My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1054: Send you on the road

With an unstoppable terrifying aura, Juding slammed into it.

Su Jin took a step forward, raised his right arm, and pressed the palm of his hand in a natural way.


The dull voice resounded everywhere, and the eardrum of the shaking person was hurting!

"Get out!"

The angry terrifying female tyrannosaurus roared, and it turned out to be the lady boss in a red shirt...

The proprietress seems to be very mature and has a strong taste, and she is also very decent and responsible, but no one expected her to be so crazy when she gets crazy! She slapped the counter after yelling, her waist twisted weirdly, and her figure flickered. She slapped the young man who had just rushed into the shop after she just smashed her waist!


The crisp slap in the face is similar to the sound of firecrackers, and the effect is obvious. The young man of Yuding was taken away! He fell heavily on the ground ten meters away from the door, and he had no resistance!

Ying'er said lightly, and even Mitana's pupils shrank slightly. The strength of the imperial young man just now was not weak, but the boss lady was too strong!

I saw the lady boss in the red clothes walking out the door, standing up front, with her hands on hips, she screamed, "Ignorant hot chicken! Dare to come here to spread the wild, the stuffing on your head is shit? Before you come? Didn’t go to find out who my Jiu Mei Niang is? Can you provoke my old mother! You little bastard, broke my old mother’s door frame, my old mother can make you bankrupt. Believe it or not..."

Su Jin was speechless:...

Ying'er and Mitana exchanged glances, and both:...

Jiu Mei Niang cursed for ten minutes, her ruddy little mouth was like a cannon, and she was fierce. At first, her cursing was quite polite, but afterwards it was so filthy, all kinds of unbearable, let everyone listen. People lose their temper!

Slightly hang——

This is how the shrew scolds the street.

Su Jin reacted and looked at the giant cauldron in front of him. The giant cauldron is a four-legged cauldron, grey and blue, with wild patterns on it. Although the carvings are not very detailed, they give people a sense of longevity. , Very simple and simple atmosphere, it seems a bit extraordinary.

Slightly bowed, Su Jin stretched out his palm and grabbed it on the feet of a tripod with the thickness of a bowl. With a little effort, he couldn't even hold it!

"Get up!" Su Jin used his hands to move the tripod feet instead and let out a deep cry.

So heavy!

Su Jin used a five-point effort and was finally able to hold it at will. He strode out of the door, just like throwing a basketball, directly throwing away——

'boom! ’

On the bluestone road, the giant cauldron fell to the ground, and the surroundings immediately vibrated severely, shocking many people for a while.

Jiu Mei Niang was also stunned to see this situation. She looked at Su Jin who was already walking beside her, and said, "It's so violent, brother, what do you want to do?"

Su Jin looked at Jiu Mei Niang's plump figure so closely, the smell on her body was pungent, and at the moment she was outside the door, not like being in a hotel, fascinated by the smell of various dishes, at this time the smell exuding from her body The officials can't say it, it seems a bit like rosemary?

I have to say that Jiu Mei Niang's dress is really different, with a red shirt on the upper body and an orange-yellow fabric skirt underneath. Among all the colors, red is the most exciting, brightest, and most eye-catching. Color, and this orange-yellow color is the main color representing young people.

With such a match, Su Jin has something to say in his heart: It is simply pretending to be tender——

"I can't wait to deal with this stuff, because I'm going to be the emperor later." Su Jin smiled faintly, and immediately his face became gloomy, and Li Ying appeared with his right hand, striding towards Yu who was still covering his face. Ding youth walked.

Be the emperor?

Jiu Mei Niang swayed, and glanced at Su Jin with a profound look. She felt that Young Master Su was not generally interesting, and she was naturally very curious about him.

Su Jin looked at the young man lying on his side and looked at him. This man was less than thirty years old, wearing a sackcloth. This outfit was obviously for fighting, but it was a pity that he couldn't even beat the boss’s wife. , Why talk about killing him Su?

"You came to kill me." Su Jin looked at the youth coldly.

"Yes!" The young man glanced at the "Liying" in Su Jin's hand, his pupils shrank.

"There are many idiots in the National University." Su Jin disdainfully said: "If your eyes are red, your heart will be dark. Now give me a reason not to kill you."

"No reason! You can't kill me!" The young man suddenly roared like a beast, and said with a grimace: "Ding Hun! Sanyang Kaitai!"

Caught off guard, Su Jin felt the strong aura emanating from the opponent's body before he even started. Under the naked eye, three horned goat spirits appeared!

It is indeed a sheep! When these three goat souls appeared, a layer of gray and yellow waves immediately surrounded the young man, and in a blink of an eye a transparent ‘ding’ vessel enveloped the young man’s body, but it was just a vague prototype of a giant cauldron!

Seeing this, Su Jin nodded without stopping, "Send you on the road."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Ding Youth only felt a red light flashing in front of him, but Su Jin's figure was gone, and his neck hurt when he was strange. He wanted to try his best to open his eyes, but his thoughts fell into permanent darkness. in!

Yuding Youth...dead!

Others were shocked. This Yuding youth had a heavy weapon. After all, everyone could see the super defensive power of the Ding Soul, but even so, Su Jin had his head indifferently cut off, and he was still holding the opponent's. Hair, hold your head in your hands!

It's terrible!

A drop of blood dripped in the dark night, and it was still very eye-catching on the brightly lit street. If you ask Su Jin why it can be so simple and neat, then one reason is enough. You must know that even Yaolan flees in the face of him, this person... is not qualified! Only one way to die!

Su Jin held his head on the spot, and stood for a while before turning around indifferently, looking at Jiu Mei Niang coldly and saying, "Boss, good skill."

"Haha, the boss, the boss, you all said that you are old, how good is your skill." Jiu Mei Niang was surprised at first, and then calmly dealt with it.

"Living in, two rooms." Su Jin said, passing by one side of her body and re-entering the hotel.

"Good-looking ~ the emperor~" Jiu Mei Niang smiled and twisted her waist, Shi Shiran followed in, as long as she stayed in the store, she would pay, and everything was easy to say.

And the five beggars on the side of the door were watching each other at this time. The four people who had encouraged the boss to do something before were all embarrassed. How could they think that Su Jin was so hot! The speed is too fast. If you don't agree, you will be killed without leaving any affection!


A total of 100,000 Yuan was paid.

Two rooms, one night. The price is a bit expensive, but then Su Jin throws things out of the sky, this one hundred thousand yuan, there is nothing to say, little money~

In front of rooms 13 and 14 on the fifth floor.

"Old sister Ying'er, I will turn over your sign tonight, take a good shower in a while, be nice and deliver it to your door, understand?"

Su Jin solemnly faced the Yinger beauty and asked her to say something.

"Ah~" Yinger turned black immediately.

Really, really point the concubine... and even point yourself! Can you not be like this, brother——

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