My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1051: Cheat to eat, live, and love!

The perfect blow was a great success in trapping Su Jin in a small space with nowhere to hide! Even Su Jin can't use the speed at which he survives. It can be clearly said that he can only fight to the death!

Click, click.

A cracking sound appeared on the soul of the black dragon, and the soul of the black dragon roared and dissipated...

"Go to Nima's umbrella!" Su Jin looked at his scalp numb.

Since acquiring the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana, the Soul of the Black Dragon can almost be said to be invincible, but he has never seen a situation like this one defeated!

"Oops, I underestimated the toxicity of this thing." Xiao Umbrella said awkwardly, "I will teach you a trick, it can definitely be prevented!"

"Old Chinese driver, I love bragging." Su Jin watched the Black Dragon Soul slow down the speed of those venoms, and began to follow the small umbrella method, raising his left arm.

On one side, Ying'er and Mitana were both quite horrified. Both of them had a thought, that is, can Su Jin really prevent being beaten to death?

However, at the moment when those venoms came, the tightening of the virus net was about to touch Su Jin's body, the situation seemed to have turned around!

A black umbrella that was held by a normal person appeared in Su Jin's hand and opened it directly!

On the umbrella, the dragons are roaring!


The originally gray sky was struck down by a blast of lightning, and this space seemed to have turned into a dark night!

Su Jin once again exerted his ultimate ability to mobilize the main soul of the black dragon, and the soul of the black dragon rose to the sky. With this momentum, he instantly broke through the opponent's web!

The blue dragon is in the sky, who doesn't surrender!

The demon screamed, the perfect move fell apart so quickly, if it had been agreed, it would have actually lost!

But when lives are at stake, who cares about these.

Su Jin was clear and unforgiving. After the black umbrella appeared to block its attack, he hung the black dragon on his head. The soul of the black dragon seemed to feel the anger of the official, and his face was grim and charged with the master. come!

As the demon roared, the eight sharp spider spears opened and closed, and they greeted Su Jin without even touching Su Jin!

The black umbrella was flying, and waves of black terror came out from the umbrella body. Su Jin held the Liying back, and the figure rose up. From the most tricky angle, the backhand was a sharp stroke...

"Qiang Qiang!"

In that instant, a harsh sound wave was emitted.

Su Jin's power was all concentrated in the beautiful shadow in his hand, and Yao Lan also instilled huge power above the spider spear, and this blow directly shook both of them.

But Su Jin didn't intend to retreat, but had a fallback!


A cold voice came out of his mouth.

That black umbrella exudes a dark and bright color, and it exploded when Yao Lan didn't react!

A circular black wave exploded from the center, and the ground trembled with fright, and the vibration spread far away!

Inside the city of St. Focus.

Thousands of strong men's eyes are all looking in one direction, and now no matter where in the city, everything they see is trembling, and even the decorations in some rooms are shaking to the ground and damaged!

"What happened in that direction?"

"It's terrible, where can the strong fight to this point?"

"Rumors from the masters who have just returned to the city that they attacked Su Jin on the outskirts of the city, but witnessed Su Jin beheading the heads of eight powerful men. This battle should have been done by him fighting with others!"

"Su Jin? It's so amazing!"

"No matter how powerful he is, can he match thousands of strong people with one person? Let him be arrogant outside the city now, and tomorrow I bet he will not dare to go to the'Zhiyan Pass' to save the goddess!"

They talked in a loud voice, and they were talking in different places. Their eyes were all the same. Above the battle, there was a large group of black clouds blocking it, thunder rumbling, lightning constant, and the momentum was extremely large.

However, it only lasted more than ten seconds, where Su Jin was!

But there was nothing in front of me.

The Yingmian Emperor Spider was gone. Su Jin had just seen it really. When the explosion was caught off guard, the opponent was seriously injured, but he was not killed, and he got into the large poisonous soup under his feet.

Demon... even fled!

Young Master Su stared coldly.

"Su Jin! The green mountains do not change, the green water flows! Today you are a little better than me, and you will be doubled back in the next day!" A demon voice appeared in his ears.

