My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1065: Go to the holy sacrifice site!

The dragon of China is the ‘Holy City’ of the West!

For a moment, everyone was shocked. The large, cold, black scales sometimes opened and sometimes closed, and the sound of hitting and rubbing was endless, very ear-piercing!

The scene is too big to imagine--

In the goddess palace, Concubine Mu stood in front of the door, stood with Xia Yuyan, and looked up.

Concubine Mu's black pajamas wraps her proud figure, showing her s-shape, showing her exquisite posture.

"This, this," Mu Fei stared blankly.

"Did Su Jin do it?" Xia Yuyan raised her delicate fingers, smiled, and asked.

Xia Yuyan felt very familiar. She remembered that Su Jin drove this kind of ‘monster’ when he saw her on the ship coming to Shengzhu City, but the size was wrong. She hadn't slept just now, but in the melancholy, she went to take a shower, changed into the white umbilical and loose waistcoat that Concubine Mu had prepared for her, and she was wearing that purple-red cotton cloak outside.

Her pair of delicate and white long legs are tightly closed and stretched out from the shorts. She stepped on a pair of plastic slippers with alternating red and blue, and her little toes were all reddish in the frozen powder, which was very pleasant.

"It should be, but he has been seriously injured, why did he make such a big moth?" Mu Fei couldn't help asking.

"Sister Mu doesn't know, and I'm even less likely to know. I feel that he wants to show off. He has always been a bad-looking guy who prefers to play'cool'." Xia Yuyan blinked and washed her eyelashes. Pure beautiful eyes, beside the thin lips, the corners of the mouth could not help but turn up.

"Unbelievable, I don't understand the situation. It may be related to the fruit he ate. If he can't bear it, he may have to dissipate those powers. His current situation is not optimistic." Mu Fei hesitated and analyzed. .

"Does that mean that he is at least safe now?" Xia Yuyan asked with bright eyes.

"Yes, it looks like it should be fine, so you can rest assured, your man is so capable." Mu Fei gave her a blank look.

Although the two have only met in the past two days, the two women get along very well.

"Yeah." Xia Yuyan nodded heavily.

"Come in, it's cold outside." Mu Fei cared.

"I want to watch it later."

"it is good."


The place where Su Jin is.

"Those people are probably scared to pee, and no one can possibly do this." Xiao Umbrella seemed very proud, and said, "How do you feel?"

"I'm seriously injured, and the power of the'ghost, Buddha, and Bodhi' in my body is not much. I will use this to refine, repair the injury, and strive for breakthroughs. I have been stuck in the fourth stage for a long time, and I must succeed this time!"

Su Jin opened his eyes as he spoke, and there was a touch of gold across his pupils.

"Okay, I will do the rest of the hard work, not to mention that I won't need you next." The small umbrella turned into a black light and rushed out of Su Jin, and disappeared in an instant.

Su Jin took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, dealt with the terrible injuries in his body, and tried his best to break through before dawn.

Penglai Island, Penglai Taoist Temple.

"Old friend, my" Palace Master Zi Chen propped his proud elbow on the stone table, grabbed a mutton liquor glass in his dry hand, and took a sip of the wine.

"The performance is very eye-catching, but it's a pity that there are many disasters and disasters, and death is entangled." The real person Qiankun attacked in an angry manner, as if he could not understand the triumphant attitude of Palace Master Zi Chen.

"The road to the strong is destined to not be smooth. The catastrophe is the catastrophe. Set aside, isn't this still dead?" Palace Master Zichen smiled, "I think you should be old. Not allowed."

"Bullshit." The real person Qiankun could not tolerate others questioning his ability, and immediately added, "Impossible!"

"But you didn't find out..." Palace Master Zi Chen poured a glass of wine on his own, and began to communicate with Real Person Qian Kun.


Time passed slowly.

In the early morning in Shengzhu City, it is rare to see the sun. Su Jin gently opened his eyes, raised his hand, looked at the palm of his hand, and squeezed it out of thin air.

Bang, a strong sonic boom appeared.

Satisfied, very satisfied. Although the injury has only recovered 70%, the "Daoxin Seed Demon" has steadily broken through to the fifth stage. Although it is injured, it is still stronger when it is calculated and not broken.

Huo Ran got up, Su Jin took his hand and walked slowly to Hou Bigu.

"Congratulations, brother, it seems that there is more than one strength." Hou Bigu stomped and said to Su Jin with a smile.

"Guardian for me, thank you." Su Jin looked at Hou Bigu whose eyebrows were all frozen together, took out two cigarettes, handed them one, and said faintly: "Brother Hou seems to have a weak ability to keep out the cold."

"Don't mention it! In this spooky weather, those who can spend the night outside are all anti-Japanese heroes." Hou Bigu took the cigarette and held it at the corner of his mouth, "What will you do next?"

Su Jin smiled faintly when he saw Mitana approaching him.

How to do it

"Go, go to the scene of the goddess holy sacrifice, there should be a lot of people there now." Su Jin already has a strong demeanor, holding his hand and taking the lead.

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