My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1050: Baby Face Emperor Spider

In the black eggshell--

A series of blood vessels formed quickly, just like a real egg, but inside, earth-shaking changes were taking place every second, and the process...accelerated countless times!

Under Su Jin's celestial eyes, eight spear-like long legs stretched out in the black eggshell. Immediately afterwards, those blood vessels seemed to have undergone a strong chemical reaction, colliding together, and when they condensed again, they gradually formed a particularly terrifying face!

That is a baby's face!

At the moment when the baby's face was formed, the two protruding round eyes suddenly opened, the next moment the small mouth opened slightly, and he roared, the voice was like a baby crying!

"Umbrella, what is this?"

As knowledgeable as Young Master Su, he couldn't help but stunned when he saw this, and while breathing in a cold breath, he quickly communicated with the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana.

"I don't know anymore!" Jixi Long Umbrella sighed, and then said: "This should be a prehistoric species from the ancient times...the Infant Face Emperor Spider!"

"Infant Face Emperor Spider?"

While Su Jin was talking, his heart was tense. How could China have such a thing? How did Star Poison always find it?

"Yes, at the time China Great World was in the center of the ancient prehistoric times. At that time, it was the era of'all insects claiming king'. This'Infant Face Emperor Spider' has long been famous in the era of the Great Emperor. All of them are naturally terrifying. Few strong men dared to provoke them. I didn't expect to see them now. It's amazing!"

Xiao Umbrella laughed and continued: "But you don't need to be jealous, and your strength is not weak. This infant-faced evil spider has obviously been sacrificed and is still in egg form. Of course! It is estimated that few people can stop it!"

Hearing Xiao Umbrella’s words, Su Jin became more confident with his hand, and said loudly to the demon, “It turned out to be a beast! Even an egg dared to say rants, want to kill me with one move?”

"Su Jin! You are looking for death!!"

The demon's mouth made a childlike voice, and the feeling of milk and milk was very strange, but what Su Jin said to it had obviously angered it, it was soaring crazy, and waves of terror were emitted. Make people feel tight.


With the sound of steel collision, a jet-black sharp spear pierced the black eggshell, and then the eggshell turned into a torrent, as if being swallowed by a whale and sucked into the body.

So far, the demon's body also appeared in front of several people.

Eight sharp-legged spears over two meters pierced the ground. This is probably the largest spider Su Jin has ever seen, especially the face of the baby on the head, which makes people feel cautious when seeing it.

"Roar..." The baby's face turned grimly, and when he opened his mouth, jagged black and yellow teeth appeared, and a gust of fishy wind spurted out.

"Damn, it's scary." Ying'er hid behind Mitana in fright. She felt that if she replaced Su Jin with herself, she would have given up resistance.

When Mitana waited for the fishy wind to pounce on her face, a green poisonous fog barrier was blasted from her body, protecting herself and Ying'er.

Su Jin squinted, he naturally had nothing to do.

"Just it!" Xiao Umbrella urged, and said in a dark voice: "Think about it. At the beginning, the emperor caught a golden sacred dragon with a profound cultivation level, so that I could become a black dragon umbrella soul. Judging from the transformation ability of the sky, I know how resistant I am to poison. You can do it without any scruples! Besides... I will find a way to try to catch it!"

The more it goes on, it gets more and more excited.

"Okay!" Su Jin shook his right arm, and a black dragon roared up, winding him in it, and then ‘Liying’ appeared in his hand, stepping out, there was only one word in his heart at the moment, kill!

No matter what evil you are, you must die!

Seeing Su Jin's explosive aura, Ying'er was stunned for a while. Even a strong person of the level of the "Infant Face Emperor Spider", Su Jin dared to go up and be tough. The funny thing was that she wanted to kill him before. It seems a bit naive now. In fact, in the morning, they had just left the entrance of the cave. Judging from Su Jin’s great performance at that time, she was deeply impressed by Su Jin. Such people either choose to be friends or Don't compete with him for the rest of your life.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to die!

In Ying'er's eyes, this space has become a blue and faint world, and the falling snowflakes in the sky have become blue, and when they fall on the ground, they will become a hot air. Soon the ground will be like a swamp. Blue thick soup-like viscous material, the bubbles on it seem to be boiling!

Mitana frowned deeply and shielded Yinger. The place where they can stand is less than two meters, which is still intact!

At this time, Su Jin had already appeared in front of Yao Lan!

"Su Jin, I'll declare your death!"

The Eight Demon Spider Lances opened, and a strand of cobwebs as thick as chopsticks suddenly rose up from the edge of the blue poisonous soup where Su Jin was, and instantly enveloped him.

Not only that, the blue spider web is still dropping venom, and is quickly gathering Su Jin!

No matter how powerful a master is, if even a little bit of this venom that can melt the soil will die!

"You are the best at telling a big story!" Su Jin sneered while holding'Liying' in his hand, exuding an aura like Mount Tai.

"Dead!" On the Eight Spider Lances of the Yingmian Emperor Spider, there were bursts of dark blue electric light flashing, as its web was about to be completely gathered...

A burst of blue electric light sputtered from its spider spear.

This is a fatal blow!

Judging from the current Tianluodinet, Su Jin is doomed to escape!

The Yingmian Emperor Spider laughed, the sound of laughter was awful, it seemed to have seen...

I saw the miserable sight of Su Jin being killed by himself!

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