My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1048: IQ suppression

"Who is making the sound!"

Ying'er scanned the surroundings, and finally followed the direction of Su Jin Hanmang's twinkling eyes. In other words, the sound just came from the misty mountain in the distance.

"I hope I will go to die, who else can be." Su Jin said lightly.

"Rovelle Yini?" Ying'er felt a little bit in her heart. She was frightened, and she said for a while: "Huaxia speaks well, I don't know how long I have studied it. Hey~you won't go now? "

"The time has not come." Su Jin stood there, and then sneered: "I want to become famous in one battle!"

"Hey, don't do Lao Tzu Lao Tzu, it's very uncivilized, is it good quality?" Ying'er asked in confusion.

"They are all people from the earth, are you going to tell me about their qualities?" Su Jin shook his head disdainfully.

"You..." Ying'er stomped her feet on the ground, "You are getting more and more excessive. Speak well. If you are polite to others, they will also have a good impression of you."

"Be polite?" Su Jin turned to his side and said very seriously: "Miss Ying'er, this week, are you free?"

"Ask why, do you want to make an appointment?" Ying'er was suddenly frightened by Su Jin's serious attitude.

"Hehe, a silly girl, I can tell you very clearly that there are less than five people who can understand Huaxia." Su Jin couldn't help laughing, and then he stopped paying attention to her, pulling the eight head cages and walking forward. go with.

So-called so-called girls, soak, walk for the sky! Daguan Su is such a strong girl!

However, for Ying'er, it seems a little inexplicable, what do you mean?

Why do you scold me?

Ying'er didn't move, watching Mitana follow Su Jin's side. The two had walked more than ten meters away, and still didn't quite understand why the other party would say she was stupid...


Ying'er's small face suddenly turned red, and what Su Jin just said was very problematic! This **** guy! After being bullied by him again, she felt that she was really innocent at this moment, to the point of innocence.

Depressed to death, Ying'er had to gritted her teeth to keep up. She felt that Su Jin's eloquence was too great, and she was so powerful that she could not but admire.

Ying'er followed the two of them glumly, and from time to time, she aimed her gaze at Su Jin's back, and kept muttering something in her small mouth, which made people unclear.

Now Miss Yinger really has a kind of ‘hating iron can’t make steel, hating rice is not fragrant enough’. She has been thinking, how could there be such a mean person in the world?

"Mumbling, is it annoying?" Su Jin couldn't help but asked.

Although she didn't want to know what she was whispering, it kept doing this, destroying the tranquil atmosphere of heavy snow in front of her!

"Hey, you bullied me just now, I should have forgotten it, you are not allowed to use this thing to make fun of me." Ying'er said.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"I have a question."


"Why do you still come when you know you are here to die?"

The question Yinger asked is worthy of Master Su's consideration.

Su Jin then gave the answer and said calmly: "A person, if you don't force yourself, you never know how good you are."

"You? Excellent?" Ying'er's head stuck for a few seconds, why didn't she feel that Su Jin was excellent.

"Excellence is a habit, I want to know its limit." Su Jin said as he walked.

"Haha." Ying'er sneered, "As narcissistic as you, I haven't seen the limit yet."

"I'm narcissistic?" Su Jin stopped, put down the vines, and turned around to look at Ying'er with his hips akimbo, "It's like you don't love beauty, haven't you been praised for being beautiful?"

"Someone has praised you? I have a low IQ!" Ying'er said frankly, like a little girl proudly, "Yes, people who have seen me have praised me."

Su Jin deeply agreed and nodded: "Your face is really beautiful, but the legs need to be studied."

"You, you get out!" Ying'er was furious and walked in front of the two angrily, she simply led the way! The province is angry!

After quarreling with Su Jin, Ying'er was already in tears and couldn't win! Just forget about bullying, don't bring such bullies!

In fact, Ying'er with short hair with Qi ears is already slim and beautiful, and her legs are very slender. She has no trouble at all. She understands Su Jin's meaning, but can he let him study it!

Really angry.

"So I'm angry." Su Jin looked at Ying'er, who had already walked to the front, "The ability to resist strikes is a bit too bad."

Half an hour passed in a flash.

The snow was a little smaller, and as Su Jin tugged with both hands, the eight cages of skulls that had been frozen into ice slammed into one piece, making a sound of ‘pegging’.

"Who!" Ying'er screamed, just a dozen meters away, a dark shadow seemed to flash by, but she did not guarantee that she was dazzled.

The color of Mitana's handsome face suddenly changed, and she reached out to stop Su Jin...

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and Ying'er could see it, why didn't he know?

It seemed that the "Persian Poisonous Girl" around her looked a little anxious, and Su Jin looked at Mitana with questioning eyes.

Is it possible that the coming strong, Mitana knows?

Mitana could not hear, could not speak.

In a hurry, she squatted down gently, stretched out her delicate white index finger, and wrote two words on the ground:


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