My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1047: He dare not come

The talking old man stopped.

Many people have begun to guess his identity in their hearts. This person is definitely over ninety years old by looking at his appearance, but it is very unwise to judge a person's age from the perspective of the strong.

The old man is a typical Western face, half of his face is three inches long with a gray beard, wearing a pure white robe, and his eyes are like copper bells, showing very spirit.

And the "torture frame" he said was a wooden "ten" frame about four meters high. The surface was brown and had a strong quaint taste. There were four shackles embedded in the wood. , Corresponding to hands, feet and limbs, looks a little solemn.


A maid next to Lavril shed tears.

"I am not going to die, I will be reincarnated and reborn again." Luo Weier whispered.

Among the many masters, although they don't really believe in reincarnation, the holy realm behind "heaven" is too mysterious and mysterious, and there is no special method.

With bare white feet, Lavril did not allow the two maids to support her. Instead, she walked alone to the torture frame a few meters away, stood next to it, and stretched out her hands.

The shackles were perfectly locked on her hands and feet, the old man motioned a wink, and four young masters in black walked out beside him, this is the master of ‘heaven’!


The "torture frame" weighing more than two thousand catties was lifted by four powerful people!

Most of the people who were watching showed an unbearable expression. I heard that Luo Weier had a peerless face. If he died like this, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a confidant.

"I heard that the man who had struggling with the goddess has already arrived outside the city of Shengzhan, but he doesn't dare to enter the city at the moment. He seems to be a greedy person and fear of death." Someone whispered.

"I think so too... that person named Su Jin is the key person. It is estimated that these experts from outside can kill him without the power of heaven."

"Tomorrow will be the official ceremony, and he can only watch the goddess turn into a mass of ashes, leaving behind the ‘tear crystals’ condensed from a lifelong cultivation base, and the fragrant jade disappears. There is no other way!"

"He dare not come."


With a whisper to communicate, Luo Wei'er's slender and exquisite figure is particularly eye-catching on the'Ten' frame. I saw a stone gate more than ten meters above the'Zhiyan Mountain Pass'. Several people carried the torture frame, walked in and disappeared In front of everyone.

Among these people, Xia Yuyan and Concubine Mu stood together, and the Queen of Silver Moon Wolf stood beside them!

Yesterday, when Yinyue and Mu Fei contacted several people, they had already clarified the facts, and Xia Yuyan was convinced. Because Su Jin spent most of the time in Qincheng, she didn't have the conditions to talk about love with Lavril Yini! The time and place are not enough, and the Silver Moon Wolf explained that the air crash was also done by ‘heaven’! This was also testified by Sister Mu!

In other words, "Heaven" and Su Jin are enemies! This conspiracy was set up specifically for Su Jin!

"Sister Mu..." Xia Yuyan bit her lip, "Su Jinming knows it's a conspiracy, why insist on coming?"

"He must come." Concubine Mu's face was solemn, "I believe that from the point of view of reputation, he doesn't care. The main reason is that this time there is too much trouble. The'Holy Realm Divine Residence' behind'Heaven' is about to come. If he doesn't come, the mansion of God will come to Qincheng, and that will be China's catastrophe."

"What is God's Residence?" Xia Yuyan asked with a pale face.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it." Mu Fei sighed, "I heard that they are all superpowers."

"Ah..." Xia Yuyan felt nervous, "You think, will he appear to save the goddess?"

At this time, the Silver Moon Wolf Queen interjected, "Su Jin will definitely come, but not to save her, but to kill! He shouldn't come today, I guess it is tomorrow before noon, can he get through this Jie, just look at tomorrow! As for what you call the "Divine Residence", I heard that Palace Master has seen it."

"Palace Master?" Xia Yuyan asked suspiciously.

"Palace Master Zichen, that is, Su Jin's master, old fellow." Mu Fei did not explain her relationship with the old fellow, and responded to Xia Yuyan with a relatively close sentence.

"Oh." Xia Yuyan was relieved a little, and nodded.


Inside the Zhiyan Pass.

An excavated circular channel appeared.

In the center of the mountain pass, two chains as thick as arms appeared in front of you! Below the chains, there was a cross locked, and a figure with a slender willow waist was tied on the cross, and the sweat shook down, soaking the thin clothes.

Twenty meters below Mei Ren'er's feet, there is a bright red magma, which is like a living thing, tumbling!

There is no one else in this magma space except for the scorching torture of Lavril Yini before the holy sacrifice!

For a moment, Lavril made a tormented sound in the midst of suffering, and the sound wave spread in all directions, spreading far, far away... so that Su Jin could hear it!

"Su Jin! Save me~"

In the wind and snow, a stalwart figure stood still. Behind him, eight cages with heads were dragged by him, and there were several empty cages on the other side of the vines.

It’s not who Su Jin is!

Hearing the sound coming from a distance, Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he whispered, "Lovar, these cages...I will leave one specially for you!"

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