My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1064: Panlong!

The vast land.

The snow has stopped. Twenty miles away from the southwest of Shengzhu City, there is a spacious cave. The mouth of the cave is like a big mouth opened by a devil, and the red light gradually fades in it.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Hou Bigu leaned on the side of the mountain wall at the entrance of the cave, with one leg resting on the other, holding his own'sudden stick' in his arms, and silently spit out a puff of smoke. Tana was sitting cross-legged under the hole on the other side, closing her eyes to rest.

Inside the cave.

"No, still no!" Su Jin sat on the ground, feeling sad, big beads of sweat on his face rustling, and his current situation is very dangerous.

"You can talk nonsense, and you can eat nonsense, and I will persuade you."

The anxiousness of the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana is no less than that of Su Jin. As an umbrella spirit, it is a matter of all damage and prosperity.

Now Su Jin's situation is that his own power is weak, just like the water of star foam, forming a sea against each other, he is destined to be suppressed, and even raged in his body by the energy that does not belong to him!

Moreover, if his veins were not for the existence of the emperor's origin, he would not have such a strong resilience. It is also because of this that Young Master Su did not explode while biting the'Ghost Buddha Bodhi', but borrowed it instead. A very small part of the force crushed the two divine residences.

"What kind of cool things to say now, quickly find a way!" Su Jin just stepped on a few red lines and was almost tortured to death. The pain was so deep that it could not be described in words.

"With my extraordinary intelligence, how can I not think of a solution?" Xiao Umbrella's voice appeared again, "but there is a question, I want to ask you."


"Are you afraid of death? The method I said, if you don't control it well, you will..." Xiao Umbrella did not continue.

"Don't be afraid! Killing the two divine residences is enough. If I can't handle the power of the'ghost, Buddha, and Bodhi' in my body, I will die. Since everything is dead, there is a way to do it!

Su Jin didn't think about the consequences, but wanted to survive. He was about to be unable to hold on, fighting against the power in his body had reduced his will to the lowest limit, not to mention that the energy brought by ghosts, Buddhas and Bodhi is still increasing. .

"Okay! I'll take my life to gamble with you!" Xiao Umbrella suddenly became serious.

"You also bet your life? What do you mean?" Su Jin puzzled.

"Have you ever seen blowing a balloon?" Xiao Umbrella continued: "Your body is like a container. Since you can't contain these forces, then find a substitute."

"Looking for you?" Su Jin asked.

"Almost, it's not me...but my own black dragon lord soul. Most of the power produced by this'Ghost Buddha Bodhi' is the power of Yin and evil. You should have noticed when you are fighting with those two people. The nine black dragon stele and the nine black dragons were shot by me and attached to the stele. Facts have proved that although my nine black dragon sub-souls are weak in strength, they can be considered to be able to perfectly use the power of'Ghost Buddha Bodhi'."

"It makes sense." Su Jin nodded immediately.

Xiao Umbrella first calmed down, then made a nostalgic voice, and said: "Come on, I will let you really see what the scene was like in the time of the emperor! Maybe, this is my luck."

"good fortune?"

"Yes, there are laws in everything. There are two miracles in this world that are favored by laws, one is a dragon, and the other is a man." The small umbrella sank and said, "Among them, the supreme is the golden dragon with five claws, and People also have five claws, do you know why?"

Su Jin's eyes flashed, and immediately covered his hands into claws, and said without hesitation: "Five claws can't cover the sky!"

"You are very smart. If the black dragon main soul can use this to break through and be guided by me to evolve into six claws, it is definitely a unique existence, and it may also break the shackles of the law, and the future will be unlimited!" Xiao Umbrella said. The more excited.

"Go ahead, what else to say!" Su Jin made a decision.

Ever since, a black dragon soul rose from the place where Su Jin was sitting. At first it was only as thick as a washbasin, but with the joint efforts of Xiao Umbrella and Su Jin to control, the power generated by the'Ghost Buddha Bodhi' continued to flow. Transported in, almost in a blink of an eye, the soul of the black dragon turned into a giant Zhang Yukuan.

Outside the cave.

Hou Bigu trembled fiercely once, and Mitana opened her eyes, her pretty face changed drastically.

"What happened? In my heart, I have never been so scared!" Hou Bigu looked at the cave, his face was ugly, and he walked away, sighing upwards while walking, and shouted with a wry smile: "My mother. , The boy ran away again!"

Mitana also disappeared in front of the cave entrance, and when she thought she had retreated to a safe position, her face was full of panic!


Suddenly, tens of meters of hills, rocks flying across, were directly blown up to pieces, and a black dragon that made people look like scalp numb came out ferociously!

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet...

The body is still expanding! Almost blinking once is a change!

At this time, Su Jin has also changed from misery to incomparable joy, just like a stinking and disgusting beggar, suddenly possessing hundreds of billions of assets, and he can invest at will, where he wants to drop it! This power is also the same, he is venting to his heart's content, which also makes the body of the black dragon main soul grow bigger and bigger.

You know that now it's only a drop in the ocean, and a drop of power is poured into it!

Holy City.

Countless strong men raised their heads, or awakened in their sleep, and looked in the direction of the exploded mountain. Although some people were blocked from sight, they still could not bear the trembling sensation that originated from the soul.

For a while, the bluestone streets in the city were overcrowded with people, and there were endless discussions, even reaching the point of noisy!

"What's going on! Why is there a power that makes me feel religious and worshipful?" Someone said in fear.

"Definitely a master against the sky, now my soul is still shaking."

"Who is it, who is it! It's terrible!"

"Could it be that man named Su Jin? I feel that only he can give people this feeling."

"Definitely not! I saw with my own eyes that he was seriously injured not long ago and left." Someone said with certainty.


Where Su Jin was, Hou Bigu's eyes were dull, and he was unconsciously frightened and sat down on the ground, while in the south of a thousand miles, there were two old men in the Penglai Taoist Temple who made the same actions.

Palace Master Zichen and Real Person Qiankun also immediately sat on the stone bench in shock, with a look of disbelief.

However, even more terrifying is yet to come. Some powerful masters discovered that within less than an hour, the entire Sacred City was entrenched by a black dragon soul!

Black Dragon Pan City!

The body of the black dragon soul has exceeded the height of the city wall! The so-called human beings are like ants now, all have to look up...

Looking up, in the sky, there are two scarlet eyes the size of a house.

"Yes... It's Su Jin."

I don't know who it is. On the bright bluestone street, he said in a trembling tone.

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