My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1070: Is it really going to be killed?

In broad daylight, bullying the good girl——

Ling Baobao is really bitter. If we have something to say, can we honestly point it out?

A feeling of weakness appeared in Ling Damai's heart, her mouth pursed, her eyes blinked several times, and she glanced at other people in a panic, not knowing what to do.

Hou Bigu was killing insects in an unrestrained manner, and he scratched his head from time to time, and his movements were quite weird. On the other hand, with the blood of dozens of masters dripping into the magma, it seemed to have ignited the formations arranged here by Heaven. Like the law, a six-pointed star slowly appeared on the rock wall.

I saw that the grooves on the rock wall were filled with flowing blood, and Luo Weier, who was still on the ‘cross’ frame, seemed to inject a new vitality, and the spirit was also growing a hundredfold!

It turns out that through the blood, the power of those strong men is concentrated on the chains in the center of the rock wall, and these chains are hanging the cross, and waves of power oscillate.

"This is a blood sacrifice, it's not a holy sacrifice at all, it's just a different statement!" Someone exclaimed with knowledge and knowledge.

"They just want to kill us, they don't want us to get the'Xuejie Tears'!"

"I gave us a chance beforehand. Didn't I say last night that who killed Su Jin, "Xuejie Tears" will be served with both hands! It's a pity who can..."

Someone said, looking at Su Jin at this moment, he suddenly showed fear, as if Su Jin cut off the head of the "God Mansion" and placed it in front of the goddess statue last night.

Many people in Ling Baobao watched, bowed their heads, and spit out their tongues. They were held by Su Jin and taken advantage of by him. Although they felt comfortable, it was really embarrassing...

I don't know when, Lavril's eyes are pierced, her mouth is slightly opened, and she yells: "come!"

The **** light around was covered by the magnificent white light, and Fuze was full of heart, as if everything had become beautiful, and those with aspirations seemed to be satisfied in their hearts, and death is enough!

The holy light that was brighter than last night concealed people's eyes, and Luo Weier's originally pleated and shiny eyes closed after saying the word'come'.

When I opened it again, my eyes were already at a loss.

A more powerful divine residence came again, unexpectedly in the form of possession! This is no different from Su Jin's prior guess!

The third divine residence descended on Luo Wei'er, unable to tell what it was like at the moment, as if Luo Weier was both a goddess and the powerful ‘divine residence’!

In an instant, Su Jin's pressure increased sharply.

With a light movement of Lavril's wrist, the shackles that locked her wrist shattered in an instant. She stood in the air without moving in a cross posture, and rows of feathers on her arms began to emerge quickly in a way that was visible to the naked eye!

In the blink of an eye, the two-winged angel of the Western Holy Realm was born!

Lavril’s wings are white, her white skin, golden hair, and the veil that was lifted by the ensuing power, the proud face is revealed, so holy that people dare not look at it. The sense of blasphemy is so beautiful!

"Are you... Su Jin?" Lavender spit out cold words, her eyes flickering coldly.

Asked by Luo Weier, who was possessed by the'Mansion of God', Su Jin was as cool as an ice cellar, but he knew that this was caused by a bone-thin killing intent!

Su Jin sent Ling Baobao in his arms behind him, raised his sword eyebrows, looked directly at Luo Wei'er and said, "That's right."

"Dead!" Luo Wei'er was exuding the supreme sacred light. She raised her bare hand and pointed directly at Su Jin. She saw the wooden'cross' frame held by the chain on the mountain wall behind her. It was suddenly torn off. As sharp as a sword, he rushed towards Su Jin.

"My furnace is just one, and I dare to speak up!" Su Jin said a secret that everyone didn't know. In everyone's astonishment, he also reached out his hand, intending to take the blow!


What is it?

I am afraid that only Ling Baobao was present. Su Jin’s words made many people realize that the process was like this. The relationship between the two sides was originally hostile. Think of the supreme goddess, the spokesperson of the holy world, Luo Weier, who was Su gold……

When it was too late, the tall wooden cross slammed into it, and it had already met Su Jin!

Su Jin's hand pressed on it.


The huge impact of power caused Su Jin's body to tremble, and a wisp of blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth. In the first time, his hair turned white instantly and his silver pupil appeared!

But he has not retired! Even the slightest!

This is the persistence of a arrogant and strong man... Never give up!


Su Jin's other arm was raised high, and a black dragon rushed out of his arm like a large python, roared to the ground, swimming quickly in the blood-filled passage.

Boom boom boom -

The stone gates were breached by black dragons, and the Jedi had a place to escape in an instant. The black dragons got in and out of the stone gates with great momentum!

"Thank God, run! I'm fed up with this place!" Someone could see that Shimen was unblocked and there was light, and tears filled his eyes.

"You should thank Su Jin..."

"Let's run now!"

Among the people who came in, Su Jin knew a lot, including Sister Rong and Ling Tailai, who all looked at him with complicated expressions.

Ling Tailai didn't think about Su Jin's head, but Sister Rong was ashamed. She had made an idea with her little brother before, but now she wants him to rescue her, which is really embarrassing.

You must know that for those who are trapped inside, there are a few people who have never thought about Su Jin's head! Especially Yang Yilin and Li Haobo, their faces flushed. They could not understand Su Jin before, but now...

"Brother, I was so disrespectful before, so please forgive me..." Sister Rong arched her hands at Su Jin, but didn't get a response. Young Master Su didn't have the time to look at her.

"Brother Su..." Ling Baobao behind him was also scared, pale and pale.

"Go!" Su Jin's hand was still on the cross, and he snorted. He couldn't help but sink when he saw that Luo Weier seemed to be preparing some big trick.

"You must go out alive." Ling Baobao said anxiously, "I still have a wish, waiting for you to come out to realize..."

She was captured by Ling Tailai, and soon there were still a few people on the scene.

Among them, Su Jin did not retreat, waiting for bigu did not retreat, Mitana stayed quietly beside the young master, did not retreat!

"It's okay, take my old man a stick!"

Hou Bigu has long been hungry and thirsty. He usually rarely meets such an opponent. When he is holding his own'sudden stick', his body has jumped into the air, and at the same time he yells: "Cunning rabbit three sudden!"

The stick shadows flickered above the lava, surrounding the ‘God’s Mansion’, but every sap seemed to hit an airbag, making a dull sound.


Su Jin roared fiercely, and the heavy wooden cross turned into a trail of debris.

At the same time, Lavril's big move seemed to be ready, only to hear her softly shout: "Suppress!"

The unmatched aura made Su Jin unable to move instantly.

Stronger than him, he feels like his body is filled with lead, it is very difficult to move his fingers!

At this moment, an ice-white sacred stele blocked the Zhiyan Mountain Pass and came to Su Jin's head in a flash. He had never felt the feeling of despair.

This holy stele carries an aura of destruction!

"Does Lao Tzu really want to die here? She was killed!"

Su Jin couldn't do anything. He could only watch the icy white mysterious sacred monument and smashed it above his head...

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