My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1049: Why don't you go to heaven!

"Who is Yaolan?"

Without realizing it, Ying'er had retreated to Su Jin's side. She tilted her head and looked at the two clear typings on the snow, and asked curiously.

Whoosh whoosh——

A figure in a blue robe stood more than 30 meters away, and the cold temperament wilfully dissipated from him in all directions.

Su Jin's silver pupils shrank sharply, and this blue figure... had no face, his face was full of black holes, and a trace of extremely toxic black smoke spread.

"Uh." Ying'er put his finger on his forehead, and said, "This person looks dizzy..."

It can affect her invisibly!

"You're the proud descendant of Palace Master Zi Chen, Su Jin?" The demon in a blue robe said in a gloomy way.

"Are you?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"Even Du Lao has praised you, and he has never praised me like that." Yao Lan's voice became colder and colder in a tone that seemed to hate the whole world.

At this moment, Mitana stood up and stood in front of Su Jin.

Yaolan looked at Mitana, heheyin smiled and said, "Senior Sister...I haven't seen you in eight years, how are you..."

Mitana's face was calm, and under her drooping arms, there were two clusters of green smoke on her pink fist.

The two are senior sisters and younger brothers!

Su Jin was shocked secretly in his heart, he instinctively ignored the "poisonous old man" that Yao Lan just said, but now thinking about it heralds a possibility.

‘Old Star Poison’! Both of them are under the sect of the old star poison!

But in that case, why did Mitana help herself? This demon was obviously here to kill him.

Su Jin didn’t know that Mitana had rebelled against “Snake Island” eight years ago. She was already alone, maverick and no one’s dominance. It was also the past eight years that her reputation spread all over the world and was crowned. With the title of'Persian Poisonous Girl', her name is about to reach the height of'Star Poison Old'.

"You get out of the way, I'll punch this grandson until he spit." Without thinking, Su Jin put his right hand on Mitana's left shoulder and gently pushed her to the side.

How could his dignified Young Master Su and the most beautiful man in Qincheng hide behind a woman?

Pass it out, still not being laughed off by others?


This guy, can you not speak so disgustingly?

While speaking, Yaolan obviously didn't care about Su Jin's words, and said loudly, "Su Jin! If you can take my trick without death, I will see you later...Hide away!"

Not dead in one move?

The cowhide is so big, why don't you go to heaven!

Su Jin would never be careless when facing such an opponent, even Mitana was very jealous of this person, to the point where he could see his discoloration change, not to say, this demon really depended on it.

Before Su Jin could accept it, a voice appeared in Su Jin's mind.

"Get rich! There is such a thing..."

It was the excited voice of the Dragon Umbrella.

"What? What did you find?" Su Jin secretly communicated with Xiao Umbrella.

"Leave aside, just look at it. I didn't expect to be able to see this thing when you wake up. If you can kill him, I will teach you the method of'soul fish' and blend it into the umbrella body. In a short period of time, I can increase my own power several times." Xiao Umbrella was obviously excited when he said that, "I can meet you but you can't ask for it, but you can't get it!"

The two communicated quickly.

"Are you scared!" Yao Lan said, standing opposite, obviously impatient.

Second Olympics!

Su Jin's face turned straight, and said coldly: "Then tell me, how do you write the word'fear'?"

Ying'er was on the side and said, "I'll tell you how to write, you are so uneducated, you don't know the characters handed down from your ancestors, and you dare to be a hooligan. I'm not afraid that others will knock your head out!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Jin's five-fingered palms pressed on her pretty face, and said lightly, "Shut up."

"I hate you!" Ying'er couldn't get rid of Su Jin's palm, and simply backed away, blushing.

"Well, well, I want to see how powerful Palace Master Zi Chen's true disciple is!" Yao Lan's pale arm condensed a handprint in front of him.

When the handprint was successfully condensed, a thick black mist rushed out of his face like a wild horse.

Soon, the gold-lined blue robe that Yaolan was wearing before fell to the ground, and a black oval egg shape appeared. The black mist on the egg-shaped surface no longer escapes, and he was tightly wrapped in it so that people could not see it. what's going on.

"What's in this egg, it looks so amazing." Ying'er became guilty.

"Guess." Su Jin stared, did not look at Ying'er. Now he could clearly feel a particularly terrifying aura, rising!

"I can't guess, and you don't know." Ying'er suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Isn't it a monster? The master once gave me an exam question asking what is the difference between a monster and a fairy. I still have no answers right now."

"Your IQ is flawed." Su Jin said.

"You know, you answer—" Ying'er said unconvincedly, she was most uncomfortable with Su Jin's handsome appearance.

"It's very simple." Su Jin glanced at her, "Big spirit, little monster."

Ying'er immediately became honest, leaning over her head weakly, not convinced, no!

When Su Jin saw that she was not making trouble anymore, his fingers were very concisely close together, and he wiped his forehead, and whispered "open the eyes of the sky"!

However, the next scene he saw through the open eyes really shocked him——

Never thought of it.

It turned out to be...

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