su Jin turned his gaze to the only man he didn't know. He was a little older than a knife, but he felt very easygoing and easy to come and go with.

"Young Master, my name is Xia Xia." The strange young man grinned, showing a row of teeth.

Su Jin rolled his eyes, "Are you Tengying before?"

"No, young master." Summer shook his head.


Su Jin’s eyeballs are about to fall, and the old guy is really not easy. What kind of power is controlled by this old immortal? He feels that with the help of Tengying, there is no way to make Dai Meiyun and Darkblood jealous, and Xia Xia's skill gives him He felt that he should have been following the old guy for a day or two. Since he was not from Tengying, he could only be said to be among other forces, and the old guy controlled it.

The old guy didn't seem to mind Su Jin asking.

"Where is that?" Su Jin looked at Xiaxia and asked.

"This..." Summer looked at the old guy, and then shook his head.

"You're a mother." Su Jin was immediately frustrated. At any rate, he has become a young master, so he doesn't even know much about it.

"Young Master, defeat me... I will tell you naturally." Xia Xia came to a very pretentious sentence.

I wiped it, before I even said it, I actually challenged, Su Jin rolled his eyes, squinted and said, "Okay."

This time there are strangers. Although they are not familiar yet, Su Jin has to give them a good impression, otherwise it will be difficult to manage in the future, and he also needs to know some things about the old guy. Since it is the old guy's meaning, he will fight again. What is impossible?

"Where to fight?" Su Jin was also interested in this.

"right here."

Hearing Xia Xia’s words, Su Jin wanted to scold again, but thinking about it, it’s just a discussion. What people like them compete is not simply a fight, but a reaction, a competition with'jin', so there is no blood but no fierce , It can also be higher and lower, because he has made considerable progress recently, so he has more confidence in himself.

Others have no opinion, even the old guy wants to know where Su Jin has reached now, but he calculated according to time, it should be little progress.

Summer walked around the sofa. Su Jin didn’t care about this. After all, the guy who can call the name from the old guy, how could it be simple? Besides, it’s not between the old guys and the old guys won’t let each other talk to himself. Fighting is a shame after all.

"Let's start." Su Jin looked at Xiaxia, pretending to be relaxed.

Xia Xia nodded, with solemnity between his brows, his pressure was very high, who is Su Jin? It is the young master appointed by the old guy and the successor! If he could beat him, although he wouldn't be able to grab Su Jin's position, he would also show his importance and he would be able to mix well in the future.

There was a smile on Su Jin's mouth, and his eyes quietly followed Xia's every move.

Is it left or right!


Su Jin's heart was shocked. Summer was really not easy. Before he started, he didn't have the slightest move to prove how he would make a move. Generally, a master had a pre-judgment in advance, coupled with a slight shaking of his shoulders, he knew in advance where the opponent would come from. Bian'er shot, now it seems that he underestimated summer.


The seemingly slow punch made many people's hairs stand up in their clothes. Even Zhou Tianhu didn't know the origin of summer. Seeing the momentum brought by this simple punch, he couldn't help but frown. Come, he felt that Young Master should not be so relaxed anymore, this kind of person is much higher than his strength, even more powerful than the knife, but the knife is not there now, if he knows, I am afraid he will be hit.

Su Jin's heart sank, but soon he reacted, with a direct corresponding punch. His speed was much faster than Xia's shots. His principle was that you can do whatever you want.


Xia's pupils shrank sharply, feeling the tingling pain from his fist, and the shock suddenly spread from his heart.

Human psychology is like this. Sometimes they think that the opponent is invincible, but when they fight, they find that it's just that.

Su Jin is in this kind of psychology now. Although this punch is not of a high standard, it also proves his strength from the side, which is definitely higher than summer! After all, the other party is several years older than him!

"For the'strength' competition, I am ashamed!" Xia Tian took two steps backwards, and shook his head with a wry smile after removing the remaining strength.

