My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1063: Will go

How can one be overbearing to tear God's Mansion!

The scene is silent, and the needle drop can be heard~

The so-called man-made knives, I am fish, and sooner or later I will be **** out if I come out, but the time has come!

Su Jin's deeds have been told to everyone, "God's Mansion" is just a powerful person, you don't have to look up to others, and tremble cowardly when you meet it!

At this moment, the corner of Nidia's mouth bleeds, and Su Jin's last heavy smash, instantly destroying all the sources of power in her body, now she is no different from a waste, and has no resistance.

"Go ahead, how do you want to die."

Su Jin flipped through her hands and'Li Ying' appeared in her right hand, staring at Nedia, who was climbing up and sitting backwards. Backwardness is an instinctive reaction to death, but Nedia is not afraid of death, but she is not. I wish to be killed by Su Jin.

All of her clothes were stained with the blood of her companion Alan, and her face was covered with drops of blood, which looked terrifying.

"I'm not reconciled to being killed by you!" Nitiya let out a miserable cry, but then his eyes flashed red, pain came, and the picture in his mind froze.

God's Dia Dia, died in battle!

Su Jin grasped the golden hair, carried Nidia's head, and stood still and slowly scanned the people around him. Every strong man instinctively bowed his head after looking at him!

Suddenly he shook his whole body, and a puff of golden blood shed from the corner of his mouth. There seemed to be other reasons for the injury.

The golden Buddha not far away gradually turned into a little bit of gold, his smile collapsed, and the Nine Dragon Stele disappeared. Su Jin's injuries were unimaginable, but he could still stand!

The cause of the injury was naturally the "Ghost, Buddha, Bodhi". After dragging it once, the side effects have begun to ferment.

"Who killed Su Jin, Xuejie tears the crystal with both hands!"

There was a female voice over the city of Sage, which turned out to be Lovril's voice. Many people were wondering how the goddess refined herself and how to offer treasures again?

No one dared to move.

Su Jin has already demonstrated amazing combat power, it seems that he is seriously injured, but the power that can crush the mansion, if even the slightest, can kill people, no one dares to gamble with him!

"It's all Caigouzi." Su Jin's face was as pale as paper, and he responded with a sneer, and then he walked to the statue of the "Ice and Snow Goddess" and pressed the head of the divine residence against the statue.

Arrogant, without explanation!

At this moment, there is still a secret strong man with hesitation, because with strong intuition, Su Jin is now at the end of the crossbow, if someone makes a move, it is almost safe to kill.

But as a cold and graceful figure walked out and came to Su Jin's side, many strong people in the back instantly dispelled the idea!

‘Persian Poison Girl’ Mitana, personally protected.

Hou Bigu stared blankly, scratched his head, sighed sharply in his heart, strode out and came to the other side of Su Jin.

No one dared to have the idea of ​​killing Su Jin anymore! Not to mention whether Su Jin has any combat power, but facing such a luxurious lineup, killing has become impossible.

"Brother Hou, aren't you going to kill me? Now is a good opportunity." Su Jin glanced at Hou Bigu.

Seeing through, Hou Bigu's body stiffened, and he smiled and shook his head: "How could I kill you, my brother is too worried. Just now, my brother couldn't get in. Yes, he couldn't get in."

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, ignoring the embarrassment of waiting for Bigu, and took the lead, and the three figures quickly left the gate of the Goddess Palace.

As soon as the three of them left, there was still an uproar even though there were nine hideous heads and blood everywhere, like purgatory!

"This person, killing two divine residences is simply unimaginable!" someone said.

"We still want to be heaven's pawns and gain benefits. If we look at it this way, let's forget it!"

"It's terrible. He just glanced at me, and my soul seemed to be trembling and trembling, and I felt like I was about to be killed by him."

"I feel that now is just a prelude, everything depends on tomorrow morning, when the goddess sacrifices, will he dare to come!"

"It's very strange. Why did two of them appear when they came to the three gods' residence? Even if two of them are beheaded, why not show up and kill this one?"


There was a lot of discussion.

Su Jin is also very strange now, and secretly called it a pity that the third mansion did not appear for some reason, even if he did not show up just now when his decline was obvious, there must be a reason!

Although he tried to kill the two gods, Su Jin still feels that the current situation is not optimistic to him, especially now that his body is in a mess. If he is not resisting with all his strength and being quickly assisted by the Dragon Umbrella of Nine Dead.

"What's a good way!" Su Jin quickly communicated with the Dragon Umbrella of Silence.

"It feels like it's over. Find a safe place right away and I'll find a way for you!" Xiao Umbrella was also very anxious.

"it is good!"

Su Jin simply speeded up his pace, and he and Mitana went all the way out of Sacred City, because he also felt that if this thing was not handled properly, it would definitely be ugly.


Ten minutes passed.

The atmosphere in the palace of the goddess is very strange.

Xia Yuyan kept walking around in the room she lived in. She is a layman who knows the severity of Su Jin’s injuries. As time goes on, she doesn’t know what Su Jin’s situation is and whether she is alive. Danger.

"Sister, don't walk around, what's the use of being anxious." Since Concubine Mu and Xia Yuyan entered the room together, her eyes have been fixed on Su Jin's wife, and she couldn't help it before she spoke out.

"What to do, will Su Jin be okay? Just now..."

"Stop it." Mu Fei stopped Xia Yuyan from continuing, "He will handle it himself, and the unnecessary worry will only annoy people. If you have time to think about this, it is better to think about the "Goddess Sacrifice" tomorrow morning. It’s a matter of fact, tomorrow will be the highlight."

"Sister Mu, what do you mean..." Xia Yuyan seemed to react.

"Will he go?" Mu Fei said helplessly.

"How to go, the injury is so bad."

"Yes, right now, the strong people in Shengzhu City may be thinking that Su Jin will probably not enter. I can see his injury. It is too serious. If the normal strong people are already dead." Mu Fei said.

"Do you think he will go?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"It's a pity, based on what I know about him, 100%, he will show up in full view."


Xia Yuyan's beautiful face turned red, and she prayed anxiously, "Su Jin, you can run as far as you can tomorrow, don't go!"

Will Su Jin go?

This question has become a topic that the powerhouses of the entire Sacred City are talking about in their spare time.

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