My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1071: Fierce battle!

"I'm not convinced! Rita..."

Su Jin roared out, and Huang Quan's notes appeared in his hand. There are currently three pages of catalogs on it.

In an emergency, Rita, wearing a little purple skirt, walked out from the side. The surroundings seemed to be much quieter. In such a quiet state, Rita's funny and mysterious voice appeared: "Hush~Don't talk...there are bears, haunting~"

The white bear appeared instantly!

The blood-colored pupils the size of a duck egg, radiating bursts of red glow, seemed to feel the danger, and immediately transformed into a'kung fu bear', his figure soared as he roared, and the claws on the bear's palm whizzed out against the holy monument. Leave a few lines of claw shadows in the air.

Su Jin's pressure suddenly lightened, his left shoulder shook, and he left the locked aura, grabbed Rita and took her aside.


The entire Zhiyan Mountain was trembling like an earthquake, and the white bear was directly hit by the holy stele, and a three-meter-square pit appeared on the ground.

A group of white phantoms were taken in by the "Huangquan Notes".

Su Jin did not hesitate to put away the "Huangquan Notes", and "Liying" appeared in his right hand, with his left hand as his palm, making a decisive stroke on it!

Blood suddenly appeared and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, two swimming fishes appeared on the ground, one yin and one yang, gently rotating, as if they were alive, slowly closing on the ground, as if it contained a profound and unparalleled road.

The blood mist churned, and in a few breaths, it was already full of the burning mountain pass, covering the sky and the sun, and enveloping Lovill who was possessed by the divine residence.

Of course it's not over!

The demon heads were hideous, dragging their long tails, and all rushed towards Lavril.

But Su Jin knew that this could only delay time temporarily, he had to be fast.

Umbrella’s voice appeared, but it was calmer, “My black dragon master soul, once an assimilated golden dragon, originally had restrictions on holy power, but after being assimilated by me, the evil spirits became more intense and evil. In the era of the emperor, this method was commonly known as'raising dragons'. The five-clawed golden dragon was originally detached from the world and could live forever in the big world. Being unwilling to be killed was one of the two. With a transcendent'great evil power', she is just a two-winged angel and she can't restrain you at all!"

Su Jin heard that immediately after he opened his hands, and after the blood mist rose up, he was covered by waves of black dragon bodies, and the black dragon body formed around him was constantly changing and rising, and when the dragon body rose to a certain point, Look up and down in turn.

one two three four five six.

The sixth claw appeared impressively, the six-claw black dragon that is the world's best! If this kind of news spreads in the emperor’s time, it will definitely explode in an instant...

"Holy goddess of ice and snow, I beg you to bestow the most extreme cold in the world on your believers... the profound meaning of ice and snow. Freeze!"

Luo Wei'er's supreme cold voice reappeared. Although it was on the Zhiyan Mountain Pass, above the lava, the feeling of cold to the bone was still very clear.

Kakaka, the surrounding rock walls and even the magma were covered with layers of frost when visible to the naked eye, and the entire Zhiyan Mountain was actually frozen into a mass of ice!

The extreme cold that can freeze even blood mist and magma!

Luo Weier, who was possessed by God's Mansion, looked at Su Jin with indifference in her eyes, but immediately she was visibly surprised.

I saw Su Jin's body shuddered by the black dragon, and suddenly the ice on the dragon's body shattered like a glass plate and fell to the ground!

Lavril's face was solemn, and her tone of voice became much more natural. She said, "It really is a talent of heaven! Let me go to the Holy Realm. How about the past festivals and the past?"

"The hero of China, never be a slave to the West!" Su Jin exclaimed and looked directly at her, "Lao Tzu is the descendant of the dragon!"

"It's a pity, since you insist on seeking death, then I will kill you! Sacrifice to the holy sword, kill!" Luo Weier raised her jade arm, touched her little hand from the blonde hair, and a three-inch snow-colored dagger appeared. Swinging his arms round, the white light evaporates mysteriously, turning into a three-foot long sword in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the word'kill' came out, Lavril raised her other hand lightly and patted it behind the hilt.

Two phantoms of transparent holy swords rushed out of the sword, extremely fast!

Su Jin simply can't dodge! Just instinctively avoid it!


The two holy swords phantom directly penetrated the soul of the black dragon, Su Jin was directly nailed by the powerful penetrating power, and finally nailed to the mountain wall! On his left and right shoulders, two icy holy swords are solid!

Luo Weier didn't give him a chance to react at all. At the moment when he was nailed to the mountain wall, Luo Weier raised his sword, and her soft figure rushed over.

With this blow, she intends to completely cut off Su Jin's disaster. This is a matter explained above, and no one can stop it!


When she was about to come to the passage, a purple figure appeared! She came to Su Jin's body and lowered her head.

It's Rita!

"Don't!" Su Jin's face was pale, his shoulder blades were nailed by the ice white holy sword, and he couldn't get rid of it in a short time.

Rita slowly raised her head, her eyes were no longer joking, but full of dignity. Her compact figure stood in front of Su Jin, and a bow and arrow about the same height as her appeared in front of her, and she used her little hand to pull it hard Open the bowstring... Then, a snow-white arrow gathered.

Luo Wei'er showed cold light in her eyes, her speed has not been reduced, she has made up her mind in her heart, whoever blocks me will die!


The snow-colored arrow shot towards Lovril!

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