My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1053: Huluwa save grandpa!


You know, when Su Jin said the word'warm the bed', Yinger Beauty was really embarrassed. How could she think that this was an emergency measure to persuade Master Su not to enter the city. She went in too.

With that pure pink face flushed, Ying'er didn't even dare to look at the high officials' eyes. Her heart was throbbing and complicated, she really didn't know what to do.

Moving on, the lights on both sides of Qingshi Street were shining, as if daylight, and various peculiar buildings were not listed, but the news of Su Jin's appearance in Shengzhu City was spreading from one to the next!

Before long, the streets were crowded with people, and it seemed that many people were very curious, wanting to witness the masterful demeanor of Master Su!

King over the world.

This word can definitely be used to describe Su Jin today!

"Look for the biggest hotel here. It's bad, I can't get used to it." Su Jinyun said lightly.

"I?" Ying'er felt strange, "I, bah, you look like you, even if you sit on the dragon chair, you don't look like the emperor!"

"I don’t understand the reason why I just walk with the thief when I get on the thief boat? What is bad about my length, and I need you to be like this?" Su Jin raised several questions in a row, and he couldn't bear a beauty like Ying'er. He criticized his appearance.

"You are good at everything, just a long form of scum." Ying'er muttered.

"Forget it, the handsome man doesn't remember the villain's past, I will have some concubine later!" Su Jin sneered.

But to be honest, there are these two beauties next to Ying'er. Ying'er is quite sure to warm up his bed in the cold weather. Mitana is also determined to follow him. It is the poisonous girl next to her that makes him wonder. 'Natural Poison Body'...

Will it be poisonous if touched?

Su Jin thought, thinking that his guess was impossible, so he took the world’s most poisonous snake as an analogy. The snake’s flesh is not poisonous. As long as you don’t get bitten, Mitana will go if you don’t have any evil intentions. Those who have the courage to try, are afraid that the poisonous snakes will be upset temporarily. People think that the poisonous snakes in the cave are not poisonous.


Ying'er felt even more anxious, blushing and hurriedly changing the subject, and whispered: "There are so many masters in the city, why don't they dare to do anything to us?"

"It's normal, people's hearts are uneven, and they all want to sit back and enjoy their success. Believe it or not, as long as my head is produced, the effect will definitely be different. Now they are all afraid of death!" Su Jin said lightly.

"It makes sense." Ying'er nodded in agreement.

Forget it, she managed to put the topic aside, and let Yinger Beauty secretly breathe a sigh of relief. She regretted the word "warm the bed" just now, thinking that Young Master Su should spare the old girl, and quickly forget it!

After walking for about ten minutes on Qingshi Street, this Shengzhu City is now unimpeded by Master Su!

At this moment, Su Jin smelled a familiar smell, and looked sideways at a hotel on the street on the right.

This hotel is not too big and medium in size, but the flow of people is extremely hot. At this moment, it's time to eat again, and the atmosphere of the food is scattered.

That's right, what Su Jin smelled was the scent of ‘fried pork with hot peppers’!

The sign directly above the hotel is also very eye-catching, it is called the "Jiulong Spring" Hotel!

What I admire most is the Huaxia Clan, who blooms everywhere, and it is really no one to do business to achieve the "Holy City".

Su Jin glanced at the signboard, frowned slightly, and glanced at the five Chinese begging at the door.

These five people were unkempt and dressed in ragged gray linen clothes. It is not an exaggeration to say that they were ragged. Each had a long stick in front of them. The beggar in the center was different from the other four. He was sitting in a chic and comfortable manner. What is a golden bowl! Quite eye-catching!

"Just here." Su Jin looked at the golden bowl thoughtfully, and then took the lead to walk in.

Ying'er covered Qiong's nose with a look of disgust. She moved her snow-white smooth feet, attracting a few beggars to watch.

Su Jin's three figures disappeared in front of the hotel.

"Boss, why don't you do it!" a beggar on the left asked the boss in the middle.

"Yes! What a great opportunity!" The other is also a pity.

The golden bowl beggar fluttered his hair and didn't worry about listening to his brother. He took out a gourd wine from his arms, drank a few sips, and licked his lips when he finished, saying in a very free and easy way: " Don't want to~"

"You don't make sense, boss--" The other four were still puzzled.

I didn't know that the golden bowl beggar in the center simply lay down, his arms were pillows, his face was drunk red, he closed his eyes, and said in a not low voice: "Gourd Baby, save Grandpa!"

"what does it mean?"

"Send them one by one..." The Golden Bowl beggar moved and changed to lying on his side, muttering softly, "Little San'er, there is a louse behind my master, scratch my master!"



Kowloon spring.

The interior of the hotel is simple and simple, and there are two rough root carvings more than one meter into the field of view, and the lights are brilliant.

The whole hall was full of people, people of all skin colors, mostly foreigners, Su Jin's appearance made everyone stunned, dumbfounded, and attracted the attention of the audience!

Here, the current Su Jin is far more eye-catching than the two beauties behind him. As for what these people are fighting in their hearts, it is unknown.

Su Jin walked straight to the counter, with pleats in his eyes, the person sitting at the counter turned out to be a charming Chinese lady boss!

She has a white face, excellent facial features, and a mature temperament all over her body. Although she didn't stand up, it made people feel that her figure was absolutely perfect, especially the low-v-neck red dress in front of her, which made Su Jin look more at her.

"Mr. Su Jin, do you want to stay in the store?" The lady boss in red put her hand on her cheek, her eyes unavoidably surprised.

"Do you know me?" Su Jin asked deliberately.

"Oh, now you are famous, brother Su don't frame me, when I was still a ignorant 28th girl..." The lady boss in red showed helplessness on her face.

"Since you know who I am, do you... dare to let me stay?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"The visitor is a guest. You don't care about doing business, you just make money, but the eight heads behind you make people feel very unlucky, and the charges are more expensive..." The lady boss in red said with a smile.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded, feeling in his heart that this woman should be very difficult.

At this moment, the originally pleasant communication was broken by a roar!

"Su Jin, die!" There was a voice outside the door, and no one had seen it yet. A large and powerful ‘ding’ with a width of about two meters directly smashed the door frame, and flew over with a strong momentum!

"Ding" is the most important weapon of China, but those who use this as a weapon are still unpopular!

Su Jin turned around and looked at the flying ‘Da Ding’.

Slowly, narrowed his eyes.

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