My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1073: Leaving Sacred City


Luo Weier's heart was calm, as if she was not afraid of death, she could even hear the sound of the blade swinging clearly in her ears.

On the blond hair and pretty face, her beautiful eyes closed tightly.

Feeling a slight coolness on the jade neck, Lavril trembled slightly in her heart and slowly opened her eyes. The majestic man holding the holy sword still appeared in her eyes.

At the jade neck, the blade is close to the skin...

Su Jin did not do it!

"If you want to make a person perish, you must first make it crazy." Su Jin looked at Luo Weier lightly, "I know you are not afraid of death, you will be a hundred if you die, maybe I should choose a more cruel way to keep you alive, Live in the shadow of me."

After Su Jin finished speaking, the hand holding the sword hilt lightly opened, the holy sword fell into the billowing lava, surrounded by the soul of his black dragon, he stepped in the passage in a blink of an eye, his face was a bit pale! Several wounds on his body were still bleeding, and the injuries were quite serious, especially the wound next to his heart, which almost killed him.

As for why he didn't kill Luo Wei'er, Su Jinjue's doing so was of no avail. Although the misfortune started from her, killing her still offended the Holy Realm. Sooner or later, it would be better to let her survive.

In the passage, Su Jin looked at Hou Bigu and Mitana who were frozen by the "Ice and Snow Profound Truth" by the Divine Residence, and with a violent fist, they instantly broke the imprisonment on the two.

Hou Bigu stood on the spot, as if soaked in ice water, shivered and woke up.

"Big brother, the goblin was taken away by the master." Su Jin looked at Bigu with doubts on his face, obviously he hadn't figured out the situation.

"Brother Su, you, you are also making fun of me--" Hou Bigu scratched his head bitterly, then changed the subject in embarrassment, and said: "Nino, Shendi is really powerful, but it's weaker than I expected! "

"The Divine Residence is also human, but their cultivation base is higher, not that they can't be killed." Su Jin looked at Mitana and found that she was okay, and responded to Hou Bigu.

"Yes, according to the strength of our Huaxia, it should be the early stage of floating. More accurately, it should be in the late Jindan stage, far from the'infant fairy period'. It seems that the price of coming to the master is quite Big, otherwise Brother Su won't escape." Hou Bigu looked at Su Jin with very admiring eyes and said.

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded and looked at the girl with the cloak in the corner.

Turning his eyes, he walked over.

The girl in the cloak was graceful, and Su Jin felt a familiar feeling in her as early as when she was on the boat. Coupled with what she had done just now, the guess in her heart was very close to the answer. Not only did she know her, maybe Still very familiar!

Hou Bigu and Mitana looked at Su Jin suspiciously, and saw him holding a seriously injured body, walking to a stop two feet in front of the cloak girl.

"Girl, have we met somewhere before?" Su Jin repeated his old tricks and asked again.

The cloak girl didn't answer, it was even colder than last time.

"Sister Meng, when do you want to hide it from me?" Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

It can only be said that she pretended to be too alike, to the point where he didn't recognize it, and the water of the yellow soup poured out of her bowl was originally a thing of hell.

"I am not a dream girl." The cloak girl finally said, "but I am from hell, you guessed it."

After the cloak girl finished speaking, she did not pay attention to Su Jin, walked away from him, and disappeared directly from a stone gate.


Su Jin was helpless.

The officials thought that the dream girl also appeared on a girl in the way of descending, but the result was not, but this cloak girl made Su Jin very interested, especially in the appearance under her cloak Some expectations.

If there is still a chance to meet the dream girl, or see this woman, he will definitely take off her cloak with his own hands, let her show her true face!

"Interesting." Su Jin thought, looking back at Shimen.

Obviously it was not the time to think about this. Su Jin glanced around, but Luo Weier disappeared, and she didn't know when she left.

Perhaps, he should go back too. This injury was beyond his expectation. It was the most terrifying injury since he was in the rivers and lakes. It may not have been able to recover for ten and a half months.

Thinking of this, Su Jin took a heavy step, leading the two of Hou Bigu, and walked out of the Zhiyan Pass.

And outside the Zhiyan Mountain Pass, on Qingshi Road, there are still many people who don't want to leave!

Su Jin's clothes were stained with blood, and the situation was terrible, but he still appeared in front of everyone in a chic attitude, scanning the audience.

At this time, he is a hero!

He saw Xia Yuyan with a worried look at first glance, and saw Mu Fei, Tang Yuxun, Silver Moon Wolf Empress and others. He could only say that he did not live up to everyone's expectations.

In the end, Su Jin's gaze was locked on Xia Yuyan again, but his vision became increasingly blurred, his head was as heavy as lead.

Finally, his eyes were black, and he could no longer hold on to fall down——

"Su Jin!"

There were faintly shocked and anxious voices of several women.


I don't know how long it took, when Su Jin was conscious again, he slowly opened his eyes, looked at the wooden ceiling above, and felt the surrounding situation, and then he knew where he was!

On board!

And has left the city of holy attention! It seems to be going back!

"Miss Baobao, really can't~" Xia Yuyan's stopping voice came from outside the door.

"Sister-in-law, let me see the master, he is so badly injured, I haven't seen him yet." Ling Baobao asked bitterly, looking at Xia Yuyan pitifully.

It turned out that after coming out of Zhiyan Mountain, Ling Tailai dragged her and Guo Daguang back to Shengzhu City. It was not until before sailing that she found out the location of Su Jin and knew Xia Yuyan, but after arriving on the ship , It was almost dark at the moment, and she didn't even see the future master, which made her very anxious.

"Now he can't be disturbed, he hasn't woke up yet..." Xia Yuyan was also very embarrassed, "I'll tell you before he wakes up."

"Oh, sister-in-law, just one look~" Ling Baobao pouted, "I beg you."

"This, this," Xia Yuyan blushed, her teeth bit her lip, and nodded and said: "Okay, but wait a minute, I'll go in and take a look..."

"Okay." Ling Baobao nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Xia Yuyan turned to enter the cabin door, then gently closed the door——

If it hadn't been for the fact that there was something wrong in the conversation between the two, Su Jin would not be as shocked as he is now.

He looked down at himself with difficulty, and three words broke out in his heart: I am second.

The whole body is bandaged, who did it? Lao Tzu was only injured on his upper body, so I don't need it below!

It's so grand, it's unnecessary...

"You're awake!" Xia Yuyan walked quickly to the bedside in surprise.

"Wife, when I wasn't aware, did you indecent assault on me?" Su Jin's expression was very weird. He looked at Xia Yuyan and said, "Frankly explain, is there anything you shouldn't touch!"

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