My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1062: Kowloon Stele

Su Jin never speaks wildly!

He had just tried it out. This Alan Divine Mansion did not have the ability to kill himself with a single blow. Since it was not a crush, the gap was almost nowhere for Su Jin, who had already planned.

Right now he made a decision. For a while, his eyes... sharp as a sword!

But for him, he doesn’t know whether this decision is good or bad. Of course, he doesn’t need to think so much now, not steaming the buns and fighting for his breath. He has never been so embarrassed in front of his own women. No matter how tragic, he won't admit defeat!

The audience is eye-catching.

Time passed quickly, in order not to give Alan Divine Mansion a second chance to preemptively, Su Jin put his hand in his pocket and took out a black stone fruit.

It turned out to be the "Ghost Buddha Bodhi" who took the three lives Yin Buddha in hell!

Su Jin had won two in total, and this was one of them!

Dream girl told him at the time that the plant "Ghost Buddha Flower" where the ghost Buddha and Bodhi is located can only grow on the Three Life Stones. The cost of each fruit is very high. It needs tens of thousands of merits to nourish, and only the powerful can retreat and practice. It can be digested slowly. In fact, ordinary people do not have the conditions and ability to eat.

Although Su Jin is not an ordinary person, in the eyes of Miss Meng, his realm is too low and too low. The reason why he is said to be useless is because he is afraid that he will have a huge effect after eating, so this is what countless strong people yearn for. "Ghost Buddha Bodhi" he took the equivalent of poison, and no one knew the consequences.

But Su Jin can't manage so much now!

He wanted to kill the Divine Mansion, even if he was killed by the Nidia Divine Mansion after killing this Ellen Divine Mansion, he did not care about the prophecy that died in the hands of a woman.

I have worked hard, I have been serious, if I can kill Alan's Divine Mansion with an ordinary body, it will be enough!

"what is that?"

Alan and Nidia looked at each other suspiciously, and immediately looked at Su Jin and threw them into their mouths without hesitation, their expressions changed drastically!

None of the people present, including Concubine Mu, knew what the fruit was!

"My mother, clip your tail and run away!" Hou Bigu uttered the Henan dialect and sighed with tears. He quickly retreated to the farthest possible position while holding the'tutu stick'.

The sleeping Dragon Umbrella was awakened by a throbbing, and hurriedly exclaimed: "What you have eaten is...Ghost Buddha Bodhi!"

Little Umbrella’s eyes were simply blinded, he couldn’t figure out why Su Jin had such a thing, and he took it with him before leaving! This kind of god-defying fetish can shield all perceptions, and no matter how powerful a fortune-telling master is, it is impossible to calculate the cause and effect. As for the reason why Xiao Umbrella knows, it is naturally because he has followed the emperor and spent countless years by his side.

Su Jin did not respond, and he was very uncomfortable now.

Since it was thrown into the mouth and crushed the not-thick stone shell, a special bitterness instantly penetrated the whole body from the throat.

The bitter juice tastes hard to swallow, which is second, but after the juice penetrates the whole body, it seems to have a chemical reaction with the power in his blood, and it continues to collide violently!

"Ah..." Su Jin looked up to the sky and screamed, spitting out a force against the sky along with the roar, and the entire Sacred Eye City was shaken three times, and the blood in his body had begun to change from red, continuously and rapidly!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple!

Finally, the blood freezes in gold!

"Nan Wu ~ Hey Nai Dan Na Duo Luo Ye Ye..." With the birth of golden blood, a magnificent sound of Tian Lai Buddha appeared in the sky over the entire Sheng Zhuo City since childhood!

As the "Great Compassion Mantra" Buddha sound penetrated every corner of the city, Su Jin began to shoot out dazzling golden light.

A clearly visible smiling golden Buddha, slowly sitting up from behind Su Jin, reaching a height of more than ten feet, with the bergamot hand on the right half raised, and the ‘卍’ Buddha seal is in the middle of the palm!

At this moment, many powerful people saw them, all of them were shocked, their livers and gallbladders cracked, and even a little bit unbearable, sitting on the ground with fright.

Su Jin can be so powerful!

Not over yet!

Beside the golden Buddha, the vision reappeared. A stone stele rose from the ground on the bluestone street. On it, there were nine black dragons circling and roaming constantly. In the eyes of each dragon head, all evil spirits were incomparable and full of evil spirits!

"The Holy Shield! The Holy Shield! The Holy Shield! The Holy Shield!"

Allen and Nidia's faces were solemn, the male and female voices were intertwined, and the tone was majestic. The sharp rectangular pentagonal shields were set up around them when they were waved. The soft white holy light appeared. The defense power is amazing.

Everyone was nervous, holding their breath.

Xia Yuyan had already tightly squeezed Mu Fei's arm, she seemed to see hope in her beautiful eyes, and she was moved unconsciously.

She even forgot to ask Concubine Mu what was going on, but it was almost certain that Concubine Mu would say in tears, don't ask her, she didn't know that the **** Su Jin still had this trick!

South of China, on the Taoist temple on Penglai Island.

"My day!" The real Qiankun, who had never spoken swearing before, looked at the stone basin and said today's second shocking curse.

The real person Qiankun and Palace Master Zichen were dumbfounded at this moment, their eyes protruding, and they almost fell to the ground!

"He... is my disciple!" Palace Master Zichen couldn't help tearing his eyes. He has broken his heart for Su Jin these years, and he has never been so proud! Even the last time Su Jin provoked Lavril in New York and defeated her, taking her most important thing, he thought that defeating Lavril was a matter of course, and if he failed to beat it, it would be incompetent!

How can his disciple of Palace Master Zichen be ordinary!

Speaking slowly, it's actually a matter of a dozen breaths.

Su Jin was expressionless, raised his left hand, as if entering a special state, and said in a flat voice: "Get up."

With his left hand raised, the Nine-Dragon Stone Stele rose from the ground, and was once again attacked by him, and another word underplayed: "Smash."

boom! The stone tablet appeared above the four holy shields out of thin air! Carrying a terrifying force, smashed it down.

The foundation of Sacred City shook!

None of the people present had obvious feelings about Ellen's Divine Mansion and Nidia. After the stone tablet was dropped, the two of them seemed to be hit by a hill, and their faces became much paler.

"Get up, smash." Su Jin's eyes were blank, his body was like a city wall, and he waved again and again.

Hit it five times in a row!

Nettia and Alan continued to maintain the Holy Shield, but after the fifth smash, the two of them made a ‘poof’ almost at the same time and spewed blood out!

Su Jin...injured two divine residences!

Has shocked the people of the four wilds!

None of the strong players present were stunned. Su Jin fought the two divine residences alone, turning from the pressure-resistant situation into a crushing situation in an instant!

Only Xia Yuyan had pride on her face, and two tears flooded her face, thinking in her heart, who let you provoke my man.

Su Jin didn't seem to hear the uproar around him, and beckoned for the last time, "Broken!"

The Nine Dragon Stele crashed down again, and the Holy Shield instantly shattered into slag. At this moment, Su Jin stepped forward and appeared in front of the seriously injured Alan's Divine Residence.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, not knowing what Su Jin would do next.

"Goodbye, it's too late to shake hands." Su Jin said coldly, mentioning Allen who had been smashed to the ground, unable to resist, and then his hands seemed to be effortless, gently tearing——

Blood dripping from the sky!

Alan's Mansion-

Torn to death by hands!

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