Su Jin nodded secretly, wondering how many such BTs the old guy had. If it weren't for the medicine Qin sister gave him, and his recent breakthroughs, I'm afraid he would be struggling to deal with the summer. Fortunately, he can completely suppress it now. Pass the other side.

A touch of shock flashed in the old guy’s eyes. He didn’t let others see. He didn’t expect Su Jin to improve so much in a short period of time, because once people grow older, they still have an understanding of strength. , The strength will progress slowly, but now Su Jin has almost jumped x up to a big level. I am afraid that his true personal hand is less than 70% of his age at Su Jin’s age. Really, he is really satisfied. .

"Are you still fighting?" Su Jin said lightly while looking at Xia Xia.

Summer watched Su Jin for a while, "But although I am weaker in this respect, I can still make up for it with skills."

make up?

Su Jin nodded, "How do you want to fight?"

Soon, Xia Xia raised his hand and a snow-white dagger appeared. Su Jin wanted to laugh. Such a tough man used this kind of dagger, but since the other party wanted to play skills with him, he was not afraid. The old guy tells the truth that he will not be afraid of anyone, including attack speed.

Xia Xia had actually admitted Su Jin's strength in his heart, but he still had some unwillingness in his heart. Like a knife, if he didn't overcome this feeling, he might be in a slump in the future. This kind of person is also the object of many masters' jealousy.

Su Jin smiled faintly, and the "Liying" in his hand appeared.


Xia Xia took a breath, shook her head quickly, and said two steps backwards: "I didn't expect the master to pass this dagger to you! If you don't fight, you won't fight."

Su Jin was stunned. Even Sister Lan and the others were a little surprised. They looked at the old guy with unbelievable eyes. They knew that Su Jin was still competitive, but they didn't expect the old guy to trust Su Jin so much. Shadow' is probably the most powerful weapon that symbolizes the successor. The two girls were thinking about something and did not speak, and the old guy also had a plain face.

Su Jin didn't know what this dagger brought to him. Anyway, he felt that Liying would not be able to leave. At this time, seeing Xia Xi stop his hand, he nodded as well. Since the opponent was soft, he didn't bother to do it again.

"Little guy, work hard." The old guy looked at Su Jin, "I will stay with you for the three of them, but I have to remind you that the test has just begun. Don't despise any enemy, otherwise you will have It may die in the opponent's hands."

Su Jin listened to what the old guy said and carefully figured it out in his heart. It seemed that the old guy was deliberately making things difficult for himself and didn’t want to tell him something, but he didn’t care, just come, and now he gave himself a few masters. He has the confidence to face any power. Of course, like a super power like a ninja, he feels that he is still difficult to fight head-on. After all, he is in the light and others are in the dark. Regarding Dai Meiyun, he feels that he really has to look at each other's relationship. Up.

"I know." Su Jin nodded, and then said: "You have to believe me, I will make it a super power in the blood hell, but now it's really just beginning."

"Yeah." The old guy thought for a while, "I have seen people, is there anything else to say?"

Su Jin thought about it, nodded, and said to the others: "You guys avoid it first."

The old guy frowned, blew his beard and stared, "Is there anything I can't say in person?"

"This... is very important." Su Jin smiled bitterly. He really can't say it in front of people. If the old guy can grasp it, it will be of great benefit to him. Of course, it depends on his ability and think about himself. I can't help but feel proud of being able to do something big for the old guy now.

Except for Su Jin and the old guy, everyone else would like to go out or go upstairs and call the place to the two.

"Now I can talk about it." The old guy looked at Su Jin and said. He felt quite upset. He liked this kid's temper in the prison, but after he came out, he became squeezed. It is strange that he can be cool.

"Hmm." Then Su Jin began to talk to the old guy.

A few minutes later, when he finished speaking, the old guy's eyes widened and he looked at Su Jin and said in disbelief, "Really?"

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