My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 105: Beauty An Qianyi

Su Jin looked at the old guy earnestly and nodded: "I definitely didn't lie to you. Didn't you tell me in jail that people with their own attributes are rare? I happened to meet that girl Yulin. I I believe you have never found a seed that is better than my talent."

The old guy suddenly became so excited. No wonder Su Jin asked other people to avoid it. For others, this might not be a big deal, but for one power, a girl with a physique like Mo Yulin is simply all the power. He had been looking for a broken head object for many years, thinking that finding a Su Jin had already made other forces envy, but he didn't expect that this kid would help him find a better seedling, but it was a girl, but he was also ecstatic.

"Good job, I didn't see you wrong." The old guy laughed. This kid finally did something that made him happy. After speaking, his small eyes took a look, "I'm leaving now. Go and see that girl, I can rest assured that they follow you."

"Wait, she might really want to be an ordinary person, maybe it's a little difficult." Su Jin looked at the old guy and said.

"This is nothing, I can do it myself." The old guy got up hurriedly, and then quickly disappeared before Su Jin's eyes.

Su Jin feels that the old guy's attention to this aspect is beyond his imagination, anyway, this is also a good thing, so good.


Su Jin patted his palms a few times.

Zhou Tianhu appeared first, glanced around, and said in a daze, "Young Master, where is the Old Master?"

"Well, I left." Su Jin now has a few masters sitting around, and he feels a lot more at ease, thinking in his heart, nodding and saying.

Zhou Tianhu relaxed now. They were like brothers with Su Jin, but he was uncomfortable when the old guy was suppressing him. He couldn't be as comfortable as Su Jin. He also knew what to ask and what not to. Asked, nodded and said, "Young Master, do you want to stay for dinner at noon."

Su Jin thought about it and felt good. It didn't matter if Xia Yuyan went back after dinner, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, I'll let Sister Qin make arrangements." Zhou Tianhu laughed.

At this time, in Wang Mei Niu's room.

"It's over, I have two more competitors now!" Tao Xiaolang wondered, looking at Wang Mei Niu a little worried.

Wang Mei Niu licked melon seeds, watching Tao Xiaolang narrowed her crescent eyes, "Xiaolang, let's join hands."

"Joining hands?" Tao Xiaolang looked at her, "Is that why you brought me to your room?"

"Yes, we are younger than them. Looking at the master, we are determined to train Big Brother Su as a successor. For us, this is a golden opportunity." Wang Mei Niu said.

Tao Xiaolang thought about the appearance of the two women, and suddenly became a little unconfident, and said weakly: "But although we are young, we are still a little tender. How could they be their opponents?"

"Uh, also..." When Wang Mei Niu thought that Sister Qin would win Su Jin before them, she felt weak in her heart, but this did not frustrate her will. She grunted, gritted her teeth and said: " Anyway, we have to try it."

"Do you have a good way?" Tao Xiaolang looked at her and asked curiously.

"So..." Wang Mei Niu started to make a loss.

As she talked, Tao Xiaolang's eyes gradually brightened.

Su Jin didn't know these.

Su Jin went upstairs. Gu Shuzhai is still very big. It’s no problem to live in more people. He wants to ask about a summer issue. Just now the old guy was there, so he couldn’t ask directly, so he was defeated Or, Xia Xia must tell him and help him out.

"Summer?" Su Jin knocked on the door.

"I am not a summer room."


It was Sister Lan who opened the door. Su Jin's eyes lit up. Seeing the charming temperament exuding from her, her body suddenly became hot. He thought for a while and said, "Which room is summer in?"

"Find it by yourself." Sister Lan rolled her eyes, "Would you like to come in and sit?"

"It's not necessary anymore." Su Jin shook his head quickly. He didn't come to pick up girls. Now the situation is still within a controllable range. When Dai Meiyun takes action against Jutu, everything is too late.

"Are you still afraid that I might eat you?" Sister Lan stretched out her hand and pulled Su Jin in.

Su Jin wanted to break free, but suddenly opened his eyes, this sister Lan...It's not easy!

Although he didn't really move himself, from this simple shot, Sister Lan's strength is not like other women's, her strength is as terrible as she thought, but this also proves her current status from the side. Need, lack of masters!


Sister Lan closed the door.

Su Jin glanced around. It was obvious that Sister Lan and the others had stayed here before they came. Although I don’t know when the old guy came, it was already arranged for them to stay. He looked at the decoration in the room. When I finally looked on the bed, my eyes widened.

My goodness!

Look at what Su Jin found, colorful, all kinds of hot underwear are endless. Putting them in that big box, he feels that Sister Lan doesn't seem to wear many clothes, almost all of them are underwear.

"Sister Lan, don't you like to be clean?" Su Jin looked at her and said.

