My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1040: Crazy capital

"Brother Xiao, it's too late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Xia Yuyan's cold voice came from the room, and Su Jin on the opposite building was greatly relieved.

She really is a good wife! It was originally, people's hearts are all flesh-grown, there is no guarantee that Xiao Zhanyun will think carefully, besides, this guy looks really handsome, and wears a cloak with long bangs...

But then again, what is Xiao Zhanyun coming from?

Su Jin had never heard of this person, but began to speculate in his heart.

"It's about Su Jin." Xiao Zhanyun had an unnatural touch on his face, so he could only say softly.

"Su Jin's? Does he have any news? How is he? Is there anything?" Xia Yuyan's tone was obviously anxious.

"If Su Jin is not dead, don't rush to report so late, go back!" At this moment, there was another voice in the room, and Su Jin's eyes brightened and he became more relieved.

It turned out to be Princess Mu!

Fei Mu and Xia Yuyan live in the same house!

Su Jin smiled, and it seemed that Sister Mu really took her words to heart and protected her wife personally. In this way, the possibility of her having problems was greatly reduced.

Obviously, Xiao Zhanyun did not expect that there was still Concubine Mu in Xia Yuyan's house. At this moment, his face was full of embarrassment, and he had to say outside the door: "Su Jin was tracked by someone before dark and had a brief relationship with someone. Hand, now more and more people know that he is the most important person in this trip, he is very dangerous."

"Who is fighting against him?" The questioner was Mu Fei.

"Princess Guiyang's apprentice, Miss Yinger." Xiao Zhanyun said truthfully.

"Tian Cailin's successor?" Mu Fei gave a surprised voice, and then asked, "What's the battle?"

"Miss Ying'er was defeated by Su Jin. I don't know what method was used. She walked with Su Jin and seemed to have joined the team." Xiao Zhanyun hesitated and said.

"Zhuzha, that stinky boy is really good, Tian Cailin's descendant'Ying'er', I have seen, she is very strong, looks even more beautiful. But it can also be seen that if Tian Cailin can't get the score A cup of soup, it’s not bad to take personal affection.” Mu Fei smiled and said, “Xiao Zhanyun, you can withdraw.”

"Yes." Xiao Zhanyun clenched his fists, and then stayed for two breaths before turning around and leaving.

He still failed to enter the room.

What was left for Su Jin was the lonely figure of Xiao Zhanyun.

Later today, Xiao Zhanyun brought Tang Yuxun to meet with Concubine Mu. Xia Yuyan also saw Miss Tang, but she didn’t know her relationship with Su Jin'unclear', and it was the first time Xiao Zhanyun saw her. By Xia Yuyan, she was deeply impressed by her appearance and temperament.

Xia Yuyan is the kind of goddess who will be stunned by people, and will be loved. The first beauty in Qincheng is not for nothing. Xiao Zhanyun has lived for these years. The whole world does not know how many tasks he has done. There are many patterns, but so beautiful, you only see it in your life!

But this is such a perfect goddess, but she is famous and owned by the young master.

Young Master Su Jin...

Xiao Zhanyun has never seen him before, but as a strong man, he is very arrogant. He thinks that there are few young strong men in China who can compare with him. If possible, he hopes to have the opportunity to defeat him personally!

"Wife is not what you want to see, you can see if you want." Su Jin mocked in his heart.

Although there is a saying: ‘a fair lady, a gentleman is so beautiful. ’

But there is also a saying: ‘It’s better not to provoke me, or I will kill you and the enemy together, Ciao. ’

At this point, Su Jin coldly glanced in the direction where Xiao Zhanyun had left, and immediately left this place of right and wrong.

Before long, the Ice and Snow Goddess Palace came out! Hurry in the direction of the cave!


In Xia Yuyan's residence.

Concubine Mu sat down and poured two glasses of red wine in her cup. The big red dress she was wearing was gone, and she chose a black pajamas that was more personal. She had just had a nap, but when she heard Xiao Zhanyun coming, she woke up.

Looking at Xia Yuyan’s dress, she knew that she did not rest, she was still in a white silk shirt, black short skirt, and her body stood upright. Under the embodiment of a pair of long legs, her waist fluttered--

"What's the use of worrying, the kid is thief, but he won't be killed so easily, maybe he is watching us somewhere, maybe it's not necessarily." Mu Fei saw Xia Yuyan also sat down, holding scarlet The goblet of liquor, along the table top, slowly pushed in front of her.

"This is very different from Qin Cheng." Xia Yuyan said softly.

"Yes, but there are countless places like this. It's just that mortals will lead the lives of mortals, and they don't even know that there is another kind of person in the world with a long life span..." said Mu Fei.

"Sister Mu, are you such a person?" Xia Yuyan asked suddenly.

"Fine." Mu Fei thought for a while, "Su Jin is also considered."

"Really, he has always been very capable, fighting fiercely, very arrogant." Xia Yuyan said.

"He has crazy capital."

"Sister Mu, can I be a person like you?"


Concubine Mu looked at Xia Yuyan and laughed blankly, not knowing how to explain Xia Yuyan.

Seeing this, Xia Yuyan hurriedly got up to find the white bag hanging on the wall, took out something from it, and handed it to Concubine Mu...

"This may be what Su Jin wants to give me, but he seems to have some concerns." Xia Yuyan said: "Look, if I am suitable, please teach me..."

Concubine Mu took the item Xia Yuyan handed over, and it said ‘Miaoxinshuangwu’!

This was Su Jin and Xia Yuyan who had forgotten in the car when they returned from Huishan Town. Then she found them and put them away.

But before Concubine Mu had time to open it, a long voice appeared over the entire ‘Holy Vision City’, echoing beautifully in the middle of the night...

"It's the dolphin sound from Su Jinfa!" Xia Yuyan looked up at the ceiling, excited.

Is this Su Jin reporting her safety! If this is really possible, then she can know Su Jin's safety through this voice!

"He is telling you to rest, just... he should be in a dark place not far away! How else could you make such a sound late at night? Obviously know that you are not asleep!" Mu Fei said intelligently.

"Sister Mu, do you see if I am suitable for this'Miaoxin Frost Dance'?" Xia Yuyan was relieved, smiling at Fei Mu and asked.

"Okay, let me see."


At this moment, after Su Jin screamed, he grimned indifferently, stepped on the snow, and hurried to the cave like a lone wolf.

Shortly after.

There was a faint glow of fire from the cave, and Su Jin walked in, with waves of warmth coming.

"Not asleep yet?" Su Jin looked at Ying'er in surprise and asked.

"I was asleep, but I didn't know which **** it was just now, and made a weird voice that scared me!" Ying'er was so angry.

"Weird? Is that the dolphin sound, the most beautiful song in the world." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Did you send it out?" Yinger's eyes widened, "Damn it, I suspect you!"

"Well, it's me." Su Jin shrugged.

" are scared, please apologize! Comfort them!" Ying'er stood up and crossed the willow, and angrily asked Su Jin.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Okay... I feed you." Su Jin said, slowly walking towards Ying'er.

Ying'er was shocked, and began to back gently, with a trembling voice: "You...what are you going to do..."

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