My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1042: Tai Chi Fulong Figure

The most shameless--

Sukin suddenly felt a cold wind blowing by his side.

If it is not the most important thing to fight now, Su Daguan can never spare Yinger!

However, under such a tight battle, Su Jin may be the least nervous, and there are others who are nervous!

"Fak! Fak! Fak you!"

Javier slammed his fist into the snowdrift in front of him, and in front of him was a heavy sniper rifle measuring 1.5 meters long!

If he loses his hand, he won’t be so angry. After all, people are floating in the rivers and lakes. Su Jin is not a powerhouse who can simply kill. There is no such thing as a hundred shots. But instead of losing his hand, Javier has been killed by the opponent. Catch the bullet with contempt!

Would anyone dare to pick up the bullets they fired with their bare hands?

It was the first time Javier saw him anyway!

For him, it was also a great insult!

At this moment, the other three people lurking beside JaVale were also a little dazed, especially the blonde girl named Celine, who was particularly shocked.

In the early morning, when their eyes were darkened, they had to retreat due to the snowstorm. In the morning, the snow was lighter and even stopped. They chose a good position early and wanted to win the first place. A powerful attack was unexpectedly picked up by Su Jin so calmly.

Now Celine has only one thought in her mind: Is this guy still a human?

"Did you not eat in the morning?" Bob rubbed his **** bald head, and mumbled JaVale.

"You fart!" JaVale was so angry with him, there was an urge to air every second.

"Don't make any noise, it's normal for this situation to happen." Zhu En Xia's eyes were extremely solemn, and I have to say that Su Jin's move gave them tremendous pressure.

"It's awful." Celine said.

Although they were far away from Su Jin, Celine still felt the cold gaze from that direction, and it was obvious that the other party had already seen them through.

"Celine, what do I think we are afraid of him? Just rush to kill me, I will be anxious to death!" Bob looked impatient.

Space has strengths, but he can't use it. It hurts as little as it is!

"Shut up, no one else has moved yet, no!" Celine paled for a while, "Get out!"

In the eyes of the few people, the white-haired Su Jinyin's pupils were fascinating, and he was holding his hand behind him, walking in their direction step by step. Although it seemed to be walking step by step, in fact... it was almost like a change of shape. , When it appeared again, it was ten meters away, and the speed was terrifying to the extreme!

The first one to eat crabs either wins the jackpot or the consequences are extremely serious. Obviously...they are the latter!

"I can't retreat, Bob, go up!" Jun Xia, seeing that Su Jin had appeared in the field of vision less than forty meters, took a deep breath, but was still very calm.

"OK!" Bob didn't hide anymore, just roared and stood up.

The four figures appeared and were side by side in a line. Bob took a step, his whole body was shining with weird black light, his eyes were red, and every time he roared, the hair on his body swelled and his clothes were torn in the blink of an eye. , Was torn to pieces by a huge momentum.

Su Jin stopped five meters away, looked at the four people in front of him, and looked at Bob. This black man...

No, Bob at this moment should not be a black man, but a powerful "big-eyed ape"!

His sturdy and slender arms are covered in black hair swaying in the wind, and his eyes are the size of a ping-pong ball, but at this time they are scarlet.

"It turned out to be a group of monkey-playing monkeys." Su Jin's indifferent tone was not only not funny, on the contrary, the bitter cold made people take it seriously.

After Su Jin finished speaking, he looked thoughtfully at the location of the four people, where there were two cages containing human heads. It seemed that they had counted Yinger among them!


Bob took a few steps forward at a slow pace, but every time he stepped, his surroundings trembled, and he had a lot of momentum. He had the capital to be confident.

"Standing!" Celine squeezed the short knife, screamed fiercely, and the four separated, while Javier retreated quickly and chose a position that was not easy to be killed.

Seeing the aggressive Bob, Su Jin's heart was as calm as water. When the opponent's fist struck him, his body shook, and he had a forward movement!

In the very short charging pace, Su Jin had already raised his fist, the silver pupil exuded a strange color, and he hit Bob with a fist.


Su Jin's heart tightened, and under his heavy punch, Bob actually took a small step backwards. What kind of concept is this!

Defensive power against the sky...

However, he looked at this expression of Bob's grinning teeth. It was particularly unhappy and extremely ugly. After all...Can a monkey look good?

In an instant, Celine held the broken knife in his right hand, and started to wander quickly, looking for opportunities.

Jun Xia, aware of the seriousness of the situation, and intends to unreservedly, made an action that even the three of his teammates had never seen before. He clasped his hands at the heart position, muttered words in his mouth, and then clasped his hands together. The front of the finger is constantly moving quickly.

A ‘Tai Chi Fulong Picture’ appears, in which the dragon travels around the world, but still can’t show the gossip!

"Su Jin, remember! The trick to kill you is called "Tai Chi Fu Long Tu"!"

After Zhu En Xia finished speaking, he roared, "Tai Chi Fu Long Tu" skipped Bob out of thin air, and split between the two sides, like a wide curtain, with the dragon swimming in the middle, with strange fluctuations.

It turned out to be a rare Taoist technique!

Su Jin had only seen the Five Elements Altar and the Taoist skills of the old witch when he was in Huishan Town not long ago, but it seems that this is better than Xuan'ao! It was also at that time that Master Blue Bull's Blue Bull was also full of extraordinary changes and great changes. Now that he saw it again, how could he not be shocked?

This person, there must be an old monster master, otherwise how could he do such a trick?

Su Jin looked at the yin and yang gossip Tao map sent by Jun Xia, and it was also a Chinese dragon that clearly manifested! Moreover, the curtain of this "Tai Chi Fulong Tu" turned into a half-shrouded shape when he couldn't react to it, and enveloped him in it.

"Okay!" Su Jin is also full of fighting spirit. His whole body exudes a huge power. Affected by it, his hair is scattered everywhere. The naked eye can see that it has risen more than ten centimeters. He couldn't help but shouted: "I am a dragon! It depends on you. Let me bow!"

On the palm of his right hand, the black pattern instantly climbed up to his side like a sharp willow leaf. At the same time, he opened his arms, and from top to bottom, a black dragon with a width of one meter began to rise.

Faucet ferocious!


Su Jin couldn't control the power of the explosion, and his body was also driven by the black dragon soul, directly rushing to the semicircular cover of the "Tai Chi Fulong Tu" a few meters above his head!

Afterwards, Su Jin roared:

"Give me...break!"

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