"Yes." Sister Lan was sitting on the edge of the bed and picked up the cover she had just changed. "You smell it, maybe it smells like sweat."

Nima-the real best.

Su Jin looked at the cover that was thrown over and was caught in his hand, and felt that each of them was simply expensive. From the feel of the hand, he could feel the terrible control of an underwear, and the arc like the mouth of a big bowl, the scale It was so big that he couldn't imagine.

"Smell it and see if it smells good." Sister Lan said with a smile.


Su Jin feels that a woman like Sister Lan is definitely not comparable to ordinary girls. He doesn't know that the worry of two girls like Wang Meiniu is true. This kind of woman is simply a trap for a man, and Still the kind that men have to jump in.

"Gluck--" Sister Lan smiled while covering her mouth.

Pretend to be pure...

After Su Jin smelled it, she looked at Sister Lan helplessly. The fragrance on her body was like a scent of wild chrysanthemum in the wild. It smelled very good, coupled with the wild energy that came out of her body, he almost controlled it. Can't help it.

Unlike Sister Qin's maturity, her temperament is determined. This is a hard-to-handle mature woman. Su Jin threw the cover into the box and said, "It seems I was wrong. Sister Lan still loves being clean. "

"Really." Sister Lan blinked and said.

"Yes, but I feel that when Sister Lan pretends to be pure, she looks best." Su Jin rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Oh? Then you come again next time, how about sister village aunt's hairstyle to you?"

Village girl--

She really dared to think! Isn't that two twist braids, Su Jin's mind saw the situation of Sister Lan playing with twist braids, and then pretending to be a big girl with herself.

Mother, can't take it anymore. Su Jin hurriedly coughed, "I'm going to find Xia Xia, so Sister Lan won't use me to get rid of it."

Sister Lan did not speak, nor stopped, and smoothly released Su Jin.

Su Jin felt like he was being watched. If he didn't leave, he wouldn't know if he could leave her room. This is something he didn't want. After all, if Sister Qin ran into it, it wouldn't be great. The key... This is a special day, so why is he embarrassed to make a move?

After Su Jin went out, she just watched the girl who didn't know her name opened the door and walked out.

"What's your name?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

The beauty unexpectedly ignored him, which made him a little embarrassed. She is the young master and the successor of the old guy. What is this? His brows also wrinkled, and he felt the difference between this woman, his whole body was like a puff of ice, and everyone looked like an expression, even in front of the old guy.

He knew that the old guy had been looking for masters over the years, including Xiao Lian, who were brought out by the old guy’s orphanage, so he didn't know the origin of this girl, and he would not be weaker than Sister Lan!

She is like Sister Lan, like two extremes. It makes people feel cold and terrible, cold to the bone, but in other words, this kind of woman is also easy to be remembered. At least, her beauty is no better than any woman she has ever seen. Poor, this is the difference.

"An Qianyi."

After looking at Su Jin coldly for a while, the beauty spit out three words coldly.

Su Jin only felt as if she was shivering in her heart, she was cold, and her tone was colder, as if there was nothing in the world that could shake her coldness, and like a cold puppet, there was no anger.

After An Qianyi finished speaking, Su Jin watched her walking by her in embarrassment.

Paralyzed, he didn't give himself face at all, Su Jin was a bit speechless, but these didn't affect his mood. Soon he found the door of Xia's room and knocked on it. I plan to talk to him in detail.

When Xia Xia saw Su Jin, the corner of his mouth was a little helpless. He knew what Su Jin was here for, but sometimes, he was also involuntary. If you should let Su Jin know, you can say, after all, he was just with the old guy. When Su Jin asked, the old guy didn't object.

"Young Master, please come in." Xia Tian's personality is very casual, which is a bit like Su Jin, so the two can talk.

Su Jin nodded and walked in.

"Let's talk, tell me everything." Su Jin raised his legs. If he knew the real power of the old guy, he would definitely be bolder in his future actions, not as passive as he is now. If he provokes him When it comes to a super power, if you can't do it by yourself, isn't it a death?

Summer smiled bitterly, "I can tell you about the forces that the old master really controls, but there are some things I can't tell you."

"That's enough." Su Jin's eyes lit up. This is what he wants, just to cheer his heart.

Xia Xia then sank and nodded: "The real trump card force of the old guy is an organization called Dragon Tooth. I was fortunate enough to follow him once before, but I left afterwards and it was not suitable for me."

"Longya? Tell me, why isn't it suitable for you." Su Jin was stunned, he hadn't heard of it.

"Yes." Xia Xia took a deep breath, "there are some BT guys."


"How do you say?" Su Jin was interested.

"There is a very clear example, didn't you find it?" Xia Xia said, looking at him.

A stark example?

Su Jin's eyes widened suddenly and couldn't help exclaiming: "An Qianyi?"

Summer nodded, he felt that Su Jin was still very smart.

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