My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1041: So handsome

doing what--

At the moment in the cave, the shadow under the bonfire shining, exudes a strong youthful breath, and the short hair that ears seems to be because of hobbies. Compared with the long hair of other girls, Su Jin feels that Don't have a taste.

Although the hair is short, it also shows the proportions of her fair face. The eyes are wide open, and the inside is filled with fear. The Qiong nose is dotted with it, and it is slightly stiff. With the gray plaid skirt, the whole person feels out of it. The incisive and vivid.

Ying'er leaned against the mountain wall until she could not retreat, Su Jin came to her, tilted her head and looked at it carefully.

Ying'er now dare not speak, lest Su Jin do something unimaginable to her next moment, let alone look at him with his eyes. This situation is really embarrassing!

"Miss Ying'er, it seems that you lack love--" Su Jin said suddenly after looking up.

"Huh?" Ying'er was shocked by Su Jin's sudden voice, trembling, and said in a panic, "What do you mean?"

"Lack of care, you miss a man."

Su Jin said calmly, since he entered the cave, he has been calm and indifferent, and he has no other thoughts in it.

"You're talking nonsense... it's just that my master doesn't let me come into contact with stinky men. My master said, men are hot chickens, beasts, and there is no love in this world!" Ying'er said confidently.

"It seems that your master was hurt by a man." Su Jin glanced at her, took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it at the corner of his mouth, and then he took a mouthful and lightly hissed on Ying'er's face.

Ying'er covered her nose for a while, frowning at Su Jin annoyed by this action, but did not dare to say anything.

They couldn't beat them, and the men and women were in the same room, and they were covered by heavy snow and ice. They couldn't escape! Really sad! Ying'er was a little flustered.

After completing this action, Su Jin said: "I think you misunderstood what I meant. I said that you missed a man because you didn't have a father, brother, or boyfriend. That's all."

"Oh, you let it go!" Ying'er gently pushed Su Jin away in front of him with both hands, and sat down by the campfire alone, with his slightly pointed chin resting on his wrists already placed on his knees, staring at the jumping flames. In a daze.

There was still a touch of soft fingers in front of Su Jin, and she turned to sit next to Ying'er, picked up a dead branch, picked it from the campfire, and then lay down and looked at the top of the mountain wall. Said: "Go to bed early, tomorrow... will be difficult."

"You said... what is the feeling of love?" Yinger turned from staring at the campfire to see Su Jin already lying down, and then asked: "Do you know what love is?"

"I don't understand." Su Jin talks nonsense to her lazily, recharges his energy and keeps his state to his best, so as to cope with tomorrow's ‘storm blood’!

"My master said that you can't play with a man, or you will fall in love with him." Yinger murmured.

After saying this, Ying'er saw no response for a long time, and couldn't help but push Sujin, but she couldn't wake up!

Oh my God!

Ying'er's eyes are round, this guy is too lazy, she lay down and fell asleep, she could apply for the Guinness World Records!

Quiet, Ying'er couldn't help but look at the entrance of the cave. The sound of wind and snow roaring outside was a little quieter. I don't know if Su Jin came in, there was a slight vibration, and two-thirds of the entrance of the cave was already covered by snow. , If you get up tomorrow morning, it will definitely be completely blocked.

After a while, Ying'er chuckled his mouth.

She cautiously supported the ground with both hands, looked down at Su Jin, and looked carefully.

"Su Jin..." Ying'er called his name again.

When she was sure that he was completely asleep, Ying'er stared at Su Jin's mouth, her eyes flickering, she didn't know what she was thinking.

I don't know if it was instinct or being pushed by the heart, the two faces approached unconsciously, Ying'er's small mouth moved, but his eyes kept staring at that mouth.

Ten centimeters...Nine centimeters...Five centimeters...Stop!

Ying'er woke up abruptly, thinking about what she was doing. Just as she was about to get up and sit back where she was, the five centimeters facing the two people suddenly changed!

Su Jin raised his head fiercely and kissed it with a big mouth.

what! ! !

Ying'er immediately got up like a frightened rabbit, wiping her lips with her arm! She is going crazy now! Isn't this guy asleep!

"Want to kiss me? Arrange a number~" Su Jin didn't open his eyes, meaning that he was the only one who took the initiative to kiss a girl.

"Damn it! You really make me doubt my life!" Ying'er found that she was ashamed and lost her home, and she burst into tears in anger.

"Hehe." Su Jin felt that this was an unexpected gain.

As for why Su Jin didn't fall asleep... The question is, does he dare to sleep? This Ying'er had to behead his head before.

Defenses can not do without.

This little episode slowly faded in the lonely time...


In the early morning, the sun shone on the hole buried by the snow, and the snow crystals shone and shone.

Suddenly stretched out an arm from it, and instantly removed the snow-blocking hole... completely!

Su Jin walked out, clapped his hands, and naturally followed by Miss Yinger.

"The weather is good." Su Jin's mouth was slightly tilted, with a sharp look in his eyes.

The snow-capped scenery is very charming, but now is not a good time to see the scenery!

"Be careful, there were not so many people yesterday." Ying'er had walked out of last night's embarrassment, her face was solemn, she had found that more than one team was staring at them, and those people were so strong.

Su Jin was about to speak.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two roaring sounds like winter thunder appeared!

The camera slowed down and saw two flame bullets dragging their tails, rushing towards Su Jin.

At this moment, Su Jin's stalwart figure seemed to be an unsurpassable mountain, he raised his hand extremely fast, his eyes were full of silver light!

Silver pupil now! Instant white hair!

The strongest state!

Two flame bullets carrying a magnificent light, in Ying'er's dazed gaze, Su Jin stretched out his hand... made a cool and decisive sweep!

The flame is gone!

Su Jin raised his hand faintly, and the two bullets fell to the ground one by one, making a crisp "ding-ding" collision sound after landing.

Ying'er stared blankly.

Just now Su Jin's move was so handsome that she thought that Su Jin was going to hide, who knew that she would use such a sharp technique to forcefully accept the opponent's attack without any injuries!

How strong is this man?

I can't imagine it!

"Take care of yourself." Su Jin's white hair turned slightly, his voice as cold as ice and snow.

"Oh!" Ying'er reacted fiercely, feeling nervous, nodded and encouraged: "Come on, Su Jin! You are the most shameless!"

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