"It's a pity!" Xiao Umbrella kept sending such words in Su Jin's mind, seeming to be a little bit irritated, "If your strength is stronger, you can display half of my strength, it will definitely not have the least resistance. I drew out the spider soul and cultivated a'soul fish', which will be controlled by me from life to life, for you and me!"

"Blam me? You are so hanging, no, you couldn't catch it." Su Jin knew what a pity the umbrella was holding.

"The way he escaped is a bit peculiar and decisive. I thought he could blow it to death. Who knew it was so cunning." Xiao Umbrella sighed extremely.

"Forget it, I heard that'Stars and Du Lao' has friendship with my master, and it is not good to do too much. It has been severely injured by me, and it is difficult to become a climate in a short time." Su Jin said.

"Well, it can only be this way. I wasted a lot of mental energy with just one blow. I continue to fall asleep and don't disturb me." Xiao Umbrella said, no more sound.

Su Jin took a deep breath, walked to the edge of the poison pool where he had just escaped, and looked condescendingly, that the venom had disappeared, but the venom inside had melted into a bottomless hollow. This monster was indeed powerful!

"Brother Su Jin." Ying'er came to him, holding a small face, "You are so amazing, I am five, no, I can't beat you if I add one to ten..."

Su Jin tilted his head, woke up from a thoughtful state, looked at Ying'er's idiotic pouting appearance, and asked calmly, "Tell me, how many tricks did that guy make?"

Yinger looked around, besides Mitana and herself, are there anyone else present? It was obviously asking her.

"Hey, I'm reduced to a second-rate young master, so sad..." Ying'er said with a sigh while talking about it.

Think about it, the top of the pyramid is always the most eye-catching existence. In fact, the gap between Su Jin and Yaolan is not that big. Like this kind of person, even if she is the apprentice of the'Princess of Guiyang' Tian Cailin, she has a reputation and has to Admire it and become a second-rate language, but it is not wrong.

Su Jin's body suddenly shook.

His hair turned black, and he couldn't hold it back in the end, and a blood stain appeared at the corner of his mouth. People who didn't directly bombard Yaolan would never understand that the opponent's strength was not weaker than Su Jin!

Young Master Su has just played to the extreme, and now his body is empty, all his strength is used, and he has suffered a little injury.

Because of this situation, Su Jin began to worry that Yaolan, as a foreign master, could hurt him. After fighting so hard, the ‘Holy Realm’ would come to a more terrifying ‘Divine Residence’, how could he live?

Thinking too much is useless.

Su Jin was supported by Yinger, raised his hand, signaled that he was okay, and whispered, "Go!"

Can't stay here for long! He finds a place to recover with all his strength, everything depends on tomorrow.

After half an hour.

A towering old cedar tree leaped in front of him, and Su Jin sat under the rock wall of a mountain, his body was recovering quickly.

The two girls were on alert, not daring to care.

I don't know how long it took, the snow flakes accumulated a certain weight on the ancient cedar, and the forest kept making a rustling sound of falling snow.

Su Jin opened his eyes, his strength had recovered 80%, and the rest did not need to intervene too much, and he could recover on his own without Xiao Shichen.

"Brother... Are you hungry?" Yinger licked her thin lips, "I miss the roast chicken last night..."

The strength is almost restored, and Su Jin's mood has obviously improved. He looked at Ying'er's pretty face, rolled his eyes, and said, "If I don't die on this trip, how about sister Ying'er going to Qincheng with me?"

"No!" Ying'er shook his head decisively.

Su Jin stood up with a weird expression and looked at the most eye-catching place in front of Ying'er, "Ciao, give you a chance to cheat, cheat, cheat, deceive your relationship, don't you!"

"No, just don't go with you, you come and bite me——" Ying'er touched her cheek with the tip of her index finger, tilted her head, and said very cutely.

"Hehe, this can't be done by you." Su Jin took a step closer to her and said lightly: "I announce now! Lao Tzu has contracted your land!